for the multilingual peeps
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by nev_m_07
this is inspired by a tiktok trend but....

tell me about a time when someone was talking about you in a different language and you showed them that you understood them in that language.


tell me about some of your pet peeves about being multilingual.

I’ll start....

So in 6th grade, there were these girls who were in a higher level French class than me. They thought they were better than me because of it. So one day, we were speaking to each other in French, when these girls turned to each other and said “Elle parle français comme une Americaine” “Ou son accent est tres mal! Elle dit “BonJour, mais c’est bonjOur” and they started laughing. Basically, to translate, they said “She speaks French like an American. Her accent is soo bad. She said ‘bonJour’ but it’s ‘bonjOur’” So I was just thinking to myself, and then I turned and said “Vous êtes vraiment méchante, et il n’y est pas une probleme avec mon accent. Aussi, vous êtes Américains aussi, alors...” which basically means “You both are really mean, and there isn’t anything wrong with my accent. Also, you both are American too, soooo...” And yeah, they just looked at each other in confusion and shock and walked away.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by HelloooIts
well i didnt show them but...

so im dutch. i speak dutch, i live in the netherlands, just fully dutch
but most of the time i think in english, there isnt really a reason for it, i just do it
so i was buying a present for someone, and when someone handed me the thing to put your stuff in (here they have this thing that you can only go into the store with one of those, and when there arent any left you need to wait bc there are too many people in the store bc of the covid stuff)
anyways so someone handed me the thing, and i accidentally said "thank you" istead of "dank u" because i was thinking in english
so i heard them walk away and they said "i think she doesnt speak dutch" and then i had this mixed feeling of being anxious and laughing
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by AwesomeGrl
so basically, this doesn't rlly count and wasn't aimed at exactly me but whatever:
so i speak german and english, and i can understand greek and turkish. This one time i was watching this streamer (sapnap) for 5 minutes cus i was bored and he was the only one streaming, and someone asked him to say something in greek (cus hes like half greek i think). so he was like: 'yasu ti kanis' (idk the greek letters so im just spelling it like its pronounced). then he said, "im not telling you what that means", implying that he said something bad. but what that actually means is 'hi how are you' and i was like- bro you cant fool me
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by nev_m_07
@Hellooolts I totally get that 😂 like I speak English and French, and a little bit of Spanish since I'm part Mexican, so my thoughts are just a jumbled up mess of those three languages. And if I try to talk to someone in French or Spanish, I just start confusing the two 😂. One of my best friends also speaks French and Spanish as well, and so a lot of the time, we have a conversation in a fusion language we call FrEngliSpanol 😂
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by nev_m_07
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by nev_m_07
@AwesomeGirl it's so funny when people do that! Or, when someone asks you how to say something in another language, but then they mess it up and say something super random 😂
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by nev_m_07
@AwesomeGrl sorry I tagged you wrong 😂 I literally keep tagging people wrong today for some reason lol
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by AwesomeGrl
Lmao its fine and yea. i feel like i always mix up german and english words tho. i usually think in english, but i feel like ever since i moved here ive thought in german sometimes as well