ummmmmm page 2
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by Brooke1683
I almost drowned once
3 years, 7 months ago by SmilieFace
That’s scary
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by blahblah11
When I first learned how to ride a bike I rid down this path thing that had railing around it and I didn’t turn in time so I ran into the railing, that part wasn’t scary but the scary thing is that one drop of blood rolled down my knee and didn’t leave a blood path at all, my younger brother (who was a toddler at the time) was with me. Then a couple years later the same exact thing happened to him and I was there too.
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by lilyd10285
@blahblah11 wow and ur brother
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by blahblah11
Once my older brother got mad at me and I was in a pool so he threw a float on top of me and jumped on the float and I (of course) was drowning, so I finally got out from under it and he played innocent infant of my parents, so they still think I was just lying
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by blahblah11
@lilyd10285 yup
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by lilyd10285
@blahblah11 i hate when parents think we are lying
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by blahblah11
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by blahblah11
@lilyd10285 ^
3 years, 7 months ago by roundcat
I almost got hit by a train as a kid.This happened when I was around 6, and I was playing with my older cousins. We went to a place that had antique trains running, and my cousins and I were setting up coins on the track to flatten. My coins kept slipping off the track, and I kept going back to set them back up. I wasn't paying attention, and the next thing I heard was a loud screeching sound, and the wind blowing right past me. Had I not looked up at that moment, I likely would've been hit. Apparently I made the local news that night as well. |
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by lilyd10285
dam @roundcat
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by Rainbow608
Hello!! So what I’m about to tell you right now is from a long time ago, I was in 3rd grade that time but now I’m in 8th. So we have like this annual day thing every year in all the schools that I’ve been in and people perform in it (they do dances and songs, etc...) and I got chosen to do a dance with my friends. We were practising and I had to go to the restroom so I did but when I went back no one was there and I got sceptical and started looking all over the school. That school was huge so I was literally running around like a crazy person asking random people where they went and all that. I probably looked around for 30 minutes and I did not find them, I got really worried and started going back to my class because I thought I wouldn’t find them anymore but I ended up finding them. I felt so relieved that I found them, my teachers were asking me where I was for so long and I just told them that I went to see my brother, which never happens. That day was probably the scariest moment of my life. Also congratulations to the people who read till here!!
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by ChaosZone
@Brooke1683 OMG same it was so scary my mom basically saved my life that day😭
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by Brooke1683
@ChaosZone omg! Same! I was at my grandmas pool party and my mom just came there from work and she jumped in the pool with her work clothes on and her heels! It was so crazy!
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by ChaosZone
@Brooke1683 😲That's crazy. I went to my mom's friend's house with my mom and they had a pool so I swam in it. And I was really young so I couldn't swim but I went in the deep end where my feet couldn't touch anyways 😂 IG I just kinda sank down until my feet touched the bottom but My mouth and nose were underwater and I was panicking so I couldn't get up. Idrk what happened after that, but I couldn't breathe and I heard a shout (i probably wasn't fully submerged so I could still kinda hear) and my mom's hands grabbed me and pulled me out of the water. She was soaked and I was sobbing for the next like fifteen minutes BUT I LIVED TO TELL THE TALE 😎
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by ChaosZone
Yeah but It was pretty scary and i just recently got over my fear of going in deep water that started because of that.
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by Brooke1683
@ChaosZone that’s crazy!
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by ChaosZone
@Brooke1683 IKR 😲 😲
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by CraftsyCat
I was boogie boarding one day and my dad went “hey go get that big wave!” So yeah ofc I went to get on the wave ykyk, and I got on my boogie board, but when the wave came, it flipped me over and under the water and twisted me in a way that humans shouldn’t be- and when it passed I was at the ocean floor (it was about 3 feet deep but that’s how tall I was) and my boogie board was being pulled to shore but I was caught in the current being pulled out to sea. I was terrified because I was about 7, (I still would be terrified if I were 13 like I am today,,) but I was able to push myself up to the surface and swim to shore (I was in extreme pain but I was being pulled to shore on the surface) and I couldn’t walk because my back had been twisted, so my dad had to carry me until my mom and my brother got back. That was really scary for me ;-;