fidgets in school
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by nev_m_07
so i just wanted to see what you guys think about fidgets in school. i personally don’t like calling them fidget toys because they’re not really toys if you get what i mean. i feel like teachers see these trends and just think that they’re silly toys and then they take them away. like one time at school a couple years ago, when fidget cubes were just becoming popular, my teacher took mine away because she said it was a “toy”. i have anxiety, which is why i use my fidget cube in the first place, but because my fidget cube was associated with being a toy, teachers think it shouldn’t be allowed during school. i feel like fidgets in school has been very controversial for a long time, but i feel like because they’re so helpful to a lot of people, including myself, they should be allowed. maybe just not the super loud ones, because they could be distracting, but other than that there really shouldn’t be an issue with having them in class. what do you guys think? have you ever had your fidget taken away?
3 years, 8 months ago by OwObama
Fidget tools should be allowed to an extent. The spinners were loud and were being used by people who didn't need them because they got popular quickly. The cubes were the same thing, basically. I think if they're not noisy or disruptive then they should be allowed, but if they're distracting you from your work (ie a fidget that requires you to look at it while you're fidgeting) then it's fine to ban or take them.Before the fidget toys, we weren't punished for clicking ballpoint pens, or tapping our feet, bouncing our knees, spinning pencils, rubbing erasers with out thumbs - those basically acted as a stand-in for fidgets. Since those are all allowed, I don't see a point in being punished for using a fidget 'toy'. |
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by EWL
Yea I think they should be allowed because some people (like me) need them and yes I have had mine taken away and yesterday the teachers named them at my school so now I have to do it under my desk my favorite fidget is the needo or the gum ball that are all silent so it’s not a problem for my classmates
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by cowboys
I have anxiety too, and sometimes I needed something to fidget with. So I would bring some rubber bands/rainbow loom bands and stretch them, the only think is that they can break and sometimes that is a distraction. Sometimes I kept a thing a play dough in my backpack and I would grab a small amount (not all of it) and fidget with that. I think that if people have anxiety than things to fidget with should be aloud as long as they aren’t getting to distracted. I did not like the fidget spinners because they were so loud. I hope this helped. Let me know if you need any more tips.