Who’s overcame medical problems?
3 years, 8 months ago by Samantha_W
I have TAPVR. It is a heart condition and have had 2 surgeries.
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by Minerva
A tumor showed up on my forehead when I was 7, I had 3 surgeries to get it removed and 3 more surgeries to basically rebuild that part of my face and make it look normal again. The scars have healed up enough that it’s barely noticeable, but I have very little movement in my right eyebrow(it doesn’t go up). All my surgeries happened before 7th grade, and I didn’t have any social anxiety during the worst ones so I didn’t even notice if anyone was staring at me
3 years, 8 months ago by Samantha_W
I hope you are doing well. In glad that you can live you life not bothered by the scars. I am very insecure about my scars and hide them anyway I can. Thank you for answering this question!