Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by audreyt293
So over the break I had last week from school, I was really bored so I decided to make all of my friends something. I've got 4 bracelets that are already finished, I still need to make 2 more. I made two keychains for my friend Maxx and at lunch today I gave them to him. I also started two wall hangings which I probably won't do again because even though they're not that ginormous they still take up a lot of time. ANYWAYS (that was kinda not important but I always go overboard in forum posts whoops), when I gave Maxx his keychains, two of his friends were with him. They thought the keychains were pretty cool and they were asking if I could make something for them too. (I said yes cause I love making things for people so now I have an order of a deadpool keychain and a pansexual flag bracelet 😄 I won't charge them since I don't have a business yet) Maxx really liked his keychains and told me that I should start a business. I was texting with my grandmother about my bracelets and she also told me I should start a business. I had a business in 5th grade at an after school club with my friends, but I only knew how to make candystripes and chinese staircases back then so y'know that didn't go very far (and is now long gone but its ok). I have been contemplating this idea of a business for a little bit, and I was wondering if I should make this idea a reality. I would only sell to my classmates, friends, and family cause I have no idea how to run an Etsy and I'm too young for one anyways and I was wondering A. If I should start a business and B. if anyone has any tips on anything at all and if you do I would really appreciate you sharing them!
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by lucass_
i think you should think about how much you’re willing to work and make your hobby like a job yk? cuz (oh disclaimer this is lucass_’s friend, not him) i did a little bit of a “buisness” but after a while i started not like bracelets because i couldn’t make what i wanted. so i would analyze how much you’re willing to submit your hobby to other people’s demands
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by lucass_
but if you start one, then yes! go for it!!
3 years, 8 months ago by yessir_
do itttt
3 years, 8 months ago by pivi658
If you want to start an Etsy, I highly recommend doing as much research as possible. Ask a family member to help set it up if possible becuase there may be things you are unaware of. Shipping, pricing, etc.

If you want to sell in person, try to be careful about selling on school property as that might get you in trouble. But selling to friends first is a great idea just try to do it off school grounds, be careful about it and if you really want to, ask your school for permission. I’d recommend showing your school friends what you sell but then exchange money and the product off school grounds (if you can) to be safe 🙂
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by audreyt293
@lucass_ @pivi658 thank you both so much for the advice! I will definitely take those two things into consideration since I'm still contemplating about starting a business
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by lucass_
yeah no worries! uh yeah my friends got advice on that sort of stuff so i hope she helped and didn’t embarrass me haha
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by lucass_
gud luck