Friend help
3 years, 9 months ago by Whats_up
Hi I need some help. I have a group of friends, but I feel like they are just not what I need in a friend. They live in my neighborhood and our parent's are friends so our friendship was kind of forced into all of the neighborhood kids. And to top it all off, they go to the same school as me. Since I have these friends, I can't really branch out, I feel like they would just get super mad at me. There is one person in our group, lets go with cupcake, she always gets mad at me for the tiniest things. Once I deleted a text message, and she was yelling at me for it. There is another person in the group called cookie(Fake name) Apparently cupcake yelled at cookie for using emojis too much! The people in this group aren't very reliable, and not an ideal friendship.
I have been trying to make some friends but it has been hard since I do virtual school. I have gotten a few people's phone numbers but we aren't too close. So please let me know some tips to make friends. I am very shy meeting new people, because I just get scared they wont like me, or ill mess up somehow.
So to sum it all up, if anyone has any tips on how to make friends and how to leave a friend group NICELY, please let me know. And sorry for the whole rant.
3 years, 9 months ago by peachyluvs
i think you should try and tell them how you've been feeling and what you don't like about the friendship to let them understand better. especially try letting cupcake know because it seems like she has no idea what she's doing wrong. tell them how you don't feel right in this group, and you would rather be friends (idk if you want to but you guys could just be like distant friends?) , but not in a tight group, because i think you said your parents we're friends with each other, so it would be a little awkward if you guys had like dinner together or something. just try telling them how you feel, and if they don't take it well and lash out at you, tell them that the lashing out gives you a better reason to leave the group. i hope this helps! <3 another thing is you could try telling someone about this situation irl because they would probably understand it better than i do lol
3 years, 9 months ago by peachyluvs
oh, and also about the making friends thing, make sure you don't come off as rude. try starting a conversation, instead of just being shy and shrugging at whatever they say. try finding friends that are in your classes, or clubs, because then you know that you'll be seeing them more often. and find friends that you feel good with, and have at least a few things in common with. then you have a better reason to start a conversation with them, and you have a better thing to talk about! also a big part of this is confidence, so feel more confident. also normally conversations might start by someone saying something like, "ooo! i love your blabla" and then the other person will say something like "thanks! i got it from there oh, and did you know about blabla" and yeah! ask questions about the person to start more conversations, and you both will get to know each other better too! hope this also helps <3
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by GenMalucci
Break away from cupcake lady. She isn’t a good friend. And if they get mad, drop them too. SLOWLY start to drop hints with her that you don’t like how she treats everyone. You can also bring the issue into focus with the group. Whenever they open the schools back up I suggest trying to find 1-3 people who are your type of people. I have two best friends and they barely know each other. So it’s fine to have friends outside of their group. I got lucky and found two amazing people to befriend. I hope you can too!
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by Yellowfang
So I move around a lot and I know it’s hard to make friends. My friendships always start awkwardly. I Mainly just say hey, and try to start a convo, if they want to talk to you they will carry the convo if u feel like they’re letting it die just say ttyl and try again tomorrow.
3 years, 9 months ago by Whats_up
@peachyluvs I've tried, my brother just tells me to like slowly distant myself away from them. But it's hard, since all of our parents meet up (before covid) But thanks for the advice!
3 years, 9 months ago by Whats_up
@GenMalucci Cupcake isn't the only one like that, pretty much all of them get mad at ppl for no reason. I feel like those are just not people I want to be around. Anyways Thanks so much!
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by lucass_
i think you should call them out on it. i had this friend group, and there was one dude that was really mean. and so we like confronted him and all and he didn’t even realize what he was doing wrong. so we just pointed out and he started getting super defensive, but like sometimes you can’t get through people like that. just call them out and drop them. and prob talk to ur parents about it. let them know that they’re not good friends for you and if they meet up, ask them if you could not go. cupcake person not good. i’d drop her asap.