highschool tips
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by Annie_Whe
I am going into highschool next year and i am wondering if yall have any good tips! I will be a freshman and i am kinda nervous haha.
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by stewon6969
Ummm.. hi! I am asking the same question about middle school! I was just wanting to let you know that you are not in this alone! Also, can you give me some tips on going into middle school? Please!
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by Annie_Whe
@stewton6969 I saw your community post about middle school and i was inspired to make one for highschool. My best advice is to enjoy middle school because it goes really fast. If you feel pressure from peers to change something about you (clothes, appearance, personality) don't change because it isn't worth it. Try to stay true to yourself and have lots of fun. Learning a new schedule of classes might seem stressful but you'll get used it after a couple of days. If you have a locker try to memorize your locker combo. If you cant find your classes don't be afraid to ask a teacher or an older student where the class is. TBH middle school is kind of like elementary school but bigger lol. I hope this helped and good luck in middle school!
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by Annie_Whe
@stewon6969 I accidentally typed in your username wrong but some advice for middle school is above ☝️
3 years, 10 months ago by FroggyLegs
do fun things in middle school you’re gonna regret it if you focus all your time on trying to be ‘regular’ I’d say the same for high school
3 years, 10 months ago by hummusboi
i'm a senior in high school right now. for the middle school question, don't be stressed about middle school. just try to have some fun with your friends and keep your grades up. for high school, make sure that you focus on your grades, this can be really important! freshman year is gonna feel really hectic in the beginning, but don't worry, once you have your schedule memorized and you know how to find your way around, it'll be really chill. try to make new friends and hang out with your old ones to! join clubs! this can make your high school experience really fun. also, go to your guidance counselor every now and then, even if you aren't having trouble in your classes. most counselors are chill with you just talking to them during your lunch period! overall, try not to stress about it too much. high school is gonna fly by so fast.
3 years, 10 months ago by Scavenged
try to make new friends right away, people are gonna join together almost immediately and make friend groups so try to find people with common interests and get in as many group projects as possible to help broaden your friend choice. another thing too, STAY OUT OF TROUBLE!!!!! TAKE MENTAL HEALTH DAYS (but only 3-4, too many and it'll be bad) your mental health comes first make friends with your teachers, if you get on their good side they're more likely gonna give you an extra day for a late assignment for being nice to them unlike everyone else. do you work in class, goof off at home. its no fun when you're stuck at home for 3 hours doing something that would have taken 30 minutes because you decided to goof off in class and now you're unable to focus be at school as often as possible, if you miss something in class you're gonna be lost for a good while ask questions! even if you have to wait till the end of class, ask your question then ask for a pass to your next class. it can be really hard to ask in front of the class so if you explain they'll work with you. if you dont want to confront them, EMAIL them!! thats what the email is for! when you're lost, and you go to ask a question, when they ask "what are you confused on" dont say "everything". say " I didnt understand the problem ou ut up on the board and i have no idea where to start. can you help?" this gives them a generalized idea of where you're at, if you say everything or i dont know they're often confused on how to help you as well lol take every extra credit opportunity possible. i dont care if you've got an 100% in the class already, those points can help you when midterms or finals come around. if you KNOW youre not gonna be at school the next day go to your teachers and ask what you'll be doing and if there are any resources you can use to catch up on work. leave your phone in your bag!! wanna get on the teachers bad side, or stay away from it? if you're the good noodle and work and turn in your stuff on time the teachers will love you and will help you. thats not being the class pet, the class pet is idling the teacher and making everyone seem bad for their own rep, so dont pressure yourself about being too nice check your email every morning, and also check your grades. if you check your email then you're ontop of everything, including future assignments or lans that others might not be aware of. if you check your grades, you can make sure all your assignments are entered in correctly, and if you have a different grade then what you think you should then you can ask right away and usually get it changed, if you wait then they wont change it. @stewon6969 same for you, except everyone is rude so try to stay away from popular people. they will attack you and pick you apart. middle school usually is your worst time (sorry) so just do what you can to make the best experience possible. dont let people bully you. dont let people push you around. stick up for yourself and take care of yourself. a lot of people send this time trying to figure out if they're worthy of being popular for no reason at all other than to inflate their ego, so dont let this happen to you. stay true to yourself and reach out to others when theres issues and everything will be okay |
3 years, 10 months ago by Lavander
@stewon6969 hey!! I’m an 8th grader at the
3 years, 10 months ago by Lavander
@stewon6969 MY REPLY GOT CUT OFF anyhow. Hey I’m an 8th grader. I’m never for high school. But middle school for me has been great? I have a few dos and fonts for you and other middle schoolers. I went to middle school 6-8th in my state. So I was 11 when I entered. Okay okay. First the Do’s. Do go to homecoming!!! Homecoming o skipped in 6th grade but went in 7th grade it was soooo much fun!!! Do not care about what people think! Right now everyone is changing. Some people are gonna think that’s to kidish some are gonna love it. Just be yourself and don’t care what people think. Do be friends with everyone. I don’t care how basic they are or how emo they are. Look for a good heart in someone. okay don’ts. don’t tell your friends crush they like you. That’s just plain rude and in this period they need to learn how to tell their crush they like them themselves. What are they gonna do when they’re 25 looking for a lover? Dont get social media!
3 years, 10 months ago by Lavander
Social media is the devil don’t get it. Braclet book is fine but nothing else!! Okay lol
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by spleevy
@stewon6969 hii! I would suggest learning new study habits and being on top of your work because even if middle school has easy work, you will thank yourself for learning to keep up with work when your in high school. also, get into making new friends because when your ms friends part ways in high school (yk new interests and such) you will want to find some people you feel comfortable to hang around
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by spleevy
@Annie_Whe I am a freshman now but still online school but I have learned quite a bit. JOIN HS SPORTS!!! you can meet so many new people especially upperclassman who can give you advice on what classes to take or if you just need friendly advice. if your not into sports, I’m sure your school has clubs so consider joining something you are interested in.
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by workmanha
Next year I will be a Junior in high school. Honestly I remember being exactly where you are know and being super nervous and all I have to say is don't be! High school is a fun new experience and is meant to enjoy! Yes, your grades count so try not to let them slip but it is ok to be involved in other things to. Just don't overwhelm yourself. Here are some tips 🙂- Learn how to manage your time especially when you are going to be involved in extracurricular sports. - Have something to keep track of your homework like a planner! Sometimes it might feel like the homework will just pile up and it is important to keep track of when things are due. - Have Fun! Enjoy time with your friends and get involved! For example I am doing Color Guard right now and it is tons of fun! But there is also things like dances and sports games! - Try not to stress and shut down because honestly in the end it will make things harder. Keyword TRY! It can be hard sometimes to keep it together. - If you are struggling ask for help! Your teachers are the best people to ask for help but I can try to help the best I can and I am sure anyone here are willing to help! I hope this helps and if you need anything else just ask! -Haylee Workman 😜 |
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by allyson606
If you struggle making friends like I do, just remember that its SCHOOL and a place to LEARN! So making friends shouldn't be what makes you sad 🙂 Also people are VERY judgy so just dont let them get to you!