Stereotypes you hate page 3
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by apurva
"Asian's are supposed to wear glasses and are supposed to be nerds." Like what the heck I am an Asian and I am nothing like a nerd what so ever and I don't wear glasses.
And I also hate stereotypes for gay/lesbian people, Like lesbian/gay people don't like opposite sex and happen to be tomboys.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by Brooke_12
the KaReN one like its so annoying just call them over dramatic why do they need a name ?.
That if u see a 15 year old girl play baribe dolls they are weird
If ur in middle achool but still do kiddie things like dolls braceletes ur called weired
Periods cant be talked about with boys
People who say pink blue amd purple are girl colors only HAVE U NOT SEEN MEAN GIRLS BOYS LIKE PINK TO UGHHH
people who always show off there body parts for no read- butt- cherrys--
3 years, 9 months ago by fnafislife
gay ppl are trying to make everyone gay
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by Chaty_Chun
It’s the girls fault that we get r**** and gr0*3d because of what we wear we could have these things happen to us wearing a hoodie and sweatpants
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by Moosey
All stereotypes are harmful. However, one that hits close to home for me is the stereotypes and just overall stigma around mental illness. As someone who has multiple psychiatric conditions and an eating disorder, seeing Hollywood and the media romanticize mental health or hearing people make jokes about mental health is disgusting to me. There are so many stereotypes around different mental illnesses and it can be so so damaging to people who are already struggling.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by akanel
psych ward stereotypes. it’s not straighjackets and padded rooms.