Weird ways to mess with people page 2
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by chiquis
Crumble crackers onto beds, like this is what I do to my little brother
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by xeliannyx
When a stranger talks to you look at them surprised and say you can see me

Also when you walk past someone whisper wake up and just try to freak them out
Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by Love_Fox
When your at a restaurant or shop, when they ask for your name just use the name on their name tag.

Plug a wireless mouse into someone's computer and take control every once in a while until they notice. 😂

How to embarrass your significant other: when your in public, kiss them on the lips and say "Your the best sister/brother ever". so people can hear you.

When your in an elevator with other people and it starts moving say "My spider senses are tingling"

scream at some random person in public and say "Your one of them!!!" while backing away slowly

When you draw money out of an ATM say "I won! I won I won!"

go to SeaWorld with a fishing pole

If you don't want someone to sit by you, don't place your bag their or they will ask you to move it. Make direct eye contact and pat the seat slowly, then wink at them. Works every time.

Wave to random people in public then after they wave back point behind them.

Say "No pun intended" after saying something random. Most people will just laugh and pretend they got it.

When someones walking behind you, and you turn a corner, sprint as far as you can, youll look like you teleported.
Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by GenMalucci
Stare at the persons forehead
3 years, 2 months ago by Violet_H
Walk up to them and say "scientific name for a pig" and walk away. XD
3 years, 2 months ago by punkmomof2
Get onto a crowded elevator, and as soon as the doors shut start screaming.
3 years, 2 months ago by billy_bob6
when you see a random stranger make extreme eye contact and say a bad pick up line and say something like “are you WiFi cause I feel the connection” then walk slowly backwards away from them making EYECONTACT👀
Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by Annie_Whe
say hi to a random person and watch them struggle to find out where they know you from
Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by Pacia
works best with siblings.

while talking to them, hand them a piece of trash that youre too lazy to throw out and say "can you hold this for a while?" (while acting like you have to do something that you couldnt do with it in your hand, for example getting a glass of water), then walk away and have them throw it out for you lmao

my dad did it for me all the time when i was younger and now im superaware of what other people say / do while talking to me (unless im zoned out lol)