Tell me about your day (if you want to) <3
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by shigaraki
Hey guys I just wanted to check up on everybody who may read this.
How are you doing today?
What did you do today?
Did something happen?
Did you eat and drink enough?
Make sure to take breaks every now and again.
And if you read this but you dont feel like telling me about your day, that's totally fine!
I hope you have a great day/night/evening
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by -Nobody-
As of right now, im not doing okay. I woke up, made breakfast, did school, lunch, chores, argued with my sister cuz shes being stupid, and here I am currently still mad at her. I ate twice and drank three bottles of water tbh idk if that enough water but y'know.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by shigaraki
@-Nobody- oh no Im sorry to hear that. And I think 3 water bottles are enough (I think it depends on the person). I really hope that tomorrow will be a better day for you<3
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by IzzyG21
Hello! I felt like writing about my day and talking/writing about it bc it wasn't that fun

Anyway so to answer your first question i am doing fine but could be better. Somethings did happen to me today that weren't very fun at all. I failed a math test (I am beyond scared for that grade to come in and my mom sees it) and I also am now known as "the smart girl". That contradicts my bad grade but the reason I think I got the grade is bc I was thinking about everything else going on. I knew everything on the test I was just thinking about a million things at once yk. Idk why I am writing about this but I feel a constant pressure on me bc I am the smart one of my family and if I don't live up to that my parents will get mad at me. Also to top it all off I got two hours of sleep last night bc I was thinking about this kid that keeps bothering me at school. A good thing that happened today is that my crush walked up to me today and said that he liked me back which is amazing and really exciting ngl. Anyway I drank 5 bottles of water today so yeahhhhh. Hope you have a great day/night/morning to whoever is reading this and I hope you enjoyed my rant on my good/bad day ❤️
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by shigaraki
@IzzyG21 Hey, I am really sorry to hear about that math test. I am also the child that has always been called "the smartest" (which im tbh not) and I know that that "title" puts a lot of pressure on you. I hope you'll be able to focus in school soon again and that your problems will become less. But I'm also super happy for you that your crush likes you back!! If you two end up together I hope you'll make each other happy<3
Thank you for telling me about your day!
Im proud of you for drinking enough water because many people just forget to drink on stressful days like these!! You're doing great <3<3
(Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes. English isn't my first language)
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by GenMalucci
Ok, so my day has been okay to start, I have a quizz for my teacher and something I have to send in to her, but I don’t really care that much cause her grading system sucks, (I was with family that I only get to see every 5-7 years, and she lowered my grade from a 98 to an 79 cause I missed a class or two, but I got her stupid homework done on time and sent in. So idkw the heck she was thinking) and she won’t add it toward my end of year high school grade doo-hickey but I need the grade to help my chances of college. But I got to read my book last night for a really long time, and it’s a book I am enjoying a lot, (I got to read it for a while cause one of my family members was snoring super loudly 😂) I’m getting braces tomorrow, so I may or may not be eating stuff that I can’t have.... like popcorn... two years without popcorn seems...... horrifying. Anyway, I haven’t had any water, probably should, but I haven’t. And I’m stressed out and waiting for a package. I also have to find a way to break up the rest of my friendships cause I can’t stand being shut down and bullied by so-called “friends” but all my plant babies are growing!
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by shigaraki
@GenMalucci Hey, I don't really understand anything about the American school system (because I'm not from America) so IDK what to say about that part hehe sorry. But about the parts with your "friends" I think you should cut them off if they're toxic. I also had to do that and now I dont have that many troubles anymore AND I have more free time. And I am really sorry for you that you won't be able to eat popcorn because of your braces. I can literally feel your pain.
You should go and drink some water, even if its only one bottle ._.
Okay thank you for telling me about your day
I hope everything with your teacher and "friends" turns out okay for you <3
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by sprinklez
i will tell ya about my day, we have people cleaning our house, so we have to leave and go get lunch, then I get an MRI for my foot to make sure I didn't tear my plantar fascia along with my broken foot (fingers crossed), then some school, then I go to two hours of pure conditioning and flexibility at my sports practice. then we visit my grandmother for her birthday. tomorrow should be a lighter day, we can always hope for some nice down days 👍
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by shigaraki
@sprinklez okay your day sounds really eventful. My English isn't perfect so I didn't really understand everything
Sorry for that
I hope you also drank enough water and that you have an beautiful rest of your day <3
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by Books4Ever
I’m not doing the best. I skipped breakfast and lunch bc I’m trying to loose weight. My mom called me fat, stupid, ugly, and a waste of space. Overall it’s been a pretty bad day but tomorrow will be better. ❤️
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by allialexis
My day was amazing! So I was visiting some family and since my birthday was a week ago, and my sisters was on the 26 of March, they got us a cake and a piñata and all this stuff for us! We were so surprised and they did this whole thing just for us which I loved because they were so excited (:
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by allialexis
also my dads getting me and my sister McDonald’s rn lol bc we haven’t ate dinner so that’s fun
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by shigaraki
@Books4Ever Thats horrible! You should really not listen what your mother tells you!
You are perfect, no matter what she might think.
And even if you're trying to loose weight I think you should eat at least a little bit of fruit or vegetables for your own safety <3
I also hope that you're on a diet because YOU want to and not because somebody told you to. Only make what makes you happy!
feel free to tell me about your day tomorrow as well if you want to!!
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by shigaraki
@allialexis thats so cute!! I'm happy for you that your day was good!<3
3 years, 9 months ago by MoonShad0w
@-Nobody- Literally me XD
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by Books4Ever
My day is going a lot better so far. I’m in school with my friends at lunch. I got 6 1/2 hours off sleep last night. I have eaten lunch but I didn’t eat breakfast bc I was in a rush to get to the bus stop this morning. I also got a A on the test that I had third hour so today is going so much better. Aside from the fact that there was another shooting by my house last night.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by shigaraki
@Books4Ever Your day sounds pretty chill 🙂 except for the shooting part... +_+
I actually don't know what to say about that but I hope you and your family will be okay!