Favorite kinds of bracelets to make?
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by boobearb
Are you normals>alphas alphas>normals
normals=alphas or somethin else?
Do you like thin medium or thick bracelets?
Number of strings?
Keychains? Wallhangings?
Whats your preference?
I like normals>alphas
Medium bracelets (1/2 in. - 1 in.)
Strings 12-20
5.5 inches
I like twist ties for both ends.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by boobearb
Oh and i like keychains and bracelets. Never tried a wallhanging. Should I?
3 years, 9 months ago by rub7
I like keychains a lot! Using shaped normals as keychains is really fun, and I love using those D ring keychains with short alphas :]
I honestly can't decide if I like alphas or normals better... they're both just so different and fun in their own ways.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by aiden707
I like both normals and alphas equally. I mostly tend to make alphas because they are a lot easier for me.
Normals it really depends on the pattern and how easy it is to segment knot (with few exceptions here and there). My normals are not as good as my alphas and they always come out wonky and uneven 😂
Thickness is not that big of an issue for me. If I like the pattern then thickness doesn't concern me too much.
For ends I mostly like a loop and twisted ties, or different ends if it's an alpha.

Also you should give wall hangings a go. Sure they can be quite time consuming but the end result can be very satisfying 😊
Super Moderator
3 years, 9 months ago by KrazyKnotz
I like making 16 and 18 string normal bracelets, and short alpha keychains.

I like starting my normal bracelets with a tear drop loop and ending with a triangle ending into 2 braids. 😊
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by cowboys
Normal>alphas I like medium and thick 2-12 i like to do either a button or adjustable ties on mine I like keychains better
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by IzzyG21
alphas over normals
I like 12-30 strings
i would say that i like 15-80 rows
My favorite ties are regular braided ties
I love making key chains and sometimes a wall hanging

So yeah this is what I like to make rn