Thread Irritating my skin
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by GenMalucci
Hey guys, So I rarely wear the bracelets I make, I usually give them away, but I put a bracelet on yesterday and it has been irritating my skin a lot. There are red marks from where the bracelet was, and it was loosely put on. I used DMC thread. i was wondering if anyone else has had this happened and if there are any thread brands that I can get that won’t irritate my skin. Thanks, - Gen |
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by audreyt293
So I have no idea what craft stores are located where you live, but I live right near a JOANN's Fabrics and they sell a brand called Prism, which comes in big packs of embroidery floss and craft cord. I got a pack of both and the embroidery floss had maybe 100 skeins but the craft cord had 150 skeins I think (I'm not really sure though cause I got them a while ago and I don't remember how many where in each pack) I personally have never really had an issue with my bracelet being irritating to my skin, which is pretty surprising cause I used to get the worst eczema a few years ago. I have made a bracelet with the embroidery floss, I wear it all the time, and I wore it all day yesterday and my skin felt fine. I have no idea if I was any help, I always try my best to help in these types of posts but if I wasn't helpful I am very sorry