this might get deep... (serious topic don’t type in this to joke around) page 2
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by GenMalucci
@HelloooIts I agree, the adoption system is horrible. I think our president should get a grip of it, and try to help fix it. Instead of doing whatever the heck he is doing now
3 years, 9 months ago by FiireFlii
my opinion on....

abortions: if you want one, get one. if you dont want one, dont get one theres no reason that you need to tell people what to do with their bodies.

blm: yes. just yes. 10/10, i support black lives.

sexism: please, dont be sexist. just dont.

lgbtq+: im part of the community myself, so ofc i support it.

have a great day!!!!
3 years, 9 months ago by air1014
@opinions @Racism as someone living in a mostly white town, racism and stereotypes dictate my life. If i want to be successful in my town, i have to appeal to white people. Racism is no joke, and recently there have been asian hate crimes that have really affected me and my family (we are south asian), as well as police brutality. to not have much of an opinion on racism is a privilege, and you sound stupid if you "dont care about it"

sexism: I am a girl. I haven't experienced sexism personally, but again, its a very real issue. To ignore it is a privilage.

homophobia: As someone who is questioning (used to identify as bi but wondering if i had comphet), its sickening to see how people actively hate on the lgbtq+ community. I dont care if your religion doesnt "permit it" since chances are it does, and youre being an idiot. and dont say stuff like "i dont hate the lgbtq+ community but i dont support their lifestyle" because thats just code language for "im a filthy homophobe and i am going to hide behind my religion to protect myself". God created us all, and god doesnt make mistakes. For all my fellow members of the community, ilysm

abortion: i couldn't care less if people have abortions or not. prolife people make no sense. What if a girl got pregnant (not by choice, maybe cus of r@p3) and was forced to have a baby? not everyone is ready to have a baby. Prolife people are just probirth, since many of them don't care about the increasing number of kids in child care. abortion shouldn't be denied to anyone.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by Paris113
@air1014, couldn’t agree with you more. We had to do an Argumentative Presentation and one kid in my class talked about why abortion should be illegal, and whenever I would try respectfully saying my opinion on the matter all the GUYS would jump down my throat. Me and my friend were so mad lol
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by PugCakePop
Abortion - this is a really iffy, controversial topic, but I control my body. If I get pregnant young, i might not have the money to care for the child. Even if I go ahead with the pregnancy and birth, will that promise the child a good, quality life? Adoption centers aren't as good as they seem, a child needs a loving family. It wouldn't be beneficial for me or the baby. About the argument, "the baby should have a choice too" most abortions happen if there was a a case of r*pe, people with financial problems, etc etc. I don't know people who abort their baby with no reason. Most people do this so the child won't have a bad life, so the child won't have to suffer, go to bed hungry, not have sufficient care, etc. So this is my argument. I would also not like anyone to tell me to go on with the pregnancy when I'm the one who will be caring for the child, carrying the child, and providing for the child.

Racism - I do not know why or what logic people have when they are racist. Believing these old stereotypes, superstitions and assuming the whole persons personality, life, behavior on that is unacceptable. How can someone think another human being is a druggie, criminal, etc. after looking at them for 2 seconds? The color of your skin is defined by the amount of melanin (the more melanin the darker the skin) and genetics. How can DNA and melanin define a person as bad? It's beyond my understanding. And the belief that dark skin is is "dirty" "unclean" is outrageous. I have no words for that

Sexism - I cannot, I repeat, CANNOT stand this. Especially since I deal with this every day at home. Its very common in India. The belief that women are worthless, useless, ABSOLUTELY NOT. People think we are the weaker gender, incapable of doing something as well as men. But what even decides our gender? A few chromosomes. (as far as I know, sorry if i am wrong) how is it humanly possible for a living person to abuse, degrade, label as inferior another living human being? Some people don't give women a chance to prove themselves, some women don't get an education but the men do. And the educated men then say that women can't do anything, etc. Obviously the situation has changed compared to that of 100 years ago, but it definitely exists. Again, when assault, r*pe, attacks happen, many people will do everything they can to somehow turn the blame to the victim. Its not the attackers fault for doing this vile thing to the victim, but the victims fault. Why? The way they're dressed (maybe they were wearing a skirt) or their mental state (maybe they were drunk) but does all this give anyone permission to do these horrible things to them? No, absolutely not. The assumption that men are better, stronger, smarter in any ways is wrong. We are all humans. We all have a brain, heart, emotions. Why It is that our physical features define our potential?
*note - feminism isn't about women being better than men, it isn't saying that women should be more powerful, it is saying that we should accept and let go of our differences, work as one, and work towards equality.

Lgbtq+ discrimination - love is love. Those feelings you get, you can't force them away, this is how you feel and it's okay to feel that. People who won't accept this are simply put, wrong. Why do they want to stop these powerful emotions, just because they are old school and won't let go of old society norms? I don't know. But its definitely Ok to be trans, bi, gay, lesbian etc.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by HelloooIts
scrolling through this thing again to see who i immediately like lmao B)
3 years, 9 months ago by air1014
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by GenMalucci
@PugCakePop sorry, I wasn’t done typing. And because of that I disagree with that part of your argument, but this is American facts. That’s why I didn’t ask about where you live
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by PugCakePop
@GenMalucci I don't live in the US, and I apologize if I am misinformed about that fact. ♥️
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by GenMalucci
@PugCakePop No problem! Every country is different
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by Brooke1683
I hate this but a lot of my family is racist and don’t support lgbtq+ and I just hate it because like what if when I’m older, I come out lgbtq+?
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by bibean15
Hello. I have a lot to say about these topics so brace urself lol. So first off, abortion. I am Christian so I don’t really like the idea of abortion all that much HOWEVER I am pro-choice because just cause I don’t necessarily think I would get an abortion that doesn’t mean that I can force that belief on others. It’s their choice and just cause some people don’t like that idea doesn’t mean that they should make that choice for others. And also I completely understand that some people get abortions because their body could be in danger so yeah. I just really don’t understand why people are out there saying abortion shouldn’t be a thing or whatever because sure if they don’t want to get an abortion or have a belief against it that’s fine but not everyone has that belief or thinks in the same way, yk? It should be up to the person who is pregnant if they want an abortion or not. Ok, racism. I cannot and I repeat cannot stand racism. I am Mexican, my father is Japanese, and my mother is also Mexican. (I was adopted so I don’t look too much like my parents) Growing up, my parents faced a lot of racist comments especially my dad, so if anyone is racist I’m sorry but I just can’t. Also people are people no matter their skin color or race and it really gets me when white people look down on people of color. I mean the day that everyone wakes up and realizes that everyone’s human and that we all deserve to be cared for and loved is the day things will get better. And that doesn’t just apply to race but also sexuality and gender and all that other stuff too! And then there’s sexism. Women should not be told that they can’t be as successful as a man or that they can’t wear specific clothes because they’re “asking for it”. NO!! clothes are clothes and no matter what type of clothes a person or woman is wearing it doesn’t give anyone that right women should be allowed to chose whatever they want to do to their bodies and don’t need some man to tell them that they should or shouldn’t wear makeup or that they need to shave. It’s not the guy’s body so he doesn’t need to have a say in what is done to it. And then like transphobia and homophobia are just no. I myself am a part of the lgbtq community as well as my best friend and it saddens me to see the amount of hate that other members face. It also pains me to see people of religious faith telling members of the lgbtq community that they’re going to he*l for loving who they love or just bring who they are. Even if the person they’re telling doesn’t believe in that sort of thing it can still be damaging. Even more so, I can’t stand when people who claim to be Christian say stuff like that or they say like it’s not a sin to be gay just don’t act on it. Like what??!???!!! I am who I am and I’m not going to change that. Like honestly the fact that my friend and I were scared and worried when we came out to people we were close to is sort of sad yk? Oh oh and then like transphobia and when people midgender people I just ugh. First off, trans people are still people so treat them as such! And then with the whole pronoun thing someone explained it to me sort of like pretend their pronouns are their name. Nobody likes it when someone calls them a name that doesn’t belong to them and they probably won’t respond to that name so it’s important that if you know their “name” you call them that name and if you don’t know their name ask them! It would be like if I called everyone who has brown hair George even if that wasn’t their name so just ask! (: ok I think that’s about it
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by Annie_Whe
I believe that you should treat others the way you want to be treated regardless of race, gender, and sexual orientation. With abortion i feel like women should choose whether or not they should get one. I believe that women should not have to worry about what they are wearing or what time of day they decide to go walking alone on the streets. It sucks that we have to worry about this and i hope that we wont have to worry about it as much in the future.
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by ChaosZone
@Racism A HORRIBLE THING. What does it matter what you look like? When you think about it, everyone is different already. What about skin color makes someone think you are worthless? It's like treating people with blonde hair poorly because their hair is a different color than yours. Just because you don't look exactly like someone else DOES IN NO WAY mean that they should treat you badly. I don't even understand why some people think this is ok😭

LGBTQ+: I am a part of it, so ofc I support it, and even before I knew, I was a HUGE supporter. If you are in love with someone, then you are in love with someone. IT DOES NOT MATTER who it is. It is ok to like girls. It is ok to like boys. It is ok to like both. It is ok to like all genders. it is ok to not have a gender. It is ok to be genderfluid. WHY would someone be rude to and treat someone else badly, when they are living their happiest life? It is your life. Not someone else's. So that doesn't allow them to try and control it. Imagine walking up to a woman who was married to a man. And then telling her to go marry another man and that it isn't right to be with the man she is with. She would be crushed. because she doesn't know that other man, and doesn't love him. And you are trying to force her to be with someone she isn't interested in. THAT IS HORRIBLE WHY WOULD SOMEONE DO THIS 😭 😭 Love is love, and that is all that matters.

Abortion: I see both sides. If you couldn't give the child a good life, or where made pregnant without wanting to be, then i support your choice. Although I think that every child deserves a chance in the world, I do understand not wanting to be pregnant. It is YOUR body, and you should be given the choice to do what you want with it. But, like I said, everyone deserves a chance, and if in anyway possible, I feel they should be given that chance.

Sexism: WHY. JUST WHY. 😭 Just because you are a woman, doesn't mean that you can't do something. A man is not superior to a woman just because he is a man. Someone's gender doesn't identify what they can or can't do. Anyone, no matter who they are, can do anything if they want to. I have seen many women who have done things better than a man could, and that just proves that it doesn't matter who you are, you can do just as many things that a man can.

ALL LIVES MATTER ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
3 years, 8 months ago by adacreates
First off, I love this thread because everyone is being so considerate even if they don't agree, so thank you guys ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
My thoughts...
BLM: okay, do I even have to say that racism is horrible? Hundreds of thousands of people of color are wrongly discriminated against in our country every day. We cannot heal the horrific past of slavery, but we owe it to every single person to stop the injustice still happening. As a white person, I have a privilege. And we all must recognize that.

Abortion: People have been saying that "i don't need to wear a mask because it's my body" AND THEN TELL A WOMAN WHAT THEY CAN AND CAN'T DO WITH THEIR OWN PREGNANCY.

Sexism: FEMINISM. THE RADICAL BELIEF THAT WOMEN ARE ALSO HUMAN BEINGS. SERIOUSLY PEOPLE. As a girl in this country I hope to grow up to have as many rights as a machine gun someday.

LGBTQ+: why does loving who you love, or being the gender you are on the inside, make anyone less of a human being? I have a really good friend who is a guy who is bi. He loves rainbows and scrunchies and galaxy cats and wearing dresses. He is kind and loving and funny and strong. One day he was taunted and laughed at by other boys because he was wearing a dress. Me and my group of friends promptly all wore suits and ties to the dance with him. Being who you are doesn't make you wrong. It makes you brave.
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by -Liza-
Abortion is someone's choice, Racism is stupid and messed up, Women are amazing, and LGBTQ+ discrimination is stupid- they're people too like jeez-
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by Camo
If I write down my thoughts I’ll get a lot of hate so I’ll just say one thing and that is about abortion. Everyone is saying “it’s my body, my choice” but there is a body inside of you! Killing that child because you don’t have the time or you are embarrassed is terrible. There are other options like adoption or foster care, etc. Life is a gift from God and to take that life (this goes for abortion and euthanasia) is not being thankful to God for his gifts. God gives us unique circumstances that maybe we don’t want to deal with but he will help us through it if we pray to him. Some people say the baby in the womb isn’t a life it’s a fetus or something along those lines. But if it has a heartbeat then it IS A LIFE. I hope people know that I’m trying to say this nicely 😁❤️ have a good day everyone!! ❤️❤️
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by Godluvsu
Racism and sexism are pointless. They don't get our society anywhere, however hating on white people or men in the name or racial or gender equality is ridiculous and hypocritical. I don't think race matters whatsoever. We all are the same inside. And no gender is better, we are just different one is not more important!

Abortion is so wrong. i don't believe we should have the rights to kill innocent children. It is NOT your body, so it shouldn't be your choice whether to kill it.

lgbtq discrimination is stupid. We shouldn't hate on people for their sexuality regardless of what we believe.

Lets be honest here discrimination, hate, and disrespect of any kind is wrong no matter your morals.
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by Chaty_Chun
I’m literally writing my final essay on the gender wage gap