this might get deep... (serious topic don’t type in this to joke around)
3 years, 9 months ago by 10891089
Hi everyone I was just wondering what all of your opinions on some real topics like abortion, racism, the disrespect of women, and lgbtq+ discrimination are
please don’t be rude if you choose to share your thoughts I want people to be comfortable talking about this in a safe way💜💜
3 years, 9 months ago by 10891089
Me personally I’m straight, white, and a female but my dad is extremely racist and it irritates me so much when a commercial comes on about Black Lives Matter protests and my dad is like seriously another one of these stupid things (can’t swear on this) and it makes me so mad when he does that I just want to walk away from him and cry because I can’t believe how rude people can be and he also says things that are offensive to women like one time I was watching American ninja warrior with my mom and my mom was like I really want to see a girl get past this stage and my dad said a girl isn’t gonna pass one of those because if they made the stages of girls can pass them then all the guys will just be flying through it so don’t get your hopes up I literally wanted to start screaming at him but anyway I personally feel like people should not be hated for the color of their skin or the shape of their eyes and so on and I feel like you should be allowed to love who you want to love and if you want to change your gender or call your self a different gender then that’s up to you not everybody else and I feel like abortion should be allowed because if you got pregnant on accident and you really don’t want the baby then you should be able to get an abortion so to me I feel like you should do what you want to do not what others want you do it’s not their life it’s yours and also feel like people should mind their own business and leave people alone and not bother them just because of the color of their skin sorry this is a lot to read but I would love to hear your thoughts also
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by crafter83
I think racism is stupid. I know you said to be nice, but there isn’t really a nice way to put my view on racists.
This is inspired from a protest sign I saw that basically sums up my view on all types of discrimination “people of quality don’t mind giving others equality.”
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by GenMalucci
@crafter83 it’s sad that someone would make a sign that says that.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by crafter83
@GenMalucci Why? A guy made this sign "men of quality don't mind giving women equality" for a women's rights protest held in a country in the middle east
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by crafter83
@GenMalucci That was the one I was referring to
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by GenMalucci
@crafter83 OH MY GOSH. I made a mistake, I read that wrong and I thought it said “People of quality don’t need people of inequality.” I don’t know why my mind twisted that. I’m really sorry.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by Fluff_Fox
Racism cannot be tolerated. All humans despite color are humans.
For instance lets say you have a two chicken eggs: white egg and a brown egg. They both taste the same, the recipe books don't specify which colored one you should use, aside from the color they look about the same, and guess what! When you crack them open they're the same inside! Isn't that amazing?
Most people I know who are racists grew up in a very sheltered community lacking racial disparities, and because of that they tend to have this irrational fear of people different from them. Now I know some people believe this and are very educated, but I still don't understand why people judge others on their skin and not their character? Personally I believe it is all from stigma but that's just my belief.

As for the LGBTQ+ no one can control what you identify as that's basic human rights. I can't really speak much on this because I identify as straight and I only know a few of the letters (sorry in advance) but I respect their natural inclination as long as they respect my own inclination. I am more than happy to support them but I also feel somewhat distanced seeing as I am not a part of that community directly.

Guys we all the same species fr 🙂 like we are all classified as a single species according to science. There are a ton of examples in the wild where there's more than one color of a species and in nature there instances where animals form couples that are not straight and the other animals certainly didn't pick on them right? Then how come we humans, as such an 'advanced' species look past that like 'primitive' animals?
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by llama1013
just a heads up, this isn't directed towards anyone at all. I’m simply venting my thoughts onto the page (: and I genuinely mean this in the nicest way possible. I have grace for those who are willing to see differently, and I don't want to be rude towards anyone

racism, sexism, and homophobia are big no-nos. humans are humans regardless of race, gender, or sexuality. all women and humans should be allowed to do what they want with their own bodies. I won't get into the morality of abortion, but I think it should be allowed. it's their choice and their right

racism is terrible. it's an ugly monster. I’m so sad that it influences our society in the way that it does. but I am thankful that more and more people are joining the movement to change things and bring unjust treatment into the light

sexism is just as bad. so is homophobia. women are humans, trans people are humans, gay people are humans. any and every human is a human. this should be obvious and self-explanatory. I wish more people (if not all!!) understood this

I’m sorry to hear about your dad. I understand, I’ve met many people who share those views. I often have to stand up for myself and prove people wrong when they tell me (a girl) I can't do something. or when they speak against BLM. why can't they see it?? they're humans. they're humans. they're humans. not any less than men or than white people. all completely equal.

I also hate stereotypes. I tend to be a tomboy (tho it changes, idk my identity yet honestly), and I hate that I’m expected to be polite, attractive, and dressed in something sexy. or, when I do dress sexy, that it's for men and therefore not for myself. also that I'm not expected to be good at sports or anything that tends to be seen as "masculine". women are just as capable as men or any other human, and we can make our own decisions

I hope you can someday (even if you have to wait until a safer environment) stand up to him and tell him how you feel. I know it sucks and I know it's hard but I do believe in you. even if he never understands, you hold so much power because you know the truth and you have love for the minorities. thank you for sharing what's on your heart ❤️
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by sadnymph
i think every woman deserves the right to abortion if she wants an abortion. i think it is horrible that it’s being taken away from them in some countries but of course i am very happy to see it legalised elsewhere.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by sadnymph
i’m lgbtq myself and to see such hatred and homophobia makes my heart bleed. love who you want. in the animal kingdom there are gay animals and homophobia doesn’t exist with animals, humans are the only homophobes and its so sad. my mamas friends (two women) are hopefully getting married at the end of the year and i always think about all the oppression that has been slowly falling away and it makes me so glad.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by sadnymph
ableism is also disgusting (the discrimination of disabled people or people with learning disabilities/behavioural disorders) i am autistic and my school is pretty ableist. just the students. they say words that i cant repeat on here and i’ve even been called a ... it was very upsetting.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by -Nobody-
First of all, I feel as if abortion should be allowed. Especially if you have a good reason like r*pe, or something else. It's the women's body and it's her choice. It's as if someone would tell you what to do with your body and I don't find it right. Like you wanted to keep your long hair and someone made you chop it off. Yet, it's the person's hair so it's their decision right? I certainly would want to decide what happens to my body or what happens in general that includes me. I'm fifteen and if I was r*ped and got pregnant. First of all, I don't believe I'm ready or suitable to care for a child. Second, what will I do? My dad and stepmom have to work all day and I have school. Third, I don't want to put it up for adoption because they could have a horrible life or not be adopted at all. In that scenario, I would choose abortion. It would be my choice and personally, I don't want anyone's discrimination against it either. People have opinions and I totally respect that but in the end, it's my body therefore I believe it would be my choice and nobody else's to tell me what to do with my body or my life.

Racism is a huge problem that has affected our society for hundreds of decades, and it's still a huge problem today. Racism doesn't just cover black and white, it's also Asians and others who also have to deal with racism. Racism isn't just about color, it also includes ethnicity. Yet no matter who anyone is we are all human! One species, One Thing. People say that humans are developing rapidly but I say we haven't really developed much because we still don't accept certain people because of their skin color or race. We developed to the point where we are all allowed in the same schools. Racism also gives off stereotypes which I already dislike. Example: Asians are stereotyped to be super smart. Yet many people dismiss the thought that every human could have a disability whether it's a learning disability or something else no matter what they look like. Racism and stereotypes divide our society but during this large event in history that we are all victim to, wouldn't it be better to stick together? I know some will agree and others won't but at least consider it.

I'm the type of person that thinks a female can do just as much as a male. Women should have the right to do whatever they like, just like a man. A woman should be able to go out of her house, feeling confident, wearing whatever she wants, and not be judged by a man. A woman could be just as independent as anybody else. I also don't like the fact that this is happening in schools and people don't notice it. I know for a fact that students use the insult, "You throw like a girl." and it's considered an insult! Women should choose what to do with their bodies without a man saying, "you need to shave. Take that off you look like a sl*t." It's mean, hurtful, and downright rude! Women are people too! Everyone has feelings! Everyone is the same on the inside! (this goes along for racism as well --->) We are all made of skin, muscle, bones, tendons, organs, etc! We are made of the same thing yet our appearances on the outside are what changes everything up? Like what the heck?!

Lgbtq+ is a huge part of our society! The discrimination is stupid because they've already made up their mind on who they are attracted to, and who they find out they are! We can't change people's minds so why try? I've been recently trying to discover if I'm bi yet I never will confront my parents because they told me they don't understand how a person can be bi. It shouldn't be that way. We should be able to express ourselves but our world is so wack that we can't. This isn't even just American, it's everywhere! You should love whoever you want whether they're boy, girl, non-binary, trans, etc. You can't change love. (also like if someone could try to help me figure out my sexuality that'd be great, I'm in the questioning phase rn) Love is Love and no one can change that. Period.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by HelloooIts
for Pro-choice, everyone has their own reason. some people might be pregnant and know they cant give the child a good life. some people were r*ped. some people had abusive or other things boyfriends who got them pregnant. people have their own reason, and it should be legal to get an abortion. because, even tho you might think its different, most people that take an abortion had a really tough time coming to that decision. no one wants to kill a baby, sometimes its just better for them. the adoption stuff is even worse. so sometimes its the right thing to do, even though you hate it

for LGBTQ, im probably a part of it, and its awful what people think about it. even if it is a sin, its my choice. i cant change my sexualtiy, im born this way, just like everyone else
imagine you have a crush on someone, can you control that? no? well same for me, but in my case its a girl

Racists i dont even understand. humans are humans. did you know we dont even have races?? dogs do, but there the difference is clear. different height, different body, different everything. we?? just the color. and that shouldnt matter for the human itself. becase were all just eggs. different from the outside, the same from the inside

and sexism? wth is wrong with you. women and men have the same abilities. and it might be proven that were build different and the genes are different, but that doesnt mean women are less. did you know in general women are good at multitasking? all bc of evolution. in prehistoric times the women looked out for kids, found berries and other food, and had to look out for dangerous animals, whereas the men focused on the hunting, and didnt do other stuff. cool right?? that means we all have our own abilities, and shouldnt be judged on it. its weird how many people still think men are smarter and better
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by crafter83
@GenMalucci That’s okay, I twist things accidentally all the time 😂
I was confused why you thought that, but it makes sense now
3 years, 9 months ago by 90s_faerie
Racism, homophobia, and discrimination all show how much we love putting ourselves in boxes, comparing our differences, ranking each other higher than others based on things out of control. At the end of the day, we are all human and nothing we can do can change that.

If something someone is doing, like abortion, is not harming / affecting you, then it isn't your business.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by juliannagh
i may get a lot of hate for saying this (please don’t @ me) but i am strongly against abortion. imo it goes against what i believe in and... that’s it i guess. :/
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by GenMalucci
@crafter83 😂 you’re totally fine. My stupid mind twisted your words and came up with something horrible. I should seriously find my glasses and these things won’t happen 😂
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by HelloooIts
i understand that, but if I'd get an abortion, how would that affect you?
if you dont want an abortion bc your religion is against it or any other reason, that is your choice
but i dont believe in that thing, and it is limiting me from my rights.
the adoption system is crap, some people just can not have a child because it would be bad for both of them, or any other reason
if you dont want an abortion you dont need one, just dont try to make it illegal bc some people do need one for whatever reason they have
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by riley_fxX
i have a lot to say for these but ima try to keep it short.

first of all racism is absolutely terrible. the fact that people don’t get treated equally bc of their skin’s just sad. I’ve seen it happen, in front of my own eyes and it angers me so so much, second of all i believe that abortions should be allowed period. no one should be forced to give birth if they don’t want to, it’s kinda crazy for me to see that women might actually have these rights taken away from them. lastly i am 100% all in for the lgbtq community. i used to be skeptical on this for sometime, I was like “oh this is kinda weird tho” but as i have educated myself more on this topic, everyone should be able to love whoever tf they want to. who are you to tell a 16 yr old boy that he can’t love another boy just because “it’s not right” . you can’t control what ur mind or body feels and everyone should have a chance at living their best life. if u have gotten this far into reading my...rant/thoughts, i hope u have a great day and live ur best life ❤️