What do non-Christians think of Christianity?????? page 6
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by sprinklez
@oceanknot Just because we don’t have something obvious that happens to us doesn’t mean we don’t face discrimination or bullying. Take Jesus for example. He was beaten, mocked, and forced to carry his own cross, even when he was completely innocent. And that was due to the Pharisees and other religious leaders. Lots of people think Christians are more like the Pharisees who judge you based on whether you break the law or not, but true Christians, inward Christians, not necessarily outward ones, are like Jesus and not the Pharisees/ Sadducees.
3 years, 9 months ago by Hanners
@oceanknot I actually have never heard of Islamaphobic stories happening in the USA (which I currently live). That is very interesting and I am so sorry that all that has happened. The part of the USA I live in actually has a lot more Islamic people than normal, that’s probably why I’ve never heard of it, but I’m not surprised to here that it does happen in places like Canada, UK, and US. Western ideology stereotypes the hajib as a way to oppress women (which I know it isn’t), Especially in the last few decades where women are fighting harder to have a voice and equality. What they don’t realize is that if they’re in a free country, it’s their choice to wear a hajib. Not the governments. Other people harass them probably just because they’re a minority, which is very sad. I do agree with you that it needs to stop.

Anyway, Christians are also sometimes harassed, I do have a lot of stories about it even in America. I’ve heard it actually happens more in Canada and Australia but it’s starting to get bad in the USA from what I can tell. Christians (Like muslims) also can have a bad reputation here, like we can be viewed as homophobic, transphobic, controlling, male supremists, or even racist (Tbh I don’t understand why racist) I guess maybe because there used to be segregated churches? If someone has a better explanation please tell me. We also have a bad reputation because of denominations like Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormonism, We will constantly get missionaries coming to our door trying to convert us 😂 (We don’t even consider them Christian). There’s also a few hate churches like Westboro Baptist in Kansas... They’re known for their hate speech against LGBT+, Jews, Muslims, Catholics and anyone else not Baptist Christian 🙄 (There definitely more of a cult than a church). These kinds of thing give Christianity a bad reputation...

There’s many stories that I have from friends who went to public school as kids, and when people found out they were Christian, they were outcasted and called names like “Jesus Sissy” etc. sometimes they were kicked or hit, and then told to “turn the other cheek” (I actually think that’s funny even though it’s not 😂) I have a friend rn who’s in High School and she says that she won’t tell anyone she’s a Christian cuz she doesn’t want to lose her friends or popularity. There’s lots of stories I’ve heard similar to these.

Sometimes (although it is rare) I have heard stories of pastors or ministers being attacked verbally and even physically. There’s also been a few shootings in schools and places like that against Christians. People can be really mad at christians and turn on them, even with a gun. 😢 I haven’t experienced any stories like this myself, but I’ve had friends who know victims of these shootings. I’m sure other people might know more...
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by sprinklez
**sent before I finished. Anyway, as I was reading what you posted I just though I would give some insight. Yes Christians are mocked, labeled, bullied, and treated like garbage sometimes. (I personally can attest to that as I have been treated unfairly and mocked just due to being a Christian.) I am not saying that Muslims aren’t, because they face their own form of discrimination. Im not trying to take any weight off that fact. I’m just saying that when you say Muslims compared to Christians get all the bad rap, bullying, discrimination, and labeling that’s not true. They just have their different forms of it. Maybe one isn’t as obvious to outsiders though?
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by GenMalucci
@oceanknot I’m just about as Christian as you can get. I’m a strong Catholic and I will never leave even though I cross people who hate me for “forcing” them to become Christians. It’s a lie. I don’t force anyone to do anything. If you look back there were segregated things, but that’s over, and Christians are also accused of being Homophobic, transphobic, controlling and racist. Well, they are duds in every religion. Sure, there are probably Christians who fill those categories. But why do we all get bullied for them? Recently someone tried to get me to spread the news that the vaccine is a great thing, and that my religion is screwed up, that I shouldn’t believe in God. Cause he created sin. Meanwhile in the Bible he put humans on earth and they screwed up, not him. I have also been told that my religion isn’t good. But I am told by atheists or people who aren’t even Christian. Not to mention, my dad got my mom to start going to church, they are raising six kids in the church! We have all been baptized and some of us even have other sacraments. I am not going to change my religion because someone else wants me to. I understand where you are coming from, but Muslims aren’t the only ones who are bullied and persecuted for their beliefs, in fact, some of our Popes (main church leaders, currently in Vatican City) have been shot because of haters. I don’t think I will ever leave for a few reasons, 1) I was raised this way, the Bible is literally the first book I read for school and I love it. 2) my brother was kissed by the Pope.... I mean how much better can it get? 3) God is with me, he has shown me that he is in little ways and big. 4) my summer camp that I go to (it extends into highschool and stuff) really showed me that there is hope with Jesus. All this being said, I completely understand you arguments, it does get frustrating, and if you ever need to chat, I’m here! I hope you have a wonderful day! 🙂
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by oceanknot
@GenMalucci @Hanners @sprinklez Thank you for giving your insight, but I didn’t say that Christians don’t face any discrimination. Also, I feel like people tend to only see what’s inside their community, like @sprinklez said. So maybe because I’m not Christian, I don’t know what kind of discrimination they face, but as none of you are Muslims, you don’t know what kind of discrimination we face. And about what you said @Hanners, that you don’t consider certain groups that call themselves to be Christian as Christian, well that’s how the Muslim community feels about the terrorist groups who claim to be Muslims. I’m not trying to say that pastors and ministers haven’t been verbally or physically attacked or there haven’t been shootings in Christian schools, but mosques have also been destroyed, Qurans have been burned, and a lot of bad things have happened at Muslim schools too (I don’t go to one, but I’ve heard stories). @Hanners probably knows this, but just in case @GenMalucci and @sprinklez don’t, Muslims also believe in Jesus and all the other prophets that Christians do. We also believe that Jesus will come back one day, like Christians do. So, yes, Jesus did face a lot of bad things that he didn’t deserve and so did all the other prophets, but those stories are also a part of our religion, so that kind of discrimination doesn’t only apply to Christianity (if you’re interested in learning more about what the Quran says about Jesus, you can always ask me). Like what you said @GenMalucci, I don’t think I’ll ever leave my religion either and I would never leave it just because someone else wants me to. Being a Muslim is the greatest blessing in my life and I would die for Islam. Anyway, even though you’re not Muslim, I’m glad you’ve found a connection with God and I hope you all have a nice day/night.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by GenMalucci
@oceanknot I know you didn’t say that we don’t face any discrimination. But you did ask, so I was simply answering. I think it’s fair to say that everyone is going to face some discrimination either in their religion or beliefs.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by oceanknot
@GenMalucci yeah, that’s true, but you can’t deny that certain groups face more discrimination than others (I’m not only talking about religion, but also stuff like race and ethnicity.)
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by GenMalucci
@oceanknot Yeah I know, my point is that Christian discrimination is often overlooked. As are many other groups, but Christianity strikes me as often over looked when discriminated.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by oceanknot
@GenMalucci well, I guess it is because I’ve personally never seen it happen before. Maybe it’s just because there are a lot of Christians where I live, so I never really considered it a minority that faces discrimination, but this forum post has been really eye-opening and I always try to make sure that I understand both sides before I jump to a conclusion. Anyway, thanks for answering my original question.
3 years, 9 months ago by MACADAMIA7
Is anyone afraid of the second coming bc I know I am 😬😬
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by RockMusic
I personally think its the same as Catholicism but without a pope
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by GenMalucci
@RockMusic So Christianity is a large group. We all believe in Jesus Christ, hence CHRIST-ianity. Catholics and Christians are not the same, but Catholic people are Christian cause it’s a big group, Christian just means the people in that group who believe in Jesus Christ. Christians include, Catholic, Evangelical Christians, Presbyterians, Adventist,Baptist, Pentecostal, Methodists, Lutheran, and Anglican. All Christians. So Christianity is a wide range and it isn’t the same as Catholicism without a Pope, but I thought you comment was interesting lol.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by sprinklez
@oceanknot I agree with you, that was a very nice read and I am glad I was able to educate myself a little more on Islam from that : ) . i think i was just trying to say what @GenMalucci said, Christian discrimination is often overlooked or even said its not there. And its terrible what dreadful things have happened to any religious group and I wish it didn't happen! 😢Discrimination sucks. Thanks for talking to me! 😘
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by oceanknot
no problem! Thanks for talking to me as well @sprinklez
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by RockMusic
@GenMalucci Thanks, that make more sense to me now 👍
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by knot2shaby
Hello! Please don’t tag me out this but I just wanted to say....
Christians/the Bible DONT say it’s wrong to be gay or transgender, but it is wrong to practice it. It just means it is a sin to be in a gay relationship or to change your gender. God made you to be who you are! Not to change! ❤️ I do not support churched like WBC who actively hate LGBTQ people.
Just wanted to clear that up!

Have a great day!

Again plz don’t tag me 😊
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by skittlesss
Personally I think they are great people. I myself am not christen but all of the christens I have meet, they believe in their own things but they would never push it on to anyone else. They may have things that they believe is a sin that not every other religion agrees with, but it’s just what they believe so it does get annoying for me when other people bash a religion bc they don’t agree with their beliefs.
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by Deer-Teeth
Hi, I'm bringing this back up because i found out some new information i think is very important for others to hear

The word homosexuality did not appear in the bible until 1946, right after wwii happened. guess who hated gay people? guess who were also prosecuted during the holocaust other than jews? you guessed it(i hope).

50,000 KNOWN homosexual males were killed during the holocaust alongside the jews, definitely not as many but still a lot of people who suffered because of the person who started the war.

I can't directly state names, but basically the latest addition to the bible that sated homosexuals was influenced by you-know-who. before then, the word never even occurred. before then it was child ____(p) and child _____(m).

a common practice for people around those times were to send off their sons to scoodle others to gain a good reputation and get a good place in the city or even government. by letting these children be scoodled by adults, you were forcing them into the act of adultery (pre-marital __, ___ with someone you're not married to) which was taking away their rights and forcing them to sin.

that was child ___(p)

child ___ (m) were the people who scoodled the young kids. it was a sin.

if you look in the swedish and norwegian bibles they still say that in place of homosexuality, and the word homosexuality didnt appear in the german buble until the 1980's.

by saying that homosexuals are sinning you're saying the lords name in vain because he never said that being homosexual is a sin, he just said that forcing a child to sin makes you a sinner yourself and thats wrong.

for those of you who are saying sodom and gomorrah:
that was about ____(r)
basically, the people in the city were sexually immoral because they wanted to scoodle everyone. god saw this, saw that they wanted to scoodle even against others wills, and tested them by sending his angels down to stop them. they didn't listen, and did some stuff they shouldn't have

god was against forcing another into sexual activity, which is _____(r) not the act of homosexual sex 🙂

god ALSO said that " But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law" Galatians 5:23

so god himself there is no laws on love, and that homosexuality isnt wrong 🙂
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by Elise64
I went to church when I was younger and I think I read the Bible with my family but I don’t anymore and I don’t remember much about it. I don’t have problems with any religions unless they force their religions onto others. There was this acting video a week ago about a man who was kicked off of a basketball team because he was gay, and a ton of people were saying stuff like “you can’t be gay because god says you can’t be gay”. I don’t know if the actual Bible says that, but to me, it sounds like “you can’t be gay because in my religion you can’t be gay” which seems kind of like it’s forcing their religion. And I saw another comment that said something like “even if the Bible says that being in the lgbtq community is a sin, god still loves you” and I think that’s so true. I used to get annoyed when people say that they don’t support lgbtq but they respect them, but it seems a little bit more reasonable than not respecting them at all, especially if it’s because of religion. A ton of people in the comments said “gay cannot play” (bc that was one of the things that the homophobic coach said and the message/theme of the story was ‘gay can play’) and that’s just not acceptable at all. You can’t control who you are attracted to and you can’t control if you don’t feel like the gender you were born with. You are still a human. Also, I’m pretty sure that the Bible taught more about how you should accept people for who they are. Everyone deserves to be treated like a human. Again, your sexuality is not something you can control, it is how you are created. The Bible was written such a long time ago, maybe back then lgbtq+ was not acceptable but that doesn’t mean you have to follow those rules now. But if they don’t force their religion or judge people for something they can’t control, I have no problem with any religions 🙂
Bracelet King
3 years, 8 months ago by GenMalucci
@Elise64 what you said is basically true! In the Bible LGBTQ is totally fine, but practicing it is not, God forgives everyone, but personally I don’t think we should push buttons too far. I know some lgbtq people and they are super nice