What do non-Christians think of Christianity?????? page 5
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by kmmorell
@itsssaddie see my only "problem" with what you said was that you said "(y'all dont hate me pls-" which makes me mad that you had to say it. We are taught not to judge, not to slander, and when we say these things we think we are gonna be attacked. Instead of listening and like tlaking about it people just come out swinging. I am christian. I believe Love is love, and that we have no right to judge because we have our own flaws and should be focusing on bettering ourselves. It makes me mad to think that there are people calling themselves christians on sunday but going out and commenting on people's sexuality, love interest, or bashing on social media about this or that. *smh
Bracelet King
3 years, 10 months ago by akanel
i kind of don’t understand how people can worship one thing. and i feel like sometimes god is like “praise me or be punished” so i just don’t really wanna be associated with that because it seems kind of selfish.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by oceanknot
@Jdog12525I’m not sure if you read my response to @Hanners comment, but I didn’t want to tag you in it because there wasn’t really any need to. I would suggest you think twice before saying “mic drop” to an Islamophobic comment. If I said “mic drop” to a racist or homophobic comment, (which I would NEVER do by the way), I wouldn’t hear the end of it. Islamophobia is completely normalized and even encouraged in some places. I don’t know if you’ve ever met a Muslim in your life before, but believe me, not all Muslims are like that. The Muslims that I’ve met are the kindest, most generous, and hospitable people you could ever imagine. You can’t just believe everything you read online. I didn’t even really want to respond to @Hanners comment in the first place, but I needed to, because If I didn’t say anything, then nobody else would. I promise I’m not trying to start a fight with you, but I just wanted you to have a different perspective on the topic. |
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by Jdog12525
@oceanknot can you please not tag me anymore? Thanks. Also I said mic drop because of how lengthy Hanners response was and the amount of research they did (whether or not it is correct).
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by GenMalucci
@oceanknot Her comment was not Islamophobic. She was pointing out as a person that used to be Muslim that there are flaws and inconsistencies with what they believe in. People were doing that with Christianity and no one said anything. I can confirm every. Single. Passage, in her comment from the Bible is real. Im not sure what the phobia is or would be for Christianity but it is definitely normalized. She had a lot of interesting and good info. 🙂 have a nice day
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by oceanknot
@GenMalucci you’re right, Islamophobic wasn’t really the right word, but I was just starting to get sick of reading anti-Muslim stuff online. Especially when it’s used as a way to make another religion look good. Other than this forum post, I hadn’t really read anything that attacked Christianity before, but countless times I’ve read negative things about Islam. Thanks for being polite about it and have a nice day as well
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by GenMalucci
@oceanknot I agree. I am extremely tied to Christianity, and I will never leave it. When I tell people I’m Christian, or Catholic they bombard insults and unneeded comments because they assume things. With all decisions there are consequences and it shows in religion. I totally understand where you are coming from when you say you are tired of anti-Muslim comments. I feel the same way for Catholicism and Christianity
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by swim_girl
@kmmorell that was really well said! I feel like the Christians who are actually living like Christ did (even though obviously no one is perfect) are really under-represented in the world and really the only Christians who make it to the spotlight are the ones who are white-supremacists, homophobic, and basically just the opposite of Christ, which shines a bad light on the rest of us. and while the culture of today does go against what the Bible says sometimes that doesn't mean that we are going to judge people for it because we just should love them no matter what! unfortunately I think that a lot of Christians don't get that and either stick their noses in people's business with good intentions and accidentally make a person feel judged or they blatantly judge and ridicule others for not believing in what we do and sinning, which EVERY HUMAN does, including Christians. so yeah if anything i said offends you I'm sorry please don't come after me!! if you have comments about what i'm saying it's totally fine just don't pm put it in here please and keep it civil 😂
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by kmmorell
Lots of people believe in a higher being and that's good. I personally don't like that peoples opinions have been made into "fact" in the church. I understand why people don't want to be a part of the church.... with good reason. I think that @akanel said that “praise me or be punished” and it kinda does feel like that at times. Church and gospel can be nice, but it also brings a lot of opinion and judgement. We learn one thing in church, society tells us otherwise, and then there's confusion and opinions are brought in and its sometimes just really annoying. I hate the types of people who "preach" one thing and then do the complete opposite. I think religion is hard. I believe that there is a higher being, and i mean... we are human, we all wonder how we got here, how things were made, and we don't have a DEFINITE answer. I know there is faith and what not, but at the same time, it is what it is. People can have different faiths, that's there right, and some people just don't have to share their thoughts about religion. Christians are taught to work on themselves first and not judge anyone, because the only person who can judge is God. (this is what i was taught do not come for me) anywho.... but then people go out. they slander people in the LGBTQ+ community, they go after people who don't share common political views and many churches fall apart due to difference in belief and opinion which just is stupid. @GenMalucci I agree. I am christian and i don't think that will change.. like you, when i say "christian" to people they automatically think the worst which is just annoying. I am christian... but im laid back. I don't get hung up on gender, love, or political beliefs. Everyone is human and apparently they think i can't be friends with people who are gay, non gender, or anything and it's just so gosh dang @swim_girl that was well said I believe that God made the heavens and the earth. he made us. we choose this plan and we came down here. However our lives aren't scripted. we have a choice to do whatever we may please. I believe there is a higher being, whether it is God or not. I see constantly, people in my church telling other people in other churches that they are wrong. Are the wrong for wanting to follow God? are they wrong for wanting to spread some good in the world? it's like a battle between churches where they slander other churches for not being "real". I constantly see churches with the name "the TRUE church" and im like "why do you need to put that' i mean. it's whatever and like i said earlier. but it feels like there is a competition in conversion rather than helping "thy fellow neighbor" or whatever Going back to the LGBTQ community. I am not part of that community, but i have several family members, and tons of friends that are. They knew what my church has said about it. While I personally am not part of it, I can still respect them and love them as a person. They have had christian friends whose parents forbade them hanging out with them because then "they would get ideas" and i think it's old fashioned. People should be who they want to be and we should be there to support them with good measure. It's not your place to judge nor is it your place to bash on them. I don't like that people will come up to you and try to get you to go to their church. I like that they are trying to spread the happiness that they have experienced from it, but its usually done aggressively. I have had many times where i would sit down and just listen to my grandparents and parents talk about religion and it's a constant "yes... but" with everything that they say. Many people aren't willing to listen to others about what they think I had some friends and of all different faiths. we sat down in class and we were talking about LGBTQ. and the thing is. My church believes none of that should happen. I believe that we should respect their decisions. My other friend said she was taught "between a adult man and an adult women" meaning that like... not between a man and a female CHILD. anyhow. People have different perspectives on things. You don't have to agree with their decisions, but don't ignore them and then try to shove things down their throat. Be respectful when talking about it and tread lightly because it's a sensitive topic. Anywho.. that's all i got to say. most of it was repetitive. |
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by riley_fxX
well i used to think Christian were nice until a few yrs ago....don’t get me wrong there are probably lots of good ones out there who DONT try to convince u, or who DONT try to tell u that ur living ur life wrong or whatever. personally i am ALLLL in for a religion that doesn’t affects others, or try to convince and what not. i am thankful that i was able to get a way from religion bc idk what it woulda done to me if i was in it for longer. all i have to say to Christians is....keep ur religion to ur self. im sry if that sounded a bit mean but yeah. religion shouldn’t tell u whether to be a good person or bad.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by riley_fxX
if i were to personally rank Christianity on a tier with all the other religions in the world, it would be at the bottom.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by swim_girl
@riley_fxX sorry you feel that way! Do you mind me asking what happened to make you feel like that?
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by riley_fxX
i feel like out of all the religion i have personally been faced with the most ppl trying to convince me that Christianity is the best or that it’s the “truth” ive also seen what some of them have done to the lgbtq community & it’s terrible, also have been told that im sinning and what not. more than anything i feel like they can be hateful at times.
3 years, 9 months ago by Nathalieyb
I've got nothing against any type of religion. To each their own.
3 years, 9 months ago by Nathalieyb
I pressed enter too soon... Oops. So as I said, Ive got nothing against any type of religion. But I dislike it when it's forced upon me or when everything has to be made about religion. A quote on pinterest for example, that in itself has nothing to do with religion.
3 years, 9 months ago by Toofers
i think that a lot of christians contradict themselves and dont follow through with the scripture they preach and yet berate others for their actions
3 years, 9 months ago by FiireFlii
as long as you arent homophobic/sexist/racist etc, and dont try to force your opinion and religion on me, i dont mind them : )
3 years, 9 months ago by Hanners
@oceanknot So sorry for the late response 😂 I am really bad at responding.I don’t really want to argue more about the Koran, but I would like to say that my previous comments were not Islamaphobia. I, in fact, used to be a Muslim. I found inconsistencies with my religion, and I was hurt by it... I decided to tell about my former religion here just like everyone here told about theirs. I feel like Islamaphobia is more like talking bad about the religion when you know nothing about it. I do know a lot about it though, since I used to be Muslim. When you said I used Islam to make Christianity look good, I want to say that, that was not my intention, I’m sorry it seemed that way. I was trying to point out that it wasn’t the WORST religion, So I wrote about Hinduism and other religions but I wrote the most about Islam (I used to be Muslim). That’s why I talked a lot about it. I also wanted to say that what I said in the 1st comment was not a lie. That is what Muslims have taken out of Islam (some of it is Islam itself) and I have experienced it and seen most of these things in reality. I don’t know where you live (I’m guessing Canada or the USA), but if you have been to Iraq, Afghanistan and places like that I’m sure you would understand lol. So much happens there and the media and news can’t even cover all of it. Most Muslims there don’t actually want to even be Muslim, but are forced and pressured to. (That might sound crazy to you) but it is very true, and I am not lying at all about that. Concentration Camps in China? I am very sorry to hear about that, it’s very sad what they force Muslims to do... Although I would like to say that Christians in China receive the same sort of persecution. Religion in general is very discouraged in China. They are imprisoned a lot and churches are shut down, just like Mosques are. It’s very sad for both Christians and Muslims 😢 I pray for them a lot. And I actually knew about this before you mentioned it... (Now most people in the USA know abt it, or at least in the area that I’m from) You are right Islamaphobia is very encouraged in some places, especially in the West... but so is Christianaphobia (if that’s the right word 😂), In Secular nations, and ESPECIALLY Islamic countries. Lots of Christians in the Middle East, North Africa and Asia are imprisoned or even killed by Muslims. In fact, Christianity is actually the worlds most persecuted religion. In secular places it isn’t as bad. they might just be discouraged from wearing “Jesus” bracelets or shirts or not allowed to evangelize. Generally in public schools (correct me if I’m wrong I know not all schools are the same), Christians are typically more of the outcasts and are usually teased (I’m just getting this from stories that I’ve heard I’m not saying it happens to every Christian). And of course! I know exactly what you are saying when you say Muslims are the nicest people and I wholeheartedly agree! The culture back where I’m from is extremely hospitable and welcoming (Not always to foreigners) but to others. What I and others were taught is nice like, “your good must outweigh your bad” and others. I actually do like that verse. However many of the peaceful and nonviolent verses in the Koran contradict themselves somewhere else. I can point out MANY inconsistencies for you but if would take a lot of space and I want this comment to be shorter. If you want me to, just ask me I will be happy to 😉. I also want to say that I would actually like to see you compare the Quran and the Bible (if you want to)... but you must understand one thing. Christians do NOT follow the Jewish rules in the “Old Testament” (except for the “10 commandments” since they were addressed by Jesus). We follow the teachings of Jesus Christ in the “New Testament”. So if you try to compare the Koran with something in the Old Testament, of course it would look bad. The Old Testament was actually intended for the Jews, but Christians keep it in the Bible (a) to remind them that Jesus broke the hundreds of Jewish laws and (b) because it prophecies about the New Testament. That doesn’t mean, however, that we follow it. I also feel like comments like these are actually NOT the main or only reason for Islamaphobia. Have you ever heard of 9/11? Boko Haram? Al-Qaeda? (There’s more that I can’t think of) These are people who have misunderstood Islam and caused worldwide harm. I think that’s the main reason for Islamaphobia. I’m not saying Islam taught them exactly to do those things, but it is what they take out of it. I am very sorry that you think I’m trying to make Islam look bad. It might’ve seemed like it in my 1st comment because I wasn’t being specific enough, forgive me. However, I was a Muslim and I know that what the Koran tries to teach is peace, but it adds many other contexts in there that contradict it. That’s mostly why Islamic terrorist groups exist. @oceanknot I do really want to stop talking about this though... I don’t know if you would, but I would really like to be friends with you. I can tell you are a nice person who looks out for others. (I don’t know where you are from) but I am guessing you have or plan to make a pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, and anyone on here that is associated with the Middle East or Asia is a friend of mine. It would remind me very much of my home which I do miss (even if I had to leave bc of hardship). Just because we are of different religions doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be friends. I would really like to get to know you and be nice to you, but if you don’t want to that is okay. 🙂 @Jdog12525 sorry to keep tagging you 😂 I just feel like your interested... lmk if you want me to stop lol 😉 |
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by oceanknot
@HannersI don’t necessarily feel comfortable saying my ethnicity and/or my nationality online, but thank you for apologizing and I’m also a little sorry for attacking you, I didn’t mean to come off that way, but at the same time I just felt like I should defend my religion. Also this isn’t meant as an argument, but just out of curiosity, and if anyone else wants to respond to this go ahead, what kind of discrimination/bullying/teasing do Christians face in countries like Australia, the US, Canada. Cause I personally know Muslims have been called terrorists, there have been countless stories of girls who wear hijab getting beaten up or having their hijab pulled off, people telling them to go back to their country, etc. I think if can ask any of my friends who wear hijab if anything bad has ever happened to them because of their hijab, and I’m sure they’d all have a story. However, I don’t think any of my Christian friends would have stories. I didn’t mention this before, but I chose to wear the hijab a few months ago. I was nervous to do it before, but I’m really grateful I have supportive friends and family, plus I’ve gotten a lot better at caring about what other people think of me. I feel really close to my religion and again, I don’t want to argue anymore, but I personally believe that Islam does not contradict itself or encourage violence. It’s all just misinterpretation. |
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by oceanknot
I just read that again and I meant *not caring lol.