What do non-Christians think of Christianity?????? page 3
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by Deer-Teeth
@sprinklez 100% agree. not all christians are like that! a TRUE christian is different then what a lot of people practice. the true christian shouldn't do all of the things that harm the community, a true christian follows gods word the way its actually written and spread love and support.

also, there are miracles that happen in ANY religion, not just christianity. if you look you'll find many miracles in different religions.

I do find perspective in that!
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by Deer-Teeth
@sprinklez christianity has spread lies and has put the lives of others at risk. the way the religion is set up (by the way the churches preach) its all about converting people to your own religion and saying that any other religion is wrong (thou shan't have a false idol) when in all reality its not??? christians judge when it isnt their place to judge, it is not your place to say if someone else is sinning, if someone else's actions are wrong. that goes against his word. you're playing his role by doing that and yet everyone seems to forget that, that you're gonna be punished with the same crime you accuse them of doing because youre trying to play gods roll

Christianity has caused the belief that homosexuality is a sin when it doesnt even state that in the bible. so many times the bible has been re-written to follow the beliefs of that who was writing it, not the actual bible. lies have been spread from the beginning and unless god/jesus himself wrote it again you cant even trust any of the sources

christianity has tainted the country as a whole, no matter where you see propaganda for christianity where everyone says that its such a good religion when most churches preach AGAINST what the actual bible says. because of christians, millions have lost their lives, especially LGBT+ youth. the majority of the homeless youth population are LGBT+ because their own parents are "christians" who "believe the word of the bible" and cast out their own children because they think their child is sinning and cant convert them to they get rid of them, kick them out. there are millions of homeless children in the U.S. alone. Christianity has nit picked at the different verses and only uses the ones that are convenient for them in the moment, they use the bible as a multiple choice question when in all reality it isnt. people focus on very few scriptures and dont talk about the linguistics differences and how translations have changed. there are so many people who have ridiculed innocent people because they didnt follow their own religion.

we're suppose to have the freedom of religion but if you go anywhere and you dont follow catholicism/judaism/christianity you are shunned, casted out, seen as horrible people who need to be converted when they're doing nothing wrong

if you look and reath through my other responses i go more into that. I'm guessing you didnt based off of that response
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by sprinklez

for sure, I feel like because all religions are alike in the sense that we believe in a higher power that can heal and restore😉 I just believe Jesus and thats my testimony of His healing for me, thats why i choose to follow Him if you know what I am saying 😍

have a great day! and im so sorry for your encounters you have had with judging Christians, judging is up to God alone not humans.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by Deer-Teeth
@sprinklez you have a good day too, thank you for standing out for the people who dont do this type of harm. there are very few people who actually follow his word and spread what is supposed to be spread
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by sprinklez

i feel like people never focus on the positive that Christianity brings into the world, only the negative. With so much positive Christians have brought, and the fact that we are not perfect, only human, there is bound to be "false prophets" and otherwise usual people who sin often and taint the view and purpose of Christianity . Christians are not perfect, so why would our actions be? The one person who acted superior or rude to someone who is Lqbtq is guilty of sinning themselves because its not your place to judge someone else, only God's. You see what I am saying? Its your own problem if you sin, because the point of Christianity isn't to follow the rules and look down on other people in their sin. It's to love. Christianity isn't the thing that is bad its the sinful nature of the people that is, that absolutely breaks others.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by sprinklez
@Deer-Teeth yeah, I feel like people loose perspective. Yes (fill in the blank) might be a sin, but God doesn't call us to judge the sinners (because everyone is one) he calls us to love your neighbor as yourself❤️
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by naiyah

And Thank you! Even tho I dont agree with your opinion thx for gettin to the point! 😊
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by jbrieba
I believe that as a Catholic, God loves all humans and that everyone should do whatever they want without being judged or criticized.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by B_ridgette
I respect all religions and beliefs but I live by the saying “ I will respect your beliefs as long as your beliefs do t disrespect anyone’s existence/ choice”
I find that alone it’s fine, but then there are those people, you know the ones who shove it in your face and try to convert you and spew hate. Like my great grandma.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by GenMalucci
@Deer-Teeth I am Catholic and I never force my views on anyone. Also there are many MANY different bibles, so certain verses came from certain bibles. In my time I have never read anything against your community as bad. Not everyone wears makeup. Not everyone is the way you just described the whole religion. A lot of things are twisted. The Bible was also written in a time where assault could end in being put in an arena and fed to a lion. Things have changed. I’m a Catholic and I believe that everyone is equal. VBS is crap. I don’t know why it’s a thing. I went once and told my mom to never enroll my siblings in it. They didn’t teach the Bible they danced and then had snacks and would send you home. I NEVER push my religion on anyone. The people who do aren’t honoring their faith. A lot of Christians have been twisted and brought to believe something different, and then they create a whole new religion and call it Christianity. let’s break down what Christianity is. CHRIST-ianity Believers of CHRIST, in other words we believe in Jesus Christ, son of God, the Heavenly Father. A lot of places have twisted it and made it into something it shouldn’t be. Please don’t assume that everyone is judging and being unkind. Cause I am not, my family is not. Most of the people in my parish that I know are not.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by CakeCup
So, i am actually really curious about this. How many Christians here believe Christ is the same person as the Holy Ghost and Heavenly Father?

I am a Christan, but my specific denomination believes that they are three separate beings. I am really curious because I haven't ever really learned about other Christan denominations, so I think it is interesting to listen to the similarities and differences between denominations.

Please tag me if you have any questions or want to discuss! Also, no hate on anyone who thinks differently! ❤️
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by swim_girl
Wow ok so this got kind of toxic...y’all blew up my notifications lolll 😂i hope no ones upset anymore I definitely did not mean for THIS to happen🤦🏼‍♀️😂
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by Heidiv
as a christian this is my OPINION respect it plz !!! 😢

ive been in christianity my whole life im even in a christian school but i think some ppl just are using it
as a personality some times but its not its a choice and my church belives in not wearing pants and not kissing ur husband /wife/ idc who u luv
and sometimes it an exuse like power like idk racism u can be racist and still be christian and i REALLY REALLY dont care if/who u marry it ur FREACKIN choice and society is starting to understand t
that but christians are like UR GOING TO HELL and my church just shoves it down ur throat 😢

im sorry but i dont really like it i dont wanna be a homophobic but i still belive in God message me if any questions and PLZ DONT MESSAGE ME HOMOPHOBIC STUFF CUZ
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by GenMalucci
@Deer-Teeth I also couldn’t fail to notice that obviously you didn’t have a good time while going to Church and you broke away from it. I have never not gone to church or watched it on TV while sick or while in quarantine, so my responses might be a bit biased. God is there for everyone, and the issue is that many “preachers” give their feelings and not the truth. They give out how they feel towards things and not about how God sees things, or how some of the saints saw things. People call themselves Christians but they don’t act like it. Then people like you see them and it can be easy to assume that behavior for every Christian. I respect your opinion, but everyone is different
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by Deer-Teeth
@GenMalucci I want you to look at how many people came on here and said that christians forced their beliefs onto them. maybe not you, but the majority of people who believe in god do.

I know there are many different bibles, but they say near the same stuff. When i went to church it was very rare that two people had the same version. I googled the text and scripture, so its the most popularly used ones. i looked in my personal collection, they all said about the same thing, just different wording.

yes, not everyone wears makeup, i didnt say everyone does. i said that hundreds of christians do, and that its still considered the same as the others because you're tainting the temple of god.

this was written in a time where god went around saying that was WRONG! are you being a rape apologist? saying that even though lions were being starved so they would attack men that pedophilia doesn't matter?

VBS was a program to get kids to see that the church was fun! to get them to join! to give them a taste of what they might be doing. it wasnt to teach them the whole bible in a week, it was to start leading them in the way of god by making it seem enjoyable so they might want to do it. if you force a kid to do something they have no interest in its not gonna go well. they teach the main stories like noah's arch and the crucifixion of christ, they just dont go into the nitty gritty details then.

just because you didnt, doesnt mean that others dont. you said you were catholic, not christian, even though you follow similar beliefs. you just said ti was messed up because christians wrote a couple things and called it a different religion. i didnt say catholics force their religion, i didnt say jews forced their religion. I dated a catholic, she never forced her beliefs onto me. she told me hen her church times were because they were different than mine and that was it. my family has a friend who's jewish, and a common joke my grandma made with him (they previously dated and stayed friends, my mom and dad worked for him too) was that he could come over and fix something and we would give him a pork sandwich. it was all laughs, not once did i hear either of them talk about their religion. but christians have this narcissistic viewpoint of themselves where thats all they talk about. if you mention homosexuality they lose it, you mention anything that doesnt follow their EXACT beliefs they say youre a horrible person and that you're going to hell even if you're following the scripture.

im not singling you out. im not saying everyone who is religious forces it onto others, cuz most dont. theyre respectful and keep to themselves except when its time to practice it (i.e. taking a break from work to pray in the break room, taking sunday evenings off for worship, etc.) but christians are TOXIC as all heck!! the entire religion is based off of lies!!
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by GenMalucci
@Deer-Teeth I get where you are coming from. But you sound a bit disrespectful when you say “The entire realigning is based off of lies!!” Its a bit rude, no offense! It’s just not the kindest way to tell someone something, because I am a strong believer in the Catholic Church.
3 years, 9 months ago by halokiwi
I'm an atheist and I think like for any other religion there are people who are actually good Christians and there are some that are extremists. I think with a religion you sort of know even though it is not your religion it is easy to see that there are both sides but with a religion you don't know you might be prejudiced that all the people who practice it are extremists. I think for this reason it is very important that you learn about other religions.

I grew up with Christianity. I was in a Christian kindergarten, in children church choir, was in the RE class up to my a-levels and I also celebrate holidays like Easter and Christmas because it is a tradition but I don't really believe it. In school I learned about different religions which I think is very important. The more you know about different religions and cultures the less prejudiced and less hateful you are going to be.
3 years, 9 months ago by Idkkkkk
i’m not religious. But i respect religious people. As long as they’re not going against another human being. And i don’t quite understand why some people sacrifices their life to a book where they take away basic human rights and discriminate woman. The bible says that it’s wrong being lgbtq+ and that if you are, you’re controlled by satan. And science shows that being lgbtq+ is a real thing. People literally risk their life just to be happy. Isn’t that proof enough? The bible also says “When a woman has her regular flow of blood, the impurity of her monthly period will last seven days, and anyone who touches her will be unclean till evening.”Anything she lies on during her period will be unclean, and anything she sits on will be unclean.” like what❤️ If men had periods, i bet it would be like this “a man that has his period shall be respected. Everything he lies on shall be clean at every moment.” The church also traumatize children. They tell them what to do and not what to do. “you can’t do this” “you should do this” “don’t do that” “do that and you will go to heaven” “if you do that, you’re going to hell”. A lot of christians spread christianity and push it on others. And a lot of them says stuff like this “if you struggle with mental health, just open yourself to god and you will be okay again”. I get that a lot of people in prison open up to god and i
3 years, 9 months ago by Idkkkkk
improve in their behavior. But that’s their choice. And believe me, if i could just open up to god and get rid of all my mental illnesses, i would. But it’s not how it works. I have gone to therapy for 4 years now and i can’t just open to god and then all my diagnosis are gone. That’s not how it works
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by GenMalucci
@Idkkkkk A lot of Christians might force it on others but there are a large number of them who don’t. 🙂 I haven’t read the whole Bible yet, but can you point out some places that it says women are unclean? I’m just curious with that because I have read over a lot of the Bible and never come across that, oh and the mental health thing too. 🙂 I respect you, but please respect all the Christians and myself who don’t force our views on other people. Anyway, I really hope you have a wonderful day!