Why Must You Always Be Like This
Bracelet King
8 years ago by Fliparz
I have a friendship problem. One of my ex best friends, who I rarely talked to for 2 years, just got "dumped" by her new group of friends. This one friend is one of those on again off again friends when me and her were close. Small fights a few times a week. Now, since she has no friends, I let her come hang out with me. Part of me likes having her around, but the other part is just plain annoyed and frusterated. Since me and her haven't been besties anymore, I've made new friends. It's like now she expects me to treat her like my BFF again; she seems to act like she's above my new friends. She'll say rude things about them to me and I'll have to tell her to knock it off. She's only in one of my classes, thank God, and I strongly believe that she's going to get upset with me when I continue to partner up with my friend for partner work like I've done the entire year. I'm not going to leave this kid all of a sudden because my old friend came back to me. She acts like she's better than all of my new friends and I really hate it. For example, in the one class I have with her, my friend that I do partner work sits right in front of me and right next to him is an empty seat. In that class, the teacher's lesson usually ends with 20 mins still left in the class and we can do whatever we want. My new/old friend, Erika, comes to my seat to talk as she sits across the room, and actually made me move over in my desk seat and she sits in the chair with me, almost partially on my lap. I asked her to move over to the empty seat diagonally in front of me and she refused. That friend that sits in front of me moved over to that seat just so Erika would get off of me and move to his seat. Then all 3 of us were talking and I thought everything was good, but then she pulls out her phone and texts me something rude about my friend that moved seats for her. Who does that? My new good friends do not like her as she is always rude and stuck up and I do not blame them. She's been bullied badly for a few years (it's stopped now) and a large amount of kids hate her for that as they were on the bully's side, and most of them are in the one class we share together, so she doesn't really have a partner. I don't know why part of me likes having her around, sometimes its fun because we have all of these fond memories. I want to tell her somehow that she isn't my good friend anymore and I will put all the new friends I made after we stopped talking above her, yet I still feel bad. I know what it's like to lose all of your friends and have to start over, but I can't have her acting like this. She thinks she's entitled to be my best friend again and it seems like she expects me to put her above my new friends, which won't happen. Help, please.
Bracelet King
7 years, 10 months ago by N0P3
I hope you have solved your problem but let me just say that you mentioned at the beginning that she was your EX-best friend, so most of you think that she is not that much important for you. I hope this help!
7 years, 8 months ago by peanuty
When you can talk to her parents and see what they can do or tell your parents if that doesn't work just ask her to leave you alone.
6 years ago by ShuZhe
This happened to me, if she has been bullied and her group left her, than she probably could have some sort of depression, anxiety or even PTSD (the bullieing could have been rly bad) so she’s just trying to make it out in the world. I’d suggest u humour her until she finds new friends. If it’s been 1 month and she hasn’t found new friends talk to her. Good luck.
6 years ago by ShuZhe
Also if you say stop in a hurt way she could get hurt, if you say it in a joking way she’ll probably stop. She doesn’t want to be mean so if she hurts the person she wants to like her that could eat her up inside. She has probably never been treated well so she doesn’t know how to act. Idk, you want to be nice but you don’t know how so you try to be mean cuz u see everyone else being mean and getting liked so you try and and people hate you and it hurts. So put yourself in her shoes, think of all the possiable things that could’ve happened in her life and then decide what to do.