Bracelet Supplies🧵🌈
Bracelet King
3 years, 12 months ago by Makayla-26
🧵Hey fellow knotters!! I just watched @_kinseyb updated bracelet supplies collection and really wanted to hear about everyone else’s set up!!
🧵I personally have a very organized system rn!
🧵I use a big photo organizer to store all my scraps of thread and I organize them all by color! So I have one photo box for each color then 3 dedicated to different sized buttons and 2 that hold unfinished bracelets!
🧵I have 6 friendship bracelet boxes that hold my thread on bobbins! One box is greys and browns. 2 is black and whites. 3 is multicolored. 4 is red orange and yellow. 5 is blues and greens! And 6 is purples and pinks!
🧵I also have an old shoebox that I use for thread that I only have one skein of or just duplicates of threads.
🧵 I also have a clipboard I make all my bracelets on that have my mini scissors on them and a safety pin for taking out knots! Along with a book light that I use when it’s dark out!
🧵andddd I have a small box with keyrings, clear nail polish, charms, and just other miscellaneous and essential things!
🧵Lastly I keep all my bracelets in a decorative box under my bed!
🧵🌈Thats all my supplies and I know it’s a lot and I’m not trying to brag but I honestly find this stuff really interesting! So if you’d like to share your collection feel free!🌈🧵
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Happy Knotting~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ps. You are loved♥️
3 years, 12 months ago by _kinseyb
i love this 🥺💗💗
Bracelet King
3 years, 12 months ago by acmiley
I have a big box with all of my unopened string and then I have an organizer where I keep my opened skeins on bobbins, as well as key rings and empty bobbins. I also have a clipboard and a little bag where I keep my unfinished bracelets
Bracelet King
3 years, 12 months ago by Makayla-26
@acmiley love the set up! I’m glad you have something that really works for you!♥️
Bracelet King
3 years, 12 months ago by Ate_Trisha
heres mine:
-I have 2 bead organizers from Michaels to hold all of my winded embroidery floss
-a organizer with my finished bracelets and one with my unfinished bracelets
-a clip board and some duct tape for making the bracelets

all of my bracelet stuff are in drawers mushed with my sewing stuff since their all the same to me 😂
Bracelet King
3 years, 12 months ago by Makayla-26
@Ate_Trisha that’s a really nice setup!! I could never mix my sewing and bracelet stuff but that’s just me. Glad you have a system that work for you!♥️
Bracelet King
3 years, 12 months ago by allialexis
I have one floss organizer that has some thread wrapped around bobbins in it along with extra bobbins and my keychains
I have this photo box from michaels that has a bunch of extra thread (wrapped around bobbins as well)
Then I have a Halloween basket that has all my scrap tangled messy thread
And a clipboard that has extra stuff in it like needles bracelets I’m working on and scissors and tape
Bracelet King
3 years, 12 months ago by allialexis
Oh and I store my keychains in an old Harry Potter earring box
Bracelet King
3 years, 12 months ago by Makayla-26
@allialexis omg I loveeee this setup especially the clipboard you can store things in! That’s really convenient
Bracelet King
3 years, 12 months ago by Heidiv
hey i bought this big BEAUTIFULL box at michels the have diff patterns and are so cute and only 1$
to fit like specific string in sooo and i boobin stuff idk where to find thin bixes can sm tell me where ?
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Makayla-26
@Heidiv that’s an amazing setup! Thanks for sharing💕🧵
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by skittlesss
I just have a big box filled with bags and each bag has like a different color., a clipboard, seam ripper, and scissors!
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Makayla-26
@skittlesss omggg absolutely loveee that set up!!
3 years, 11 months ago by kylieuwu
I have a basket full of thread I wrap my opened threads around clothespins and have a ziplock bag of scraps that are wrapped into loops. I usually use safety pins to pin bracelets onto binder rings or notebook spirals and the pin doubles to take out knots too
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Makayla-26
@kylieuwu loveee that set up too darling!✨ very creative but still efficient💕
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Disney12
Ok, I have a big set up too 😂
I have 4 boxes that store bobbins with string. One is red, pink, orange, yellow, and green. Two is more green, mint, and blue. Three is more blue, purple, brown, and grey. and four is multicolored string. I have four smaller boxes that store my leftover string organized by color. I have one container that has four sections that stack together, and there I store white and black string, safety pins, tape, and other random stuff. I have one box that stores my finished normal patterns and one that stores finished alphas. And I have a pillow and bracelet I use to make bracelets on. 😄
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Augusta22
Okay first I have a big storage “bin” to store all my new threads that I haven’t opened or used at all. Then I have a separate box filled with black and white thread and separated by a divider is my specialty thread like sparkly or gradient ones. Next I have a small open box with thread that’s wrapped in bobbins. I have a cute little zipper bag filled with my scrap thread. Next I have a ziplock filled with unfinished bracelets and another ziplock filled my old craft cord (I use embroidery thread now). I have another ziplock filled with threads the I have used some of but still have the wrappers on them (I only wrap them onto bobbins when the wrappers are off and the thread is a tangled mess). I have a bag filled with different types of key rings in different colors. I have a jumbo ziplock filled with all my patterns that I have printed out also. I have charms just sorta scattered in a little box and a pack of sewing needles next to it. I have a bobbin ring with all my extra bobbins pinned onto my closet wall. In my desk drawer I have two pairs of scissors, clear tape and masking tape, mini bottle of tacky glue, a kumihimo loom, and a extra metal blank. Then I have a clipboard with one big binder clip at the center (for holding my bracelet while making it) and a small one that has my safety pin (untying knots) and a metal blank (for pushing up knots) in it. Lastly I have a big box of holding all the bracelets I have made in my bedroom in a shelf.

I have a lot but that’s becaus ei have been making bracelets for a while! This was a really cool post though, and I loved seeing what other people do! (Your booklight idea was clever!)
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Makayla-26
@Disney12 omg that setup is legit AMAZINGGG! It’s exactly why I created this post to hear about people’s collections just like yours😍
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Makayla-26
@Augusta22 omggggg girl you’re so freaking talented!! And I love all the supplies and how they all have their place!! Thank you for liking my book light idea cuz frrrr it’s been a life saver for dark days😂 keep up the great knotting girly💕🧵
3 years, 11 months ago by CrazyTwinz
I use a fishing box 😅 it’s really handy and comes with separate sections that you can take off and carry around! It was my moms originally but she gave it to me!