Favorite animated movies?
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by eva-seria
I’m curious about what other people’s favorite animated films are, so I’m going to include a few categories of favorites because animations such a broad medium (do as many as you like!)

Classic Disney: Alice in Wonderland
Early 2000s/CG Disney: Tangled
Pixar: Finding Nemo
Dreamworks: Kung Fu Panda 2
Miscellaneous Studio: Coraline
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Fluff_Fox
Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas!!! It was released by Disney in 1993. I absolutely adore that movie and might have a slight addiction... All 50 odd characters with 3 'puppets' of each kind needed to be created (sculpted, molded, fitted for an armature, painted, and fabricated) as well as the designing of the sets. Also stop motion is a painstaking process, each character in a scene needs to be moved ever so slightly before another photo can be taken to imitate movement, all the photos or shots taken (24 photo frames creates just 1 second of film!) come together to create a clip or scene if you will. The whole movie was a huge three years in the making art piece and it's soo pleasing to look at it. Sorry for rambling but the more you know how much effort was put into something the more you appreciate it.
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by eva-seria
@Fluff_Fox oh I definitely agree, that movie is just so well done.
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Fluff_Fox
Indeed it is. What about you?
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by eva-seria
@Fluffy_Fox posted a few of them because my fav depends on my state of mind. I think Alice in Wonderland or Coraline might be my favorite. Alice is interesting to me because Disney himself hated it because he felt like it had no heart, but I felt like Alice being treated badly in Wonderland was a good metaphor for dealing with how absurd and cruel the real world can feel sometimes. I mean I was also an angsty teen when I saw it so that’s probably why I felt like that.

Fun fact, Coraline was actually directed by the same guy who directed Nightmare Before Christmas (Henry Selick). I think he’s done a lot of stuff over at Laila, they’ve done a lot of good stop-motion stuff (Paranorman, Kubo and the Two strings are the ones I saw) Tim Burton didn’t direct because he was filming Batman I think, but it was his original story. One of the few movies that I like better than the book, it’s just a great story. Also to make the movie 3D they couldn’t take 2 pictures at once, they had to set up the shot, take the picture, then move the camera and shoot again and hope they matched up right. That’s insane!
Super Moderator
3 years, 11 months ago by KrazyKnotz
Wallace and Gromit: The Cure of the Wererabbit ❤️

It is not technically animated, it is clay-mation. It is made by the same people who made Shaun the Sheep. You can watch shorts on YouTube for free. 😊
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by HelloooIts
also shrek bc why not
and a ton of other things i cant remember now
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by workmanha
Planes (Disney), Toy Story (Pixar), I also love The Nightmare Before Christmas even though I can't ever figure out if I should watch it at Halloween or Christmas 😂
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Fluff_Fox
Oh my gosh yes, I was actually terrified of Coraline when I first saw it, Now it's one of my favorites. I just remember her refurbishing the doll to be traumatizing to my little six year old mind. Oh and yes I love Henry Selik films, he seems like such a nice person too when he did a "behind the scenes" of the nightmare before Christmas. Tim Burton fought Selik over the director thing but gave it up as long as they put his name before the title.... kinda crummy thing since he left them with his characters, a thread bare story, and the only song they had animated at the time was "What's this".

Hey have you read the actual Coraline story? I liked it and I couldn't have been happier with the interpretation the screen writers came up with. I still can't believe Wybie wasn't originally part of the story. Anyways I completely agree on how awesome Alice in Wonderland is. What did you think of the Tim Burton one by the way?
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Fluff_Fox
I personally believe the Nightmare Before Christmas is a Christmas movie played by Halloween characters. The inspiration came from Halloween decorations being replaced by Christmas ones so I guess it's both in a way. Anyways it just gives me an excuse to watch it more often than I usually do! 😄
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by eva-seria
@Fluff_Fox yeah I’ve read the original story! I read it after I saw the movie though. I like both of them a lot even though the movie changes a lot of stuff. Definitely more fairy tale/dreamlike logic, which is also cool.

Actually I read something from Neil Gaiman saying that people asked him if he was trying to trick people into thinking Coraline was directed by Tim Burton. He said “no I didn’t want people to think it’s directed by Tim Burton. I wanted people to think it’s directed by the guy who directed The Nightmare Before Christmas” or something like that.
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Fluff_Fox
@eva-seria Oh that's pretty neat, glad he kept to his own style then 😊
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by xApplePIx
Here’s my list:

Lady and The Tramp
Frozen II
Lilo and Stitch

Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Nanna_Ozzy
Bee movie and shred
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Nanna_Ozzy