just vent here
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by HelloooIts
just vent about your life, problems, or whatever you want
ill listen and try to help if i can
talking about things works so if you dont want to talk to anybody do it here
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by -Nobody-
I don't know if this will help but okay..

So when I was 10 in the fourth grade my biological mother left. I was the closest one to her and she hurt me. She pushed me into a way the day she left and I didn't know how to react at the time. In 5th grade I was being bullied but didn't want to fight back because she dyslexic so I let it happen. I was finally over it and walked away while my friend followed. The bully followed me along with some other girls I hate that had no business being there whatsoever. Those girls ran up to me saying "she wants to apologize" and I'm like "for what? What is she gonna apologize about? I know she's gonna keep doing the stuff she does and it won't make a difference." The bully tried talking to me and luckily my friend told her off. Anyways at the start of 4th grade I began to hit my head on a wall in gym class. The walls in gym class were brick. In 7th grade my dads gf moved in with us and I hated it. She always wants me and my lil sis to clean when her own house wasn't clean. She was always jumping to conclusions and making me mad. My lil sister is starting to act in charge whenever the parents are gone because they say she's more mature than me. But I'm more responsible. Down to 7th grade I began to make marks on my wrist. Not to where it would scar just so it made a mark and would give me pain. My nana and cousin moved out a few months ago which I'm glad because my cousin made me hate myself and feel insecure. This year I'm a freshmen online now and I asked to get help for my marks so I'm seeing a counselor now. I had an incident and my dad felt very disappointed in me. They had this talk about my markings saying "oh well apparently counselling isn't working, do we need to put you in a mental hospital because I don't know what to do with you anymore." And then I asked if I could go to my room they said "yes" then five minutes later they called me out of room and made me sit at the kitchen table so I could tell them my feelings which obviously I didn't. I'm still seeing my counselor and it's helping a lot. Sorry for this lost post. Just needed to say something.
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by HelloooIts
no sorry this is why i made this place.
so what i think people dont get is that recovery takes time. ofcourse counselling doesnt work after just a couple days.
also, youre the main character in your life never forget that. ever.
and from what i know ab it is that the marking becomes like an addiction right? so you need help with that and youre getting it
what i think ppl also dont know is how brave you have to be to tell a counsellar stuff. so be proud now bc you did.
thank you for telling this and being so open about it (:
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by ananya123
@-Nobody- omg 😭 😭i just read ur whole story. i feel so bad for u! 😭 im here if u ever need me 😘 😘
3 years, 11 months ago by Hazel_93
I know this may be tiny compared to some of y’all’s but here I go anyway.
3 years, 11 months ago by Hazel_93
I have been feeling really overwhelmed and sad lately and when I feel like telling someone something inside me makes me feel like I’m faking it or I don’t deserve anything. It gets super hard to breath on several occasions and I hate hanging out with people I’m not close to. I don’t want to open up to anyone because it is only going to lead to more because my mom always says it’s ‘hormones’. But usually hormones don’t cause people to hate themselves, right? I struggle with feeling good enough and i just feel numb except when I have little spurts of emotion. My friends have slowly drawn away from me and I think I need help but I feel guilty asking for it. I feel so alone and sad. I just don’t know what to do at this point. On worse days I wish I could just fall asleep and never ever wake up. I know no one will read the but maybe it will make feel better.
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by PugCakePop
I'd rather not say on a public forum post...
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by horselove1
Well this is small compared to everyone’s else’s but I told my crush I like him and got rejected and he said he just wants to be friends and I can’t get over him and I just wish it would go to normal and I have been having a lot of anxiety so I just feel like I could curl up in a little ball and disappear from the earth😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
3 years, 11 months ago by Hazel_93
Oh nooo I’m so sorry
3 years, 11 months ago by Hazel_93
And ummmm.... I hate to tell u this right now but that paragragh I just wrote was a monologue for a play I’m writing I just neede a place to write it down and didn’t have a pencil or paper but thanks for diagnosing my character 😂 again I’m so sorry and I no this was not what it was meant to be used for
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by HelloooIts
@PugCakePop you can also pm me if you need to vent
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by HelloooIts
@horselove1 he/she doesnt deserve you. if he or she doesnt like you, the amazing person you are, then he can get out. now. because youre amazing and apparently theyre not