any ideas on how i can save money to buy embroidery floss?
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by anna_knots
hi! I have been making a lot of bracelets lately, and my stock of floss is pretty low.
do you guys have any ideas on how i can save money?
I am trying to convince my parents to let me participate in craft shows, and trying to make an etsy shop, but they still haven't answered 🙂
making a youtube channel is always a choice to.

- @anna_knots
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by -Nobody-
I put around five bucks to the side or put away every time I'm out shopping for what I need. Then the next time another 5 bucks. It all adds up soon when I'm purchasing my embroidery floss. Hope this somewhat helped and it doesn't even have to be 5$ it could be .50 or 1$ it doesn't matter
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by anna_knots
ty! @-Nobody-
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by LolliKnots
Put aside some money , like make a box that says money for bracelets. Like if you had like a piggy bank or earned money for doing chores maybe save up some money or create an etsy or youtube ( with your parents permission) Amazon sells thread for around 4-10 dollars in Us money , you could also get floss from Walmart. I hope this helps!! 👍 🙂
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Forgotten3
I go through amazon for big packs (I also work there so I get discounts) but before I worked there it was cheaper. But I take used to take 5$ out of my checks also thrift stores have thread if your lucky for super cheap!
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by SC00PSAH0Y
If you live in the U.S. and have craft stores like Michaels, Joanns, and h
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by SC00PSAH0Y
(Ignore the first message, I sent it on accident) If you have Michaels, Joanns, and Hobby Lobby around then, if your allowed, download their app and make an account/have a parent make an account. Then you have access to the weekly/monthly add to see what sales are going on (yes, floss goes on sale! Usually DMC singles but you never know) You also will have access to coupons and you should never shop at those stores without them because they up charge their items (I wont get into this because it would take a while to explain so I am just keeping it simple). If you live far from these stores/can’t go out for many reasons, then order online if allowed! Maybe ask to trade your cash in to make it easy to online shop from these stores? Also, sometimes they have online only/drive-up only sales to help you save. Of course there is always Amazon, bulk thread is great, but there are many pros and cons to it. Etsy also has a verity of string for sale (singles and bulk) and you can even try for string that you can’t get at your local craft store. One thing about Etsy is shipping can cost a lot and sometimes things are over priced so wait for a sale. Hope something here helps! 😇
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Paris113
@anna_knots Hobby Lobby always has super good sales so wait till they have one 🙂
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by allialexis
Michaels is currently having a 20 % off sale so u can buy a 36 pack of loos and threads for 4 dollars 🙂 the promo code is 20MADEBYYOU
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by anna_knots
thank you everyone!
3 years, 11 months ago by rayasun
depending on what type of thread you use, you can buy color packs and they usually sell more thread for less than if you bought them individually. and honestly, trying to start a business is great but you probably won't start earning money straight away. I would fall back on easier odd jobs. You could babysit or do yard work, those will typically bring in at least 20 dollars a job, which adds up fast. at the same time, you have to be willing to put a lot effort into your work in order to make money. But speaking from experience, you will earn a LOT of money if you're willing to work. hope this helps!
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Sartney05
sell your bracelets lol
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by SavannaL
buy it from amazon. i recommend Soledi brand. super cheap, excellent quality bulk packs!
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by kmmorell
You said you were making a lot of bracelets. you could sell 1 and make about 3-8 dollars, then put that aside for more floss.
I know everytime i make some money I have the envelope system. some for gas money, some for eating out, one for clothes, one for when im with friends and one for craft projects. And you just put a little bit of money into every envelope. So that way you have kinda like a "budget" and it's all organized and you aren't worried about having to mentally deal with it. lol.
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by kmmorell
You can also check my page for a link to string from amazon. There's a lot