in need of advise😖
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by Nanna_Ozzy
Ok so I am really good friends with some guys my age, but I have been friends with them for YEARS.
Since I have started going to another church’s youth group, it has been difficult to become friends with the guys there. What are some tips for being just friends with teenage guys?
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by Nanna_Ozzy
I’m a freshman btw
4 years, 1 month ago by I_love_fox
Hello! I've been in this situation a few times. The best way to become friends with them is to show you care. Usually people who care, people will want to hang out with them. So what you should do is find a topic that they like. I am not quite sure all the things boys like, They like football and baseball ... I'm not sure what else. Oh yeah they like cars and guns. Well, find something that they talk about a lot. Now all you have to do is engage in their conversation. Ask them questions about the topic. Show that your interested. They would think it's pretty cool if your interested in the same topic as them. Maybe then, it would be easier to be friends with them. Make sure you make jokes or talk with them, or say hello. Even if you do something completely crazy. You might be scared to go up to them maybe, but I have this belief. I believe if you just take 20 seconds of insane courage, I promise something significant will come out of it. It may seem crazy, and nothing significant might happen at first, but I promise it will make a difference. Just take a deep breath, think of what your going to say, like compliment their new shoes or ask them how their week went. I hope this helps inspire some ideas for you! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
- LoveFox 🔥
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by Nanna_Ozzy
@I_love_fox thanks! That really helps. That’s one of my fav quotes too! I don’t know much about those topics, but I know that the guys at my church all love playing video games, and watching the Office. Which luckily I know a lot about both. The last time I became friends with a guy was about 5 years ago, which that was long before high school awkwardness. So I’m kind of relearning how to be friends with them.