Talk about your problems.. I'm here for you.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by -Nobody-
If you need to vent/rant/whatever because your having problems in your life. I'm here to listen and I'm here if you need me. You don't need to say anything if you don't want or you can pm me. Just know that I'm here.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by fuzzydogs8
I am frustrated bc I am having a hard time making sales on Etsy🙁 any tips? I have tried running sales I am running a good one rn too
Bracelet King
4 years ago by -Nobody-
@fuzzydogs8 I do not own an Etsy so I don't know how it works. But try not to stress out about it because I'm sure you'll figure it out soon
Bracelet King
4 years ago by riley_fxX
Im stressed bc I’m strating high school next year, and im getting a lot of anxiety from it
Bracelet King
4 years ago by llama1013
@fuzzydogs8 I’m 99% sure that there’s a “seller handbook” section on Etsy’s website. I suggest looking there to see if there are anything tips that may help you (:
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Nanna_Ozzy
I’m pretty sure my crush likes one of my friends... I cried myself to sleep last night.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by -Nobody-
@Nanna_Ozzy it's okay because if he does and you know your friend is a true friend then they won't like your crush back. It's going to be alright I promise you
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Nanna_Ozzy
@-Nobody- the problem is, I haven’t told that friend who I have a crush on. Should I?
Bracelet King
4 years ago by -Nobody-
@Nanna_Ozzy if you trust them and you have a good reason to trust them, I say tell them
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Nanna_Ozzy
Ok thanks! I will try to talk to her about it.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by -Nobody-
@Nanna_Ozzy okay! If you need anything else you can pm me or talk here! I'm here for you!
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Elise64
I make up these weird “stories” in my head and they’re really creepy lol and I made one a few weeks ago and it takes me a while to “finish” them and this one I felt like I needed to finish to stop thinking about 😂 but anyway one night I kept thinking about it and i had been on my phone for a really long time, so I came downstairs and told my mom I couldn’t sleep at like 11:40 and I had went to bed at like 9:40 and my mom was like “did you bring your switch up” and I was nervous but I didn’t though and I said no and then she said “well what have you been doing in your bed for two hours” “tell me!” And I said I had been on my phone for a little while and she said I could sleep on the couch and she said I am not supposed to go in my phone while I’m in my bed and ever since then (well it was only a few days ago lol) I’ve felt really sad and guilty because I am normally on my phone while I’m in my bed and sometime for long time and I realized that i had been on it for like an hour that night so then I started feeling really guilty. I feel like I am going to cry right now and I really just don’t want to tell my mom about the “story” I made in my mind and tell her that I’m upset about what she said because she was just saying I couldn’t be on my phone in my bed. I really don’t know what to do 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😢😢
4 years ago by Chime
Yo @Nobody I dont fully agree with u there for ur Nanna advice.
First you do not know the truth, so just relax.
Second if your guess is true, it’s okay!
It can be hard to have your desires and fantasies about a person brought to the harsh realtiy that these things dont always come to be true. Though another harsh reality is sometimes when they do, we discover it’s not what we thought it would be and that, in time changes us. Anyway, it’s okay if he/she doesn’t feel the same about you! Let life take you were it will and keep focusing on loving yourself. If you want a relationship, stay open to one and you will find yourself with someone wonderful, and it will feel great because you dont question if they love you or not : ) Feelings change.
If your friend did also happen to like your crush and your crush liked them too, you can choose to respond a lot of ways. You may feel some pain or jealousy, but if you can, which I know you can, take the higher perspective, realizing you are exactly where you need to be. You are learning, and in this moment you can learn to be happy for them, and continue being friends; knowing that the right thing for you is already happening. Just trust what you can’t yet understand.
Again, all this being said- IF YOUR HUNCH IS EVEN TRUE. Just chill fantasy Nanna 😎

Sending you and Nobody too lots of love and relaxing vibes ❤️
lol sounds funny, sending nobody
4 years ago by Chime
Yo @Elise64
Thats kind of hilarious LOL
Why you freaking tho?
I’m an writer and I pace around the house imagining scenes from my story. I’ll lay in bed in the morning or think about it before I go to sleep too. I’m working on a story that gets creepy af at certain points. Not only do I plan to publish it, I share it! LOL
But obviously I’m not you, and don’t know, nor need to about how creepy your story gets.
That’s up to you if you want to share it or not though. And that’s what you have to know!
You don’t have to tell your mom what your story is about. You can just say “it’s a horror story”
and if for some reason she’s pestering you for details, just tell her you dont want to tell her. Maybe someday you will (but maybe not eh?? lol)
Anyway, this sounds like you learned a lesson about lying today, even if it was a small lie. Just tell the truth, it’s simplier in the end 🙂
She’s not gonna keep your phone from you for forever. You can explain you didnt want to share your story with her and why u lied or not, thats up to you. right?
Oh and my mom, Idk if she’d read my story. She doesnt read much sadly. What is funny is I’m sure she’d be horrified by a lot of it haha I think she’d like parts too though!

Good luck fellow writer! Stay chill 😎 ❤️
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Elise64
@Chime well I have never wrote out stories that I make in my mind lol it’s really weird i will just tell you, one night I made up a creepy story in my mind about my dentist kidnapping me to take my wisdom teeth out since I’ve always been scared of surgeries or getting my teeth pulled...... LOL 😂 but it’s just weird I know it will never happen in real life I’ve made similar ones before that are like basically the same but it’s a different person who is doing it that just makes it CREEPYYYYY 😂😭 idk why I am even upset about it it kinda makes me really sad whenever i am sad and no one knows so then my family wants to do stuff with me and I feel guilty if I don’t want to. And my dads birthday is coming up and that makes me really stressed cuz I pretend to act happy 🙁
3 years, 12 months ago by Chime
Hahaha the mind comes up with quite some interesting stuff huh!??
I know when I am upset I do not do well hiding it at all!! If I’m in a bad mood, I will just let people know. Or if I’m feeling down I let them know too. And a lot of the times I dont want to talk about it! If I’m really having an aching heart I do yoga, meditate and pray. Go for long walks, write about it. Whatever is needed. It’s okay to be sad, but who wants to stay sad eh!?
Bracelet King
3 years, 12 months ago by Heidiv
OK so there this b named 1 so 1 is trying to steal my shine
and she is new so the heck she want she dont mind her buisness she gets in my way
steals my attention ( not rlly but like talks over me) 😤 and i just AHHHH
yeah thas it idk what to do 🤨
Bracelet King
3 years, 12 months ago by elephants1
@Heidiv maybe try talking to her since you never know what there going through
3 years, 12 months ago by rayasun
Okay so I've been going through a really hard time lately I'm not sure why I honestly think I might be going through a depression which kinda freaks me out. I'm fairly sure I deal with depression and anxiety, but even though my parents understand that mental disorders are real, they don't seem to understand their own children could possibly suffer from them. From what we (my brother, my sister, and I) think, I deal with body dysmorphia, anxiety, and depression; my sister deals with insomnia, severe social anxiety, and depression; and my brother has moderate OCD, anxiety, and depression. It makes me sad that my siblings and I are dealing with so much and we can't tell our parents because they would think we are faking it. but at the same time I wonder if we are faking it or at least over exaggerating the problems we have. So that's really been a struggle. And then I've been having problems with my friends. My best friend ditched me back in August and at the same time broke up with her boyfriend who is now one of my best friends. It really sucks and I feel like I'm hung up on her when she's moving on just fine. It's stupid because I stalk all her socials and try to see what's going on in her life. Finals are coming up at my high school and I'm a freshman so I've never taken finals before which is creating a lot of stress for me. My parents are really strict which makes me angry so I end up fighting with them a lot which makes me feel like crap. I'm kind of scared I'm going to get an eating disorder because recently i've had a lot of anxiety when it comes to eating in front of other people. I looked it up and that is a warning sign of an eating disorder. I'm already pretty skinny which means it wouldn't take much for my body to become malnourished. But most days I don't eat breakfast, don't eat lunch, eat a snack after school, and eat a medium-sized dinner. So I'm just worried what that means for me in the future. Anyway thanks for listening to this too long and random rant and sorry for dumping it all on you. 🙂
3 years, 12 months ago by rayasun
@Heidiv yooo there's a new girl at my school too I'm so threatened by her 😂 😂 😂 like go back to georgia thank you very much