How do you convince your parents to get you a phone
Bracelet King
4 years ago by sama123
Hi everyone! I made this post because I need to convince you parents to get me a decent phone. I want a phone because basically the whole grade at school has a phone and I either has it in their hand or their back pocket. I have asked my mom several times and she says she will look into it but she never does! I feel even worse because when I can back from winter break I had my best friend show me their first phone although I knew they were getting that. Then, ,y other friend showed me a NEW phone they got for Christmas. And lastly, this other girl who is not my friend told me they got the IPhone 11 for Christmas. I know I am making a big deal about this and proprasinating over it but I have one last story to tell... When one of my friends came over (which is the one I knew was getting a phone) to my house for a sleepover. She said she had exciting news to tell me and it was that her phone that she got would be there on a Wednesday, then she was talking about it alot. It kinda made me feel bad and left out and it made me feel like yelling and crying but I wouldn't yet do that. It made me feel even worse and she was my BFF and ,y mom asked before if she has a phone and I told that now she is getting one. I need help. Give me ways to convince my parents please! 👍 🙈
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Hazel23
Well hoe old are you? You don’t have to answer I just just help more
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Hazel23
How ** omg so sorry
Bracelet King
4 years ago by 2006_Mandy
is there reasons why you want it? list them to your parents that is the most you can likely do besides explaining why you should have one/need one, how you will work to get one or help pay for one (if you can) and maybe try aiming for a cheaper phone or a second hand phone to start out (to show you can take care of a phone before getting a really good/expensive one).
Bracelet King
4 years ago by stormii
How old are you? I think this would help me give better reasons to tell your parents if I knew. You obviously don't have to answer, you could just put your school (elementary, middle, high) or your age range if you're comfortable 🙂
4 years ago by smolhands
Lol so I got my phone during my freshman year (9th grade) and I got it bc I'd have projects or stay after school and needed to call my parents to pick me up. If ur in grade school, it'll be hard to convince them. Middle school, maybe. But there's also distance learning right now, at least for me, so I'm not sure that the extracurricular after school thing I use would work.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by PugCakePop
Same problem. I have indian parents and they are strict about many things. They said i couldnt get my phone until 15, at first i was upset, because even my best friend had one and i went through that same thing of being left out. But i realized it was the right decison. If i got my phone in elementary, i wouldn't have really acheived anything except getting obsessed. And you couldnt really use it in school anyway so yeah. And if i used it at home, i would just use it all day and neglect a lot of things that were important to me. School, friends, hobbies. Especially school. Now i am in middle school and tbh i dont really want a phone. I would be too busy to use it and my parents would moniter everything so i wouldn't want one. I feel like in high school, you know how to manage the work and pressure, and you're a lot more responsible. So hang in there, even though you feel left out, a phone isn't everything. Hang out with your friends and just enjoy your childhood because as soon as you get older you won't really get any time to do that anymore. And if you are in elementary, you should concentrate on school instead. It'll pay off big time when you're in higher grades and you know how to focus and study, work, etc. Hope this helped, have a nice day!
Bracelet King
4 years ago by PugCakePop
A phone is important in a lot of ways tbough. If youbreally need it, list reasons of why its a good idea. Maybe someone was saved from a dangerous situation because they called the police, or were able to call their oarents. Try to be more responsible, help around the house and make your parents notice it. Prove to your parents that you are mature and responsible enough to have a phone
Bracelet King
4 years ago by PugCakePop
Ugh sorry for the typos 😐
Bracelet King
4 years ago by creative_1
Tell them you need it to stay safe in case you are ever alone and need to call the police or someone for help. That’s the only reason my parents got me a phone
Bracelet King
4 years ago by NB2909
@sama123 i think that you should actually ask your mom why can't you get a phone because if you know the reason it would be much easier
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Nanna_Ozzy
I didn’t get one until my 14th birthday, but a lot of my friends (who are my age or older) still don’t have one. It really depends on why you want one. Like if you want one just because all of your friends have one. That’s probably not the best reason to get one. (I’m not trying to sound rude or insensitive) It also depends on whether you do sports, have a job, or you go on missions trips for church. Which the last one is why my parents thought it was best for me to get a phone. I would trust your parents judgment. Like my parents don’t want me to date yet. (I’m still in high school) and I’m totally okay with it. Sure i want to date my crush at some point, but it’s not a good idea to grow up too fast. Enjoy being young for as long as long as possible.
4 years ago by adelaide0f
Ok, so this is my little story and then I’ll give u my advice - I’m in 7th grade and we live in a pretty small town. For our school system, 7th graders are in the high school, there is not middle school just when u get to 7th u r in the high school. All the kids walk home from school and all that. I also live in an area that has been very affected by the whole pandemic, so when I saw we are locked down, we are truly LOCKED DOWN. All of my friends got a phone in maybe 5-6 grade, but some had ones as early as 3rd grade, because that’s when kids start walking home. In this while lockdown, I had absolutely no way to contact my friends except through email or my parents. Also, my brother got a phone in 6th grade, so I convinced my parents to get me a phone in 7th. Here’s my advice - sometimes, you don’t really know what you want it for until u get it. For me, I wasn’t really thinking ahead about what I could use it for. But with my school trying our hybrid and virtual learning, I really did need a phone. However, this also depends on your age. I’m not sure how old you are. If u are old enough to be doing this out by yourself, then you probably need a phone. I’ve wanted a phone since 5th grade, cause everyone else had them, but now that I actually have a phone, I’m glad I didn’t. There are creepy people on every platform (except I’ve never had problems with BraceletBook!) and u have to trust yourself.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by mintcookie
If your parents are the type that get anxious (like mine):
I didn’t really convince them but anyway, here’s my personal story. And it works precisely because they’re worried about me (you know, Asian households 😜)
I told them that it was a great idea to tell them when I got on the bus after school, just to keep accountable so they know where I am. Esp when my country had many road accidents and a slight peak in crime, it worked. I got a really crappy phone.
And then, I told them that I wanted to get an iPhone, to get WhatsApp and communicate with my friends. Seeing that I am rather introverted, and have very little friends, she thought it was a good idea for me to widen social circles online. It helps to bring all the points up when the newest phone is out and your parents want to buy a new one (so you can get their old phone)
That’s how I got my iPhone at 11. 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years ago by sama123
Just so everyone knows I am 11 years old. I am in 6th grade which for my school is the beginning of middle school. I live in a pretty small decent size town but I still have to ride the bus because my house is too far away to walk. Hope this helps you guys ton help with my judgment. Just so everyone knows the main reason(s) I want a phone is because that way I can contact my friends because I am not really able to see them a ton at school and my other reason that I can remember right now is I can get on BraceletBook as I please without having to wait for my tablet to load and turn on. 🤮 🤮 👍
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Vivi07
@sama123 hi! I know how frustrating this is... I didn’t get my first phone untill I was 11, but nearly 12. I was THE LAST person in my year to get a phone. THE LAST. The main reason my parents let me have one was because I was walking to school really early in the morning to take care of some stuff at school with a couple of friends (set designing blah blah blah). So I was waking with a couple of friends. They had phones. I think what made them get me a phone was when me and my 2 friends were crossing a quiet road at about 8 in the morning. We had checked and double triple checked that there were no cars coming. Then when one of my friends stepped into the middle of the road, this car came driving WAY too fast down the road. She started screaming and she was frozen in shock. It took me and my other friend to get her out the road just in time. When we told my parents they decided that I needed a way of communicating in case something like that happened again. I’m not saying that was a good reason for getting one (as I still sometimes get nightmares about that) but they did get me one. My advice would be to probe that you’re responsible enough for one, and that you have a genuine reason. To your parents, the reasons that you have stated might not seem good enough (tho they seem perfectly fine to me, it depends from parent to parent) but they might not see it the same way. On my phone, there are restrictions like only downloading apps when my dad gives permission from his phone. You could make a compromise like that. Or maybe paying some of the cost. Sorry this probably doesn’t help and it’s really long but I hope you get what you want. And even though you might not feel like it, trust your parents judgment, you may feel like it’s wrong, but trust me, they know whats best for you 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years ago by donuts98
Hey, I have the same problem I’m almost 13 and literally everyone has some type of phone. Whenever I ask why I can’t have one they always say “because we said so” and “maybe when your older” and just change the subject. It’s so annoying! I have no way to contact my friends and almost all of them went virtual for school so I haven’t talked to some of them in almost a year! I was really hoping to get one for Christmas this year, even an old one with restrictions... I guess I’ll just have to hope for my 13th birthday in a month
Bracelet King
4 years ago by JBanana
@sama123 im in the same situation but im 13, i understand you verry well 😭 😉
4 years ago by potato1122
Don’t annoy them trying to convince them, I told them I would pay for half, and do house chores! Give it time and don’t give up 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years ago by sama123
Thank you everyone for being so kind to me and some of you are actually in the same boat as me!☺ I think maybe one thing I will do is I will pay half of the cost or I will pay for the whole cost to purchase it and whatever phone case I want etc and they pay the bills to it. I also will do more house chores than I normally do and I will help out more around the house with stuff I don't already do! 😃 I think that could potentially blow them over. 😉