people who know a bit about the lgbtq+ community 🏳️🌈 plz help
Bracelet King
4 years ago by meganff01
so i’ve just come across a term ‘androgynous’. i’ve googled it but i don’t understand the definitions i’ve found. does it mean that a person has both male and female body parts at birth and then express through presenting as male and female or can it also be that with only female or male body parts at birth? or have i got it completely wrong? plz can someone explain or give a definition cus i’m really confused 🤯 thanks so much
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Meghan_J24
I did a little research and here is what I have come up with: Androgyny is a state in which gendered behaviours, presentations and roles include aspects of both masculinity and femininity. People of any gender identity or sexual orientation can be androgynous, but it is often favoured by non-binary people as a means to externally express their gender identity. At way of expressing androgyny can include dressing in way where one is unable to tell if they are male or female. People who feel that their gender identity is androgynous often identify as androgyne. Basically, *I think* it could be described as a "third gender" if that helps. You are correct with the latter part as well; when something is biologically described as androgynous it can also refer to individuals with fully developed sexual organs of both sexes, also called hermaphrodites. Body build and other physical characteristics of these individuals are a blend of normal male and female features. Hope this helps some! Let me know if you need more info! |
Bracelet King
4 years ago by meganff01
@Meghan_J24 oh wow! thank you so much that makes so much more sense now. that’s really interesting thank you so much. that helps a tonne. so i guess biologically is like the traditional definition and it has been adapted to suit the modern day?
Bracelet King
4 years ago by B_ridgette
So the term ‘androgynous’ refers more to gender expression than identity or your biological sex. Your biological sex is what you were born as, usually XX, XY, M, F but there is such thing as intersex where there is a combination of X and Y chromosomes. So someone that is intersex may identify as male and have male "parts" but they can also have some XX chromosomes. Also, intersex people can have female top parts (Idk why I'm saying that) and male bottom parts or switch. ‘androgynous’ refers to a style of your expression of gender. Gender expression refers to what you wear. So a female can wear more masculine clothes, like bigger pants, baggy t-shirts, and can have short hair. That is part of ‘androgynous’. ‘androgynous’ is somewhere in the middle between feminine and masculine. So a person who likes to wear more ‘androgynous’ things likes to wear more gender-neutral clothes if that makes sense. There is also ‘androgynous’ referring to gender identity. Gender is a spectrum, so I believe, and someone who is ‘androgynous' would feel somewhere in the middle, like Non-binary. Hope this helps.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by meganff01
@B_ridgette thank you so much! that is really helpful. that’s really helped me understand what it means- what i originally thought was completely wrong!! i’m so glad to understand cus i want to get it right. one more question- what’s the difference between androgynous and non-binary? is it that non-binary is more internal and androgynous is the outward expression through things like fashion and hair?
4 years ago by halokiwi
Androgynous refers to gender expression while non-binary refers to gender.Gender expression is for example the way you dress, the way you behave, how you wear your hair, make-up etc. but it is not the same as gender. You could for example dress in a feminine way or a masculine way or in an androgynous way which would be a combination of both or something that just doesn't fall into the categories of masculine and feminine. Gender is who you are. You could be a girl or you could be a boy or you could be non-binary etc. |
Bracelet King
4 years ago by B_ridgette
@meganff01 Non-binary is more of who you are and your identity. Like if you are male, female, or non binary, which is somewhere in the middle. Non-binary people usually feel comfortable with they/them pronouns, wich can be used in place of she/her or he/him pronouns. Androgeny is a term to describe what they would usually wear because non-binary people are 'in the middle' the term androgenous is used to describe something(usually fashion or style) that is in between or outside the normal binary feminine and masculine.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by meganff01
@halokiwi @B_ridgette thanks both so much it all makes much more sense now