blocking rude users?
Bracelet King
9 years ago by purpLhaze
I don't know if this is the right section for this but how do I block or just perhaps report someone that's went through all my patterns and given me a 0% rating on almost everything for no apparent reason? I wouldn't say anything about it normally but this person is degrading my work ( again ) while she barely has anything on her profile. It's kind of killing my joy for this and I know my work isnt perfect but at least I'm trying to get better. Her user name is FOX. Sorry to be a bother, thanks for reading.
9 years ago by megani
Send a message to Adik it has happened to me
Bracelet King
9 years ago by GraysonJax
Yeah a girl called me a f****** b**** so I reported her to Admin and bam she got banned
Bracelet King
9 years ago by purpLhaze
Thanks guys 🙂 ... like I said I wouldn't say anything because I feel like it's a bit petty but I haven't said anything or done anything to this girl for her to do this and this is the 2nd time she's done this and idk how everyone else learned to tie knots like this but I taught myself how to do all of this I'll accept constructive criticism from someone who has an advanced skill at this but for someone who has nothing to show really on her profile is uncalled for she has no business rating anyone at zero I don't know if the ratings hurt my rank but I do know my feelings are fairly tender about it again thanks for the advice 🙂
Bracelet King
9 years ago by GraysonJax
Just tell her how you feel, cause I wouldn't let someone do that to
Bracelet King
9 years ago by GraysonJax
to me* and sorry about the swearing I didn't literally mean it just telling you what she said lol. But anyway no one should do that it's like telling someone in the face that they suck, I get that some times when I'm drawing, just don't listen to her
Bracelet King
9 years ago by purpLhaze
Oh I don't mind the swearing ... I have the mouth of a sailor haha but I haven't said anything to her because I don't want to get banned myself I love this site I really enjoy seeing other peoples ideas for patterns and pictures of their projects there's always something new to see
Bracelet King
9 years ago by GraysonJax
I promise you won't get banned because of it you should I have the right to do stuff like this 😉