Rant, vent, confess, dump your messy insides all over haha---this is a safe place---NO JUDGEMENT PLS page 5
Bracelet King
4 years ago by fuzzydogs8
Sometimes just crying in my room by myself helps me feel better
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Firecorn
Well ok.

>I think i have ADHD but i am to scared to talk about it

>My dad is always yelling at me

>Virtual school sucks the fun out of everything, mostly

>People who aren't forgiving me even tho i have apologized the 15 times

>I haven't had many sales lately

I could go on and on
Bracelet King
4 years ago by 207055
I'm sorry, that sounds hard. But I'm kind of in the same boat because I do not have a phone yet, haha
Maybe negotiate with your mom and say ill give you a few passwords, usernames, etc (but not all)
So she will be able to see if something happens on those accounts, gain her trust with those accounts and she will (hopefully) see that you can be trusted.
I hope this works, remember its just a suggestion ❤️
Bracelet King
4 years ago by 207055
It's ok I understand enter button stuff haha
Hiding emotions is just something that we do naturally as humans:
We either tell everyone everything, or close up
Neither of these two options is good, but if you meet in the middle of them... it can get a lot better. Just try to tell a very trusted parent/guardian/friend etc how you feel. Hiding your emotions is a tough thing to deal with, but letting some stuff out bit by bit can make a huge difference. ❤️
Controlling your emotions is also hard but some good coping skills may help you gain better control. Here are some of mine:
1. reading
2. writing
3, skateboarding (any activity that you like)
4. just taking time to do some self-care
Honestly, it can be very hard to overcome judgment. But just think... will anything that I wear today affect me in 2 or more years? most likely not. Stuttering? probably not.
Just be your own person and don't let other people stop you from being who you want to be. Even if you mess up somewhere along the line, just laugh it off, and continue your day, don't let that stop you. ❤️
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Elise64
Ik I’ve posted in this forum a lot of times lol 😂 but I am always so sad all the time and every night I cry in my bed for no reason and I already broke down crying one night and told my mom about everything I’ve been sad about and I don’t feel better at all and it was really hard to talk to someone about it cuz I had been hiding it in for 4 MONTHS and finally one day I told her everything and I don’t think anyone in my family understands how hard it is to hold something in for months and finally talk to somebody but still feel sad. I always discourage myself in gym class and say that I’m weak and can’t exercise at all and when I get snarles in my hair my mom brushes them out and always talks about how bad they are and that’s been happening for so long now whenever my mom says that I should start brushing my hair more often and take care of myself better I feel sad and mad for some reason. I feel like I will never feel better 😔
Bracelet King
4 years ago by mintcookie
@Elise64 I do that crying thing too, sometimes I just end up thinking of really stupid things and they just make me cry when I should really get to bed. It’s awkward to tell anyone else because I feel like they’ll think I’m mentally unstable. The worst part is when crying makes my eyes really swollen and painful in the morning so it sucks even to get out of bed. 😐
Bracelet King
4 years ago by mintcookie
Also, well, this is my second part of the rant.
A close friend of mine has really bad mental health (not officially diagnosed and he doesn’t want to go to professionals, so I’m not going to put labels but it’s pretty bad). I don’t know how to help him and tbh, I too have panic attacks sometimes so.
The thing is, this few weeks we have gotten a lot closer to the point where we talk everyday even though we aren’t in school (cause it’s the holidays and stuff in my country). His situation is getting worse and he intends to just shut off people when sch starts, I’m scared that he’ll block me out too.
Firstly, I don’t want to lose a friend and secondly, rejection and loneliness is kind of my 2 greatest fears. I told him this multiple times but idk, there’s a lot of uneasiness.
And lastly, I feel like I’m developing feelings for him which really sucks because I know he’s not interested in a relationship, but it hurts to see somebody that you love (as a friend)/ like (as more than a friend) suffer so much and believe that there’s no out for him because he’s a monster.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Elwen
Well...I took your advice and got yelled at by my parents about how I am gonna fail at life with my low expectations. I was good advice, it just ended really bad for me in particular. Thank you for trying to help, I really appreciate it.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by 207055
Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to have that happen. Thank you for trying, and I don't think that you will fail. Stay strong and know that you are worth it
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Elise64
Lol I’m posting in this yet again 😂 I made up a weird scenario in my head when my dentist kidnapped me to take my wisdom teeth out cuz I was scared LOL 😂 it’s really weird I think of weird scenarios that will never happen to me (except for ones about me getting surgery but I hope that will never happen 😬) and that’s kinda been bothering me the past few days but I’ve made way weirder ones that I have stopped thinking about so I think I’ll be fine 😂 and it could be in a horror movie so if was a horror movie I would probably be more scared so that’s good ig lol 😂
Bracelet King
4 years ago by luka2211
Trump supporters who think they won the election aree sooooooooo dumb. StOp ThE StEal well how about you go and get a frickin Education
Bracelet King
4 years ago by NB2909
I think i might have anxiety because i have a lot of the symptoms. about a year ago my mom said the thought i might have it but i didn't think so then but i searched up symptoms/traits so i think i do. I also am very emotional i can cry and get angry at the smallest things and i get worried on the smallest things so i keep secrets instead of telling people because i worry their reaction, though i use reading as my escape from reality when in reality i have been quarantined for almost 10 months, because my grandpa lives with us and my mom asked if i wanted to go back to school i said no because i thought that would be selfish, i am worried my friends have moved on
4 years ago by I_love_fox
I hope you feel better! If you ever need someone to talk to, I am here for you! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Bracelet King
4 years ago by llama1013
I personally am stressed because there’s a lot of drama going on with my boyfriend, my parents, and my supposed best friend. My boyfriend and best friend are like brother and sister, they’ve been friends for about 10 years, and they hung out a few days ago to work some things out (it’s been a hard year for everyone and there was specifically a lot in our group that needed fixing). But I kinda felt left out, and even worse, my parents are weirded out and mad at my boyfriend. They don’t understand why he’s trying to pursue their friendship when my best friend has been so rude to us. I’m trying to stay neutral, it’s just all painful and overwhelming and I’m kinda mad at everyone. I definitely keep anger inside and tend to give people the silent treatment and/or be bitter