What should I do?
Bracelet King
4 years ago by loopAloop
So I started making bracelets in January 2020 and I just started making bigger bracelets like #27679 and my sisters call it Mr. chunker which is funny but also a little mean and they haven't stopped even after I told them to. Sometimes they make mean comments on my other bracelets as well but also sometimes they say really nice things about them! What should I do? I don't want to be mean to them but they are being mean to me!

I think my bracelets are pretty good and I don't like them being made fun of even if it is funny.

Thanks for your help,

Bracelet King
4 years ago by oceanknot
They are most likely not trying to be rude, so you shouldn’t take it too personally. If it really bothers you though, you can tell them that it offends you when you’re proud of your bracelet and someone else makes fun of it. People are always going to be rude, so you have just brush it off and do what’s best for you. I know that this probably wasn’t the answer you were looking for, but I hope it helps.
4 years ago by Xxpuffish
Making bracelets is technically art and you really can’t judge art so just remember that and keep your head up!😁
Bracelet King
4 years ago by horses13
My mom makes fun of my little bracelets she says that they are too small when they are like 14 strings😂 she thinks that something like 50 strings would look best.😂 I understand how you feel just ignore them, maybe talk to your parents about it.