You can confess anything, its a safe place to talk! NO JUDGEMENT PLZ page 3
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by JBanana
@kaileys your right it's like an horrible fealing it often happen to me because im always with people who are 1 or 2 years older than me at school since 3 years, now it happens less often because im in the same class than them since 3 years but it stills happen and i hate it
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by jazlyn05
I think I like girls, but I am a christian so I can’t identify as bi.
4 years ago by toblerone
@jazlyn05 why can’t you be attracted to certain people if you’re a Christian???
Bracelet King
4 years ago by riley_fxX
I’m back lol. I feel like I’m struggling with my mental health...anyone have tips on how to maintain good mh? without talking to anyone tho..
Bracelet King
4 years ago by ohdang
my parents hate me and I'm honestly at a point where idc I wanna live with my mom but can't. Its sooooo fun
4 years ago by spklipper
I have this crush on this boy who is also really annoying and we have the rep of hating each other but does anyone have tips for confession
Bracelet King
4 years ago by PotatoPeel
@spkilpper i answered some other people, with some tips you can go read those if you want. I hope it helps, and have a great day!
Bracelet King
4 years ago by PotatoPeel
@spklipper answered you above ☝
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Hazel23
@kaileys Omg that makes me so mad like.... I’m mature for my age and I’m tired of people saying that I don’t understand or stuff. There is this same channel on YouTube and in the bio it says “the videos are for people over 13” so I’m like. Ok a 13 year old isn’t old enough to see same games that basically talk about family and eye color. Umm hmm.... heck an 8 year old could see that. People think we don’t understand death or say we can’t feel love in a romantic way. My parents never let me see anything that everyone else does. It’s so annoying! And especially coming from someone a year older than me. Of course I know a boy he’s 15 and I’m 13 and we respect each other as equals like everyone should. Probably because he knows me cause we are really good friends and we dated but still. Everyone should respect people and not say oh your too young to handle it or your not mature enough. There’s a girl on here that basically says that all 12 and 13 year olds are in mature and couldn’t handle something and she was 14. She went in to say oh I know so much more than I did now than when I was 13... but you don’t because that’s only one year and people learn things at different times. Sorry for ranting it just makes me so mad. It’s why I never share my age anymore but you can probably guess that I’m the same age as you lol
Bracelet King
4 years ago by kaileys
@Hazel23 right? like last year i was in the 6th grade and all the 7th graders are like “imagine being in 6th grade” i was like bi- no honey. you were just in 6th grade 3 months ago. please don’t talk about that around me bc i’m much MUCH more mature than you think. my parents are pretty chill about what i listen to and watch but my brother, who’s 19, is like “no you can’t watch this, too much violence” like what- i used to watch lots of violent and inappropriate stuff but that’s bc i can handle it. like please. someone older than me can’t say anything like that to me bc they’re talking to the wrong person 🙄
Bracelet King
4 years ago by kaileys
and it just hurts me bc my teacher was like “you guys better take this seriously” when we were talking about slaves. i’m sorry that some of us are immature but not all of us are. it makes me so mad sorry lol i’m so annoying probably
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Hazel23
@kaileys omg yes😭 I’m so tired of this stuff it’s so not fair at all. I get most people are not super mature at our age but stop making assumptions because some of us are actually mature. Lol people do that at my school but I’m in 8th grade so my grade says it about the other ones.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Hazel23
@kalieys oof my teacher started talking to us about the girl and boy geans before biology lol that was weird
Bracelet King
4 years ago by kaileys
@Hazel23 ok talking about that makes me uncomfortable but that’s just who i am. i don’t say “ewww” in the middle of class like some people do but ya know, i don’t like it but i don’t. anyways-
Bracelet King
4 years ago by kaileys
i mean i don’t like it but i don’t go and make noises
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Hazel23
@kaileys yeah I was uncomfortable but I didn’t say anything.. unlike all the boys
Bracelet King
4 years ago by kaileys
@Hazel23 i swear the boys are the most immature 😭🤚🏼. some of them in my class are mature but they still make noises in class if ya know what i mean 😳
Bracelet King
4 years ago by PotatoPeel
@Hazel23 @kaileys ya, i find it so annoying. This year, we are the oldest in our school, so its not so bad. But i dont go around when some younger grades ask us what were talking about, everyone that im "talking" with just says they are too young. I end up going up to them after and asking if they want to really know what we were talking about. They say yes, so i tell them. Maybe not with the same detail as when we were talking, but i still tell them.

Before i said "talking" cuz i dont really talk. Sometimes im so much thinking about stuff in my head that i dont really listen either. But thats besides the point.

Also, this still does happen to me now, because I go up to people and ask what they are talking about, and they are in the same grade as me. They say that i am too "innocent" to know. Like, seriously??? Thats why I normally just hangout with my best friend, and thats my mind. But I like it like that, rather than being around people who dont thunk your mature enough. I mean i dont go around asking to be popular like some other people.

Well this was long but anyways...
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Godluvsu
I am not sure whether to quit a sport I have dedicated so much to. My parents have made a lot of sacrifices too. I am pretty good at it as well but I just am not sure if i want to dedicate 20 hours a week and ruin other opportunity's. My coach plays favorites and i am on the wrong side of it even though i am quiet and respectful. i just learned i will be moving up levels and she will be the coach again 🙁. I am very underestimated which is extremely frustrating. i am the youngest and my teammates are not very inclusive towards me 😭 i just am not sure i want to deal with all the stress, and then with teammates who leave me out and a coach who is not very nice to me its is a tough decision. i know in sports you go through phases and i am just trying to stick it out but its hard and is very wearying. i cant change gyms either because there are none near us
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Godluvsu
sorry for my 🔥rant 🔥 😂 😂