How can I take care of myself better, and boost my confidence? page 2
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by Godluvsu
Ok I didn’t get to finish: confident thoughts= confident body language. When you have cute nails your more likely to talk with your hands. This takes practice! Reign those negative thoughts in, don’t let them dominate. Practice, practice, practice thinking positive! Force a Smile until you don’t even need too!
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by heal01
I know how you feel, I have it a lot too. I usually turn on my favorite music, read a book I know I like, look through an encyclopedia (I'm a nerd 😛), or look through an old diary or photos that bring back happy memories. Then I just sit down and start scolding myself for comparing myself with others and letting other people's opinions bother me. No one's opinion about you matters but your own; don't make it a bad one. Look at the beauty around you and be happy. You are beautiful just the way you are. Stay that way. ❤️