End of Trimester stories
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by Elwen
So my trimester just ended, and I don't have my favorite teachers anymore 😭
So I was wondering if anyone had any funny stories. I'll go first:
I was in a breakout room with two of my friends (I am doing school over zoom). We were listening to rock music, and then I came across The Final Countdown. One of my friends had never heard it, so I turned the volume all the way up. We actually had to stop and finish our work, unfortunately, and then we went back to the main room. Most of my class was playing games on their phones, and It was really, really quiet (Class was over, but we can stay in the zoom if we want). So, naturally, I turned The Final Countdown up as loud as it goes, thanked my teacher and said goodbye, because I didn't have that class anymore, did a quick air guitar solo, and left. Anyone else have a story?
Bracelet King
4 years, 1 month ago by 2006_Mandy
well we only had like 3 in class periods for our cpt 2 weeks ago and the other half of my class had 1. So they couldn't choose their lights and only had time to code the project which was worth 30% of the overall mark. They also got an extra test so I felt very lucky. And meanwhile in my other course I last minute realized my printer wasnt working and had to call my friend like at 9pm to ask her to print it for me after my neighbours didnt answer. That night was interesting and I still don't know my grades but yeah.... I am in a quadmester format currently. Lol