DON’T LIE TO ME. 😋 cat addition 😋
4 years, 3 months ago by N470353
1) what is the most stupidest thing you cat has ever done? 2) why do you think he/she did it? 3) is you cat related to aliens or CoRoNa ViRuS 🦠 May the best sounding cat win 😏 |
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Ldatcodylv
well I have 3 cats, Ethan, Sam and Tinka and the first time Ethan saw my pet rabbits he did the cutest thing ever and he started grooming them. but a stupid thing that he did was follow me around at a barn that we brought him home from and i know that dosen't sound stupid but he actually had worms, a respiratory infection and had to be microchiped and neutered. and after that he fought with Sam so much he got a skin infection and he was best friends with a god at the barn. yeah basically hes a tiny goofy cat that sneezes snot all over or house and meows non stop🤦
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Ldatcodylv
hes probably more related to sheep and horses insted of aliens and corona 😂