DON’T LIE TO ME. ❤️crush addition ❤️ page 2
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by CatDog12
I am not going to use names but his name is Charlie I like him because he has dry humor like me and he is nerdy like me and he is just really cute I am not dating any one because no one has ever liked me or shown any interest in me so that is it
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by 09_blehh_2
Well my crush is my friends cousin. I like him because he always seem so interested in talking to me. I was reading in my friends living room and he walked in and said “of course” and I talked back and we had a conversation that lasted for maybe 1 hour 😐. He makes me laugh and idk he’s just nice. I’m not really sure what his interests are because I talk a lot and I was telling him 😂. He does like The Series Of Unfortunate Events. He is also around my age and he is pretty chill. He is not dating anyone currently. He is a boy.

Also I just need to tell someone this story:

Me and him were in the living room talking and my friends brother walked in and he was like “hey what’s going on here” and it was awkward and I heard him and my friends brother talking. The brother was like “really dude you’re leaving Sunday, also you know she is like 10” I turned around and I was like “I’m 12” and he was so surprised for some reason. We then played Hide and go seek. The brother was like “DONT LET EMILY AND _______ HIDE TOGETHER!!!”. We didn’t really talk for the rest of the night 😐
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by dressy
I’m actually interested in Abbey’s boyfriend. She always get the good guys, probably because she’s rich, and they want the money.
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by shyc18
1) my crush is @xKNOTTEDx and she’s soooo cute
2) I like her because she’s so nice and fun to talk to
3) you would like her because she’s sweet and nice and caring
4) no she’s not
5) and @xKNOTTEDx is a girl
4 years, 3 months ago by i_am_satan
My crush is actually my girlfriend, they are an amazing person <3 I am transgender and they fully support me! They use my pronouns and name! They use she/they pronouns and they are completely valid!! We are the same age and we go to the same school. We are both interested in anime a lot! They have agreed to do a couple cosplay with me after COVID. (Not in a wierd way bc were minors) they are the most kind and supportive person I’ve ever met! We have common interests too! On our first date, we went to an abandoned building near my house, and we watched a romance anime for nearly 2 hrs, and they ended up falling asleep on my chest : ) we both rly like monster energy so We got some for eachother without planning it! I really want to spend my whole life with them! <33
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by _arianao
So there is this boy (I will call him R) and he's a year older then me and we met when he was in fifth grade and I was in fourth grade. As soon as we met I felt very connected to him but I never really had feelings for him because I liked another boy (we will call this boy M) but that boy ended up getting a girlfriend so I lost feelings for him. So "R" lives in the street behind mine and "M" lives on my street. "R" and "M" are both friends and "R" is also friends with these other boys that live across the street from me so "R" is always on my street. They always play football outside and sometimes I go and play with them. "M" had texted me and asked if I wanted to go trick or treating with him and I said yes. We went to the front of the neighborhood and then to "R" street and he was outside and said he wanted to come with us. Me and "r" started talking a lot because we are really close and that's when I realized I liked him because he's funny, caring, and very protective over me (he is like my little bodyguard😂) Me and him are always together we sit on the bus together and we go to the park together and every single time someones say I'm pretty and makes a comment he always gets mad but I never really thought anything of it. People always tell me "you know "R" likes your right?" but I would just laugh but I always would see little signs about him liking me. And while we were trick or treating "M" told me that he wanted to talk to me and I said ok he told me " you know "R" talks about you all the time and how your his future wife and you guys are going to be together forever. We call him a simp and he always tells us to trust him it's going to happen and I and the boys always laugh at him." then "M" shows me the group chat messages and all he does is talk about me. I want to tell him but idk 😭
4 years, 3 months ago by N470353
@-arianao I think you should say you have feelings for “R” and then say you still like him and you would love to hang out sometimes, because it’s not like that sentence will ruin your relationship with him, right? But cmon! If he takes it personally, that’s on him. And then you can see if he is really jealous 😅
4 years, 3 months ago by N470353
@-arianao “R” sounds like a really nice guy and I think you should do whatever feels right, but I would do what I would do. so whatever you do is fine with me❤️ I will support no matter what even though I don’t know you😅 ( plus, I’m just an 11 year old and I have never been in a relationship so I wouldn’t really know what to do lol )
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by bablitsboo
@N470353 I like Cillian Murphy, the irish actor. I love him because he is a kind and mature man, he has blue eyes and perfect style. I don't want to convince you yo like him because i am stubborn and i think he only belongs to me 😂 He is married to Yvonne McGuiness and has 2 cute sons my age, Malachy and Aaran. I just love him.
4 years, 3 months ago by rayasun
@N470353 I've been trying to figure out who I like for a really long time I used to like this one guy and he was so sweet to me but sometimes he'd also be really jerky and ignore me sometimes you would like him because everyone liked him even tho he was lowkey a jerk. I think he's dating this girl that's basically a more perfect version of me, so I have no chance and I'm trying to get over him

Right now I think I kinda like my best friend?? He's kind of immature but we've been through crap together, we've lost the third person in our group two different times now and he always listens to me when I'm upset. You would like him because he's the type of person that you feel safe around. When I'm with him, I feel like I dont have to pretend to be happy or be fake, I can be myself and he doesn't judge me like my old crush. Also sometimes he sneaks into my class at school so we can hang and I think that's really sweet. No he's not dating anyone, but his ex-girlfriend is my ex-best friend and I don't wanna be a rebound, ya know?? And I'm kind of conflicted because I feel like I should like him but I don't but maybe I do and ugggg so obviously i'm struggling
4 years, 2 months ago by ryans1120
charles melton
4 years, 2 months ago by ryans1120
charles melton
4 years, 2 months ago by ryans1120
okay wait i didn’t mean to send those other two
4 years, 2 months ago by Jessica_J
My crush is my best friend, and I have liked him a lot for a while. The problem is, he used to date my ex best friend, so I don’t want to be a jerk... he is really sweet and supportive and literally gives me hugs every five seconds... I don’t know if that’s because he likes me back but doesn’t want to tell me. Or he is just a hugger. But I am the only person he does that to, to fingers crossed????? He also is pretty good looking lol... Also we hang out together every day and it kinda feels like we’re already dating, except it’s not a label and we haven’t opened up about our feelings in case of getting rejected or in case in ruins the friendship? Anyway I hope he tells me first (if he even likes me)... also over the six years we’ve been best friends, he has always looked out for me and supported me through literally everything. 🤞🤞
4 years, 2 months ago by Xxpuffish
His name is Aiden
4 years, 2 months ago by Xxpuffish
I like him because he’s easy to talk to and we share a lot of the same interests which is really important to me I think you would like them because he’s funny and knows how to have a good time and doesn’t mind it when I impulsively do stuff like trip him so I can win a game he isn’t dating anyone but he goes to a different school and we have a song which is wack
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by 133382
I have a crush on a guy who plays football. They are kinda quiet but really sweet. I love his smile and just the way he talks. I really like him but know that my parents would never never let me date them. They aren’t dating anyone at the moment. But I don’t think he’s looking. But it’ll never happen bc he barely even notices me and I’m too shy to make a move
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by elephants1
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by elephants1
Omg I wasn’t supposed to send that oops
4 years, 2 months ago by McKGoose44
Bruh the witch from the live action mulan. She’s hot, powerful, badass, has magic, and evil (ish). You can’t have her she mine, and she’s a single (but dead) girl