DON’T LIE TO ME. ❤️crush addition ❤️
4 years, 3 months ago by N470353
1) who is your crush? 😍

2) why do like them?🤗

3) convince me why I would like them.🤨

4) are they dating anyone?😬

5) if so...sorry girl/boy😕

I want 2 paragraphs. Whoever wins with the best sounding crush...wins my affection ☺️
4 years, 3 months ago by bruh_ava
i don’t wanna say who bc she’s already on bb, but i like her bc she’s funny, nice, has an awesome sense of humor, and is amazing to be around. i think you’d like her because she loves harry potter. she single (but she likes me back) and she’s a girl. oop i just realized this says two paragraphs
4 years, 3 months ago by N470353
No need for two paragraphs 🙃she sounds really nice ( I also love Harry Potter 🥰) and our names are both Ava!!!
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Ldatcodylv
my crush is not on bb but she is super nice, funny, easy to talk to and very supportive. Her name is Kailynn and I like her because she has the same interests as me (horseback riding) and we have been really good friends for as long as I remember and I actually don't remember is she's dating right now 😂 but she always helps me feel confident about myself and is never afraid to break rules to have fun.
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by marvel21
My crush is one of my guy friends. I’ve known him since second grade, but only caught feelings for him last year in 10th grade. Im honestly not sure why I like him ( not that he’s not likable cause he is). 😅 He’s super smart, funny, creative, caring, cute, athletic, and just super fun to be around, but that’s not really why I like him. I mean of course that’s a small part of it but there’s another part I can’t put my finger on. I think you’d like him cause he’s super smart (he’s really good at like every subject), he also likes surfing/boogie boarding, hates drama (there was some drama last year that he was kind of in the middle of and he hated it) and he also enjoys creative writing (specifically the fantasy genre). And he’s not dating anyone. Guess that’s it 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by loopAloop
He goes to my tennis class and is super good at it! Well first off he is super nice and if it gets awkward in the room he always makes funny jokes, and also he is so cute! You would like this guy because he is the nicest dude ever and supper sweet and always a gentleman! I don't think he is dating anyone, but I have not known him a long time and I don't know (so he is mine 😂). He is a guy his name is Jack. ❤️
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by -Nobody-
My crush is a guy I've like since the seventh grade. I'm a freshmen now. He recently moved but I still have feelings. He is really nice, and funny. He was in my band class. We were both in Student Cousil and we had this teamwork field trip thing. He helped out so much on it because I was scared. They had two different groups and me and my bff got split up. I've like him previously but this trip made me feel nice since he was helping me out. You would probably like him because he's caring. He cares for his friends. He helped me with my math homework and he does theater. I've went to a few of his performances.
I don't know if he is dating anyone. I know he technically broke up with someone on that trip. Him and I also played this one game on our phones together. He always won. Like I said before he is a guy. He's also straight. He's been my crush for a while. Anyways he also has dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He is a really great guy and I hope I can see him again in the future.
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by fcb_neymar
My crush is my guy friend that I've known for 4 years but started liking him last year. He is nice, funny, super smart, handsome, talented, great at soccer, handball and any sport really, he is always nice to me and just seeing him makes my day better, honestly who wouldn't like him. 😄 And he is not dating anyone thank God, but I don't think he likes me more than just a friend 😔
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by hamster4
Ok ok here is mine

So my crush is my best friend we have prolly been friends forever but got super close a few years ago. He is literally so sweet and I mean its sad he has been through a lot and sadly doesn't believe in himself. So he thinks i'm lying about liking him but. It is so sad he said we can not be more then friends because he can't risk losing me. Nope he is not dating anyone. Oh and I can't tell you if you would like him cause I ain't you. But he is a little tall I mean he is gonna get taller (we are only in 8th grade). It think he is about 5'8 maybe taller idk (also i'm just quite short but whatever)

yea not two paragraphs but whatever i tried
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by C_KNOTS_C
Her name is Isabel and we have been friends since kinder.I like her because she is funny and kind 🙂. You would like her because she is a protective person and cares about everybody(except bullies).She is single and I might be planning to ask her out.She is a girl. BTW she is in my profile picture. She is the one in the center with black hair.
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by workmanha
My crush is one of those guys who teases you but not in like a mean way. If that makes sense. My crush story is totally crazy. So me an him were good friends and we met because his best friend had a crush on my lol but I didn't know that at the time. So we all just hung out all the time. We all had Spanish together so that was kind of how we all became friends. Then the year after we met my crush's sister passed away (I met her literally not even a week before she passed away!) and so that is when I actually realized that I had a crush in him. So yeah, then I moved but not that far but far enough that we don't go to the same school anymore. I don't really know what kind of people u r into so idk if u would like him or not. So yeah.
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by workmanha
Oh an as far as I know they are not dating anyone (I haven't talked to him since March)
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Nanna_Ozzy
His name is Jake and I have known him for about a year. We haven’t talked much, but I know a lot about him from my friends who have known him since he was a little kid. I like him because he is so much like me. We are both the oldest siblings in our families, we both love music, and we both have the same kind of snarky sense of humor. Plus we are both super shy. He isn’t dating anyone, otherwise I would hear all of my friends teasing him about it. I am going to tell him that I like him next Tuesday, so wish me luck!😥
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by ks_wizard
My crush, (whom I've liked on and off for the past six years, creepy, I know,) is really funny, likes Hamilton (which is very rare in my social group), he's smart, geeky, and overall a really great person. I don't know whether or not he likes me back. But I don't want to be the one to say "Hey, I like you!" He always kinda-ish flirts with me, and sometimes will randomly walk up to me and tell me something like 'did you see the plans for the new disneyland hotel?' I vaguely, vaguely, vaguely remember him kissing me, on the cheek, but still.
He's single, and he's like me, never dated anyone. I'm like 90% sure he likes girls, but who knows?
One time, last year, there were like seven-ish of us, and we tried to squeeze who he liked out of him. He ended up telling to people, one of them told me. (Spoiler: it wasn't me.) He didn't tell me though, and we've known each other for eight years, and nearly went on vacation together. (But covid screwed that up.)
So yeah, that's my crush.
I really hope my friend on bb doesn't see, because she will legit, kill me.
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by ks_wizard
Also, we were going to go on a cruise (the vacation mention previously) and I was going to tell him I liked him then, cuz imagine being on a cruise, in mexico, on formal night, watching the sunset. And covid screwed up that plan. Also since we didn't have the same class last year, I kinda grew away from him, but now it's back on!
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by KLCatLady
My crush is someone I've known since kindergarten. I like them because they are nice to me and fun to be around. They are not dating anyone. They like me back. A boy.
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by juliannagh
my brothers friend 🥰 idk i like him because he’s so funny and cute and can talk to anyone and will talk to anyone and his laugh is adorable and his hair is gorgeous. you would like him because why wouldn’t you? he isn’t dating anyone although he talk to girls regularly but mostly they’re all friends i think. anyway. he’s just so pretty and god his laughhh. and he’s my brothers friend so i see him around a lot. he’s two years older then me 🥰
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by juliannagh
he’s also super fun like he’ll do anything. he’s spontaneous and pretty dumb but that’s what makes him fun to be around lmao
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by juliannagh
@C_KNOTS_C lol so your crush is really pretty 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by C_KNOTS_C
@juliannagh yeah ❤️