Aliens are attacking earth! You and 3 others are chosen to help... page 3
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by BuzzyBoy
Another scenario, but this time with my irl friends, Abby, Audra, and Ella.

I chose Audra because we have our hogwarts is here, voltron, and ouran high school phase together. So we're bonded now whether she likes it or not. I chose Ella because we have the same messed up mind, though our oversharing will do nothing to benefit us. I mean hey, it's not gonna not help us either. My brother made her cry in second grade so I feel like I owe her for that lmao. I chose Abby because we almost drowned together and dead ass saved my butt. Abby, Ella, and I have also known each other forever. My mom still knows Ella as "the girl with the bangs" even though she hasn't had bangs since third grade.

A n y w a y s. On to this very hypothetical situation. But only if Abby and Ella don't kill me halfway through the invasion for nonstop talking about my fictional men.

So this situation starts out in New York. Alien invasion all over the news and internet, giant ships blocking out the sun, blah blah whatever. Before my stepdad is able to tell us to get in the basement, I'm already stealing my mom's truck and picking up Abby and Ella. I got one of my chickens (her name is Waffle). I just hope she doesn't peck my eye out. I call Audra before the phone's go out and pick her up 12 hours later in Indiana.

In version 1 of events, we are beamed up in die before we could get to Nevada. In version 2 we successfully make it to Nevada (and area 51) 30 hours later. We are shot and killed by the guards because Abby was being a little b. In version 3 we make it to area 51 and somehow make it past the guards. We used my chicken to distract the guard. She pecked his eye out. We search the inside and attempt to find the aliens to free them. Here's our line of thinking: we free the aliens and become allies to the big guys in the sky and don't get killed, but there's a but. There's always a but.

There are no aliens to be found. Only ships and weapons. God dammit the aliens are at area 52. Well. The guards get us and we're arrested. I also wear an eyepatch now due to Waffle pecking my eye. At least we go down in internet history as the gods we are. But that doesn't last very long as. The internet doesn't exist anymore as, you know. Alien invasion.

The aliens did like Alien Boy by Oliver Tree and he is now their supreme leader.
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by fuzzyfox
Well of course, I will finish up your part 3!

I pick @Andyish cause he is very picky and we enjoy fighting each other so we might as well take that energy and battle the nasty aliens instead. @-marley- because we have so much in common and we are both so super goofy that we would fight wonderfully together, and then aughhhhhh this is a hard one. and I'll go with @marvel21 because she is so sweet and kind and I feel like she's be the softer, wiser one who is calm and careful, you know, the voice of wisdom.

So, where @BuzzyBoy left of, she has an eyepatch, there is no internet, and the aliens are in area 52.

Me, crazy spunky me, hears of the alien attack through Andyish , who is always very well informed. He sends me a message via carrier pigeon, (named Doug) and I read in shocked horror of the recent events. People killed? Cities destroyed? What has happened?! BuzzyBoy thinks that we should make friends with the aliens, but I think not- they are too unpredictable. After fighting with her in the first battle, I had decerned that they were wicked and despicable creatures, who would stop at nothing to take over the world. I am fixing to head out of the door, when I realize that Andyish and I can't do this alone, I slip a note onto the back of a butterfly, (named Georgey) who goes off to marvel21 and -marley- . Waffles the chicken comes to me with a message, telling me that Buzzyboy has gone to area 52 with her friends, and needs help! I put on fancy shmancy armor and head out the door. With shock, I look up into the sky to see a mighty spaceship looming over my house. Before I can do a thing, I see Andyish frantically motioning to me from beneath the shade of a far away tree, out of sight from the spaceship up above. I hear a noise and see a bright missile flinging itself towards me from the sky. There is no time to loose! I run like there is fire under my feet and make it, out of breath, to Andyish. I hear a frantic shout from -marley- and marvel21 come from a small cleft in the rocks behind us, and we dash towards them just as the bomb explodes and my house is shattered to pieces. -marley- has a space-shuttle waiting, and as we pile in and take off, marvel21 has an idea! What if we sneak into the main alien base up in deep realms of outer space, and take out their leader? Everyone knows that an army without a leader falls apart. Brilliant! -marley- and I plan the great kill, how we must do it, and how hard it might be. "We could slice his head off!" I made a sweeping motion with my hands. Andyish rolls his eyes, and with great finesse, explains how that would be impossible, since most space aliens really do have eyes in the backs of their heads, and he would slice us in half before I could get into range. Of course, we realized, he was right. -marley- is thinking how we could choke the leader, acting out the scene with great vivacity. marvel21 shakes her head and laughs. I glare at Andyish, still mad at his deconstruction of my plan, and he glares back. "well do you have any ideas big guy?" I snorted. He smirks. "as a matter of fact I do."

We have picked up supplies at a hidden cave, along with Andyish 's dog "Whinny", and after letting our allies know what we are doing, and helping them plan an attack while on earth, we blasted off into space. Using Whinny as our beacon, we located the mothership and began to plan our attack. Planning battles tend to give me an appetite, so I went to the supply closet, and as I opened it, a base ball bat rolled out and landed on my foot. "YOUCH!" I cried out. -marley- fell back laughing and marvel21 covered her mouth and giggled, Andyish didn't laugh, but raised an eyebrow and exclaimed, "hey!" he placed his fingers around the handle and picked it up. A nice metal bat it was, though what it was doing on the ship no one knew. He looked over at us and grinned like the cheshire cat. Whinny let off a howl from lack of cuddles. I scooped him up and looked at the girls. "are we thinking what he is thinking?" They nodded and -marley- hopped up and down. marvel21 closed her eyes and began formulating our wisest next move. This was going to be a beautiful enterprise.

Pt. 2 soon? ish? lol sorry this is so long 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by BuzzyBoy
@fuzzyfox i love how you built off of my story! oml i can’t wait for the rest
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by BuzzyBoy
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Andyish
@fuzzyfox @BuzzyBoy ill come up with something to add on to @fuzzyfox's story 😊 (just give me a while)
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by BuzzyBoy
@Andyish can’t wait to read it!