Aliens are attacking earth! You and 3 others are chosen to help...
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by BuzzyBoy
Aliens are attacking earth! You and 3 other braceletbook users of your choice must help save the human race. You do you choose and why? What do you do to save humanity? I will reply to your comment with whether or not I think you succeeded 🙂 Have fun and be creative |
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by workmanha
@-Nobody- @krazyknots @PotatoPeel lol I just chose the first three that came into my head 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Maialynn
Hi @BuzzyBoy I would choose @CakeCup (because they can make awesome among us figures) @Hk14 and @Addie_bug (cuz they are nice and entered my challenge)
4 years, 3 months ago by saviawsome
@innovate @Racoon @krazyknots
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by BuzzyBoy
Alright no one is giving me any fun stories so I guess I'm replying to my own thing lol.I would choose @masi_g, @fuzzyfox, and @11076330 to be part of my crew. I would choose Masi because I mean, who else would I talk about fictional men with while we're in space traveling to an alien ship or station? I would choose Fox because we have similar interests and music tastes and I'm going to need someone to talk to when I slowly slip into insanity due to Masi (jk... u n l e s s ), and 1107 because I enjoy talking to you and think you're really creative. I also talk to these three the most out of anyone on braceletbook. Don't know how any of this would help us against an alien invasion, but the government chose 4 severely underqualified kids to do an adult job and that was their mistake so anything that goes wrong is on them. In my little hypothetical version of events the aliens are inhabiting mars and have a nice cozy space station orbiting it. The first thing I do is shave my head because according google and the first answer it have me it takes 6-8 months to get to mars, and I am not about to have long hair and look gross in front of the aliens. Also, don't forget to pack snacks and more importantly, ear plugs. I talk A LOT. Oh lord this is going to be a long trip. In version of events 1, one of the crew members kills me (due to me being annoying of course) and turn back to earth, never reaching mars or the station. In version 2, one of the crew members kill me and the three of them play a game of among us irl. One is ejected and the other two turn home. In version 3, yay! we make it to the alien space station. We get to the alien space station. Here we have a lot of control over the colony if necessary, but only if we are able to over power and take about the aliens. But I say this is a no. They have laser guns. We do not. I wanted to try a peaceful attempt anyway so it's okay, I guess. In our peaceful attempt we offer the aliens kandi cuffs, friendship bracelets, and mcdonalds. If the aliens like our offerings, earth is saved and a peace agreement between earth and mars is created. Masi, Fox, 1107, and I are rewarded and given official government jobs involving both earth and mars. The human race sees us as heroes and we are celebrated. A holiday is soon created to honor us and we go down in history. If the aliens do not like our offerings we are immediately killed and a war has officially started. The aliens easily win and take over earth. Any surviving humans are enslaved. Human rebels attempt to start a revolution but fail. We can only hope there are a few left to try again in a few years. My crew and I only go down in history as disappointments and failures. |
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Maialynn
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by 11076330
Wait what im confused but I guess I will do this.I dont really do anything on community but I guess I will try it out
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by BrookeM124
@BuzzyBoy that's amazing
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Hk14
@Maialynn haha thx 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Maialynn
@Hk14 😜
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by 11076330
You have a wild imagination.I love that about you.I love aliens and I cant wait to get started 😜 (if the game already started then I guess...never mind)
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Maialynn
The aliens are attacking the larger buildings first, so we gather all the people that we can into the underground bomb shelter. We watch through the little holes in the ceiling to see the aliens destroying everything! When one alien try’s to smash the fountain in the square. And as soon as the alien touched the water it made an awful screeching noise! We found their weakness! I try to call the fire department, but-surprise surprise!-there’s no cell service underground. We will have to go out in the open... (to be continued)
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by BuzzyBoy
@Maialynn bruh you can’t just leave me on a cliffhanger 😭
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Maialynn
@BuzzyBoy lol 😂 bruh just gimme a minute!
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by -Nobody-
I don't really talk to people on bb a lot so can I make a story with my irl friends?
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by BuzzyBoy
@-Nobody- sure
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Maialynn
(Part 2) the aliens are uglier up close; gnarled twisted bodies, slimy skin, several rows of razor sharp teeth. We run out into the open, staying in the shadows. We make our way to the fire hall. For protection we each fill a cup with water from the remains of the fountain. We make our way to the back alley leading to the hall, but the debris is blocking our way. Suddenly an alien jumps to the ground behind us, we are trapped. All three of us instinctively splash the creature with our cups of water. It lets out a bloodcurdling screech! And then it’s just gone! Disappeared! We have to find a way over all the debris blocking the way. Just then 6 more aliens jump down behind us! The other one led them right to us! We scramble for our water cups, but we used all the water on the last one. So all we can do is run... but we can’t. We have nowhere to go! So we start digging through the debris, and make a good sized hole, we climb into the hole and cover ourselves up the best we can. The aliens start to climb on top of the pile of debris, squashing us! we can barely breathe when they finally decide to leave. We wait awhile to make sure they’re gone before we uncover ourselves. We start to climb over the pile, We made it to the fire hall! We quickly run inside and yell their weakness is water! We need the fire hose! Luckily one fireman hears us and runs to get the others. We go to the phone and call the water bombers in. In less than 10 minutes, the fire trucks and water bombers are speeding through the city! And all we hear is the bloodcurdling screeching. We got them! The city is still a mess, it will take years to repair it. Let’s hope there are no more alien invasions in the future...
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Maialynn
@BuzzyBoy there! 🥵
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by BuzzyBoy
@Maialynn congratulations you have survived an alien invasion! word of the water and their weakness quickly caught on and spread. while more arid countries were hit harder than ones by the coast, the human race eventually won the war! while no widespread recognition, you, your crew, and that fireman are recognized by your local community as heroes. maybe you’ll names will spread one day, just like the water, and you’ll finally get the recognition you deserve!
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by 11076330
I will chose @BuzzyBoy , @sadnymph , and @hahokiwi I chose @BuzzyBoy because they are very nice and I ❤️love ❤️ their patterns!I also chose @sadnymph because she is very nice and outgoing!Lastly I chose @halokiwi actualy dont know why (I know exactly why 😂) he helps me on my work and he is one of my fist friends. PART 1: Anyways we are at area51 and we see people from the military guarding this large area of land!All four of use were very curious so we snuck inside and we had no idea what was waiting ahead for us.We started waling for a long while then something caught the corner of our eyes.It was a giant spaceship!But not just any spaceship a U.F.O!We all couldent believe what we were seeing!!! But something just dident seem right.the U/F.O wasent being guarded by anything.That was kinda strange.So we took a closer look.Then we noticed that there were a bunch of lines on the ground. But the lines looked so new.We dident really understand why every thing just looked completely odd and unusual.We decided to take a closer look but then there was a loud BANG! The U.F.O made a loud noise that startled all of us.We took a closer look and then we realized the something was moving in the U.F.O! |