Anyone who does any type of physical exercise, or u just know a lot. I NEED HELP!
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by riley_fxX
So iv been working out for the past 7months, 5days a week 1hr a day. They are all (HIIT) workouts, (I also swam before that). Heres my prob....I haven’t lost any weight or gained any muscle or therefore DONT notice any difference!! I eat healthy and everthing. so if anyone knows why or what or anything, Please, Please tell me. It would help a lot!
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by meganff01
i’m presuming this is cus ur pool was closed during covid?? btw i don’t know loads about but i also swim and am back in the pool now so i’ll help how i can
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by meganff01
*due to
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by meganff01
it’s different forms of exercise which is a big change from what you were used to. atm how things are i’d focus on trying to maintain a little fitness because when you first get back in that pool it’s really really hard. a simple warm up feels rly tiring. dw tho cus it does get easier.
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by meganff01
hope this helps a little sorry if it’s kinda confusing
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by riley_fxX
@meganff01 yea I quit swimming 7 months ago, now after I quit swimming I immediately started dryland working out so..I don’t feel different rly
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by riley_fxX
@meganff01 I mean it’s been 7 months I should notice some type of difference, don’t u think?
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by JJbracklet
I mean I'm no expert or anything, but swimming is a pretty tough workout, and maybe the exercise you're doing now are just the same level as your swimming workouts. Where you losing weight or gaining muscle when you were swimming?
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by riley_fxX
@JJbracklet I wasn’t rly gaining muscle I mainted my weight, which I also am maintaining my weight rn with dryland. But I feel like I shoulda lost sum weight or smt. I mean ppl r doin Chole ting workouts and getting fit in like 2 weeks. While I’m here working out for 7mnts, with a much harder workout and being the same. Sry to rant.
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by JJbracklet
Oh yeah I know what you mean. But most of the people that are doing Chloe ting workouts and getting huge results haven’t ever consistently worked out, or they haven’t in a long time. Some of the weight they are losing is probably water weight. It sounds like you have been working out consistently for a while, so you are already quite fit. Maybe doing a few different workouts might work, like cardio or weights. Just remember every body is different 😊
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by riley_fxX
@JJbracklet yeah I agree, anyways thx for the help 😊
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by JJbracklet
No problem!
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by rumpleknot
@riley_fxX personal message me and i can try to help you, everytime i try to respond it crashes 🙁 sorry but i will definitely help you
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by riley_fxX
@eumpleknot yea idk if u got the private message I messaged u
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by rumpleknot
@riley_fxX yeah i got it
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by Elise64
I don’t have any tips, but can someone help me? One day I worked out at gym at school and my shoulders hurt so bad the next day that I couldn’t make bracelets. Another time my legs hurt the next day. And then I was reading about working out, and some things said that it never stopped hurting and I stared like crying because I never wanted to go to gym again, but I remember that I go to this place called ultimate obstacles and it hurts so bad the day after but it’s really fun, so I don’t know why I can’t work out. I am just scared that it will stop me from doing the things I actually like to do, and I also skateboard and I’m worried that I enter a skateboarding competition but I have to work out the day before and I get hurt. I just hate being forced to do something that makes me miserable 😭 all I want to do is a little workout each day and some days I will go skateboarding because I don’t ever, but I can’t even do the simplest of exercises that literally everyone can do like pushups and sit ups
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by Elise64
*because I don’t exercise enough
4 years, 2 months ago by adelaide0f
@riley_fxX ok, so this is my best guess - you’ve been doing the same type of workout for a really long time and You ARE getting more muscle and possible burning fat. However, the muscle is just taking the weight of the fat, so u r the same weight but have a better ratio of muscle to fat so more muscle less fat. If u want to lose weight, try running a couple times a week instead of doing a hiit workout. So pretty much incorporate a run into the week and it would probably help. I also swim but I’m not right now cause the lockdown. I do mostly running and incorporate some strength. srry if this is rlly long. You could even just run 1-2 miles to start. I normally run 2. When u start, just put a time goal, not a mileage goal. So say that u r going to run for 15 minutes or even less. That way, u can ease ur self into it without hurting yourself. After u can run ur set time, add a little more. And a little more. Remember that u should keep doing the HIIT workout through this because u don’t want to lose that. Also make sure that u replace the HIIT workout with the running, since u still want the same rest days, srry this was really long and I hope this helps!!
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by riley_fxX
@adelaide0f this helped a lot! I’m not sure if I can incorporate running in rn, cause of school and everything. But this def helped a lot! Maybe I’m gaining muscle and not noticing, I do feel like Iv maintained my weight so mabye that’s why. Anyways thx a lot! 😊
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by kmmorell
@riley_fxX I've been working out for over 4 years, every school day, and summer track over the summer, I did swimming for a while and it's totally different than land sports, but I would say If you are trying to get in shape, don't limit eating. I know people are all about counting your carve, but you should eat how you want reasonable, cuz your burning calories and every workout burns calories different. If you are going for reps. I would say quality over quantity. Doing it correctly 5 times will be better than 50 times sloppily. I also found that I'd be watching tv and I could workout while i was doing it, maybe do some v-ups, maybe a side plank.
With weight loss, I never lost weight. In fact I gained a lot of it in muscle. When you exercise HYDRATE. My coach always used to say, "hydrate or die-drate" and its so true. Muscle growth is when the muscle is ripped and then it heals. You are sweating out a lot of your liquids and you need to hydrate. Back to the weight topic. When I started working out, I didn't dive into the heavy stuff. just maybe a 15 minute jog and 5 minute ab workout. It slowly added on, and then I eventually was able to run 2-3 miles a day, do some sprint cardio running stuff and ect. A lot of people expect to have an enormous physical change, and some might! I noticed that I felt better mentally and I felt more confident. You said you have been doing it for the past 7 months, and haven't noticed anything different. Maybe try to do different type of workouts. I know different workouts work for different body types. Most of the swimmers I know didn't really gain that much muscle mass when they went into athletics.
Consistency is key, I know you said you've been doing it 5 times a week for 7 months, and I applaud you for that, that is probably the hardest thing people struggle with. Maybe light weight training. I know swimmers don't usually get beefed up if you know what I mean, but maybe just body weight workouts like pushups and burpees?
If you don't see any physcial difference, try to focu on how you feel mentally and how it has effected your emotionally
Hope this helps 😄