How to deal with a toxic friend??
4 years, 2 months ago by FarmKnots
So there’s this girl that I became friends with when I moved states and I see her just about every week. She constantly tells me how I don’t photograph well, how I can’t do makeup well, and then tries to tell me I’m sooo cocky. First off, my personality is very shy, and I try to be kind to everyone. It took my a lot of confidence to even talk to this person because I needed friends. I have never been rude to her I always just sit there in silence as she says things like that and she always says oh jk! Or it’s nothing about you though. And it’s always a lie. Not to mention to talks about how good she is at sports and how pretty she is allllll the time. Talk about cocky. My parents say to just ignore her but it’s hard since I don’t really have other friends. I don’t like hanging out with her but for some reason I still do. Any suggestions??
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by marvelnerd
I went through the exact same thing, for almost 10 years, before I realized it wasn't healthy to hang around her. What I would do is just use your voice (even if you're shy) Just tell her that you are not okay with the way she is treating you, and if she stops, then she is a true friend, but if not, I'd suggest that you tell her something needs to happen or you won't want to be friends with her. Just don't be super rude about it. but keep in mind that the things she is saying aren't always true and that people may bully or put others down because it has either happened to them, or they may be dealing with something personal. Hope this helps, and my pms are always open best of luck ❤️
4 years, 2 months ago by FarmKnots
@marvelnerd Yeah thank you! I have tried confronting her about it but she always laughs and acts like I NEED her in my life and that she knows I won’t leave so that’s kinda tough.
4 years, 2 months ago by montecarlo
a similar thing happened to me. i suggest hanging out with people that really care about you. when that was happening to be i felt so bad about myself but now i know who really cares about me. ad dont listen to the thing she says im sure you great and photography and looks dont matter cause your more beatiful on the inside than she is.
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by fuzzyfox
If you need a friend I am always here for you! 😊 ❤️

That is rough. I've had my share of those friends, although I haven't had many. At the time I am kind of friendless. Ohhh, I have friends, just none very close to me (in proximity, and I only have two relationship wise).
It's hard, but there are worse things than having no friends. I know that sounds awful, but it's true!
You don't need to continue a relationship with someone who is constantly beating you down. You need to love yourself, and realize that what she says isn't true.
Did you ever think that maybe she is having those feelings about herself, but doesn't know how to express it or ask for help? I don't know, that is just a thought.
Anyway, you can message me anytime you need someone to talk/rant/vent to. 😉 ❤️
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by knot2shaby
I’m sorry that you have to deal with that. 🙁 I know what it feels like, and it’s not fun. You could do things to distance yourself from the relationship like not reply to her text immediately, hang out with other people, and make bracelets! 😛
I’m here for you if you need someone!
4 years, 2 months ago by MozzaStix
Drop her. I wasted 2 years with a toxic friend and I really regret it. You can tell her directly how she is so and so and if she does manage to change then that’s good but if not then I guess find new friends.
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by kmmorell
@FarmKnots I had a friend exactly like that, she constantly told me I was stupid and that everything i did was pointless, and that i looked horrible. I figured she was probably insecure about some things and decided to take it out on me, so I just smiled and nodded and then crumpled those comments up and threw them away (figuratively) and anyways. I also thought she might be jealous? idk. Just try to distance yourself without causing drama, and if she causes drama and tries to include you in it, just don't. If you don't participate it'll show people that you don't care. Ik not caring about what someone says about you is kinda hard, but just remember your good friends and how they treat you and think about you. Stick with the friends who constantly build you up and make you a better person. Hope everything goes well
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by fcb_neymar
It can be hard to be just on your own if you dont have more friends yet but in my experience its better to have 0 friends than 100 fake and mean friends. real friends will come naturally if you hang out with the right crew of people ❤️
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by nev_m_07
I say stand up for yourself. It’s hard, trust me, I know, but confronting her will kind of show her that she is not the boss of you and that you are both equals. Right now, you’re letting her bully you and she thinks it’s okay, but it’s not. You must show her that you’re not going to let her be like that if you want her to stop. And like other people have said, it’s better to have 0 real friends than 1 fake one because they really are toxic people whose goal is to hurt you. It takes a while to find real friends, but once you do, your friendship will last for a long time. The best thing to do is stop being friends with her. First, stand up for yourself, then tell her you don’t want to talk to her anymore. From experience, she’ll probably try to apologize after a few days because she really needs you. Then, she might try to be friends with you again. If it works out the second time around, then good for you, but if it doesn’t, that’s okay. What’s important is that you stick up for yourself and find friends who have your best interest at heart. Hope this helps ❤️
4 years, 1 month ago by rabbycat1
Adults always say ignore them but its not that easy what i did was talk to some of there other friends and they felt the same way and then i started hanging out with them a lot more and then I didn’t feel like i needed there friendship anymore but i know al this can be hard but you’ve got your whole life ahead of you and you probably wont even remember her name in 30 years
4 years, 1 month ago by N470353
Are you dealing with this through text or in person?