Wanna learn to crochet? 😄
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by fuzzyfox
Hello there to you! This is for anyone who wants to learn how to crochet! I have been crocheting for a few years now and have it down pretty well. I love helping people, so if you want to learn, just let me know and I will help you the best I can! I can teach you how to make clothing, or little animals called "amigurumi", or both! 😄 First, if enough people get interested, I'll teach the terms and abbreviations, then how to read patterns, then how to make them! If there is anyone else who is really good at crocheting please message me if you would like to help host this. 😊 ~Marie (aka Fuzzy Fox) 😄 |
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by 09_blehh_2
I’d be interested
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by fuzzyfox
Yaaay @09_blehh_2 ! I need a few more people to come on over and then I can start 😄
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by 09_blehh_2
Ok but I’ll be at school most of the time
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by fuzzyfox
@09_blehh_2 That is ok, you can just read the posts when you get the time 😊
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by 09_blehh_2
Ok! 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by fuzzyfox
@saviawsome here is the post! Just lemme know if you want to participate! I'll be glad to help you! 😉
4 years, 4 months ago by saviawsome
ok 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by fuzzyfox
@AppleBunny hey! thought you might be interested in this? I'll be going more in depth on crochet things 😊
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by AppleBunny
@fuzzyfox yes!Thanks for mentioning me! |
4 years, 4 months ago by ClydeKitty
Oh my gosh! I have been wanting to learn for so long. I can make a small square and that is about it.... 😊
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by adiba
For crocheting which instruments we need I mean I don't know the name of I am curious to know 😄
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by BeadGirl16
I know the basics, but I’m looking to improve!
4 years, 4 months ago by adelaide0f
I would do this!!
4 years, 4 months ago by maggievsco
I always wanted to do "amigurumi" bee, but don't know from where to start. Like get acessories. Can you give me some help?
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by fuzzyfox
@09_blehh_2 @saviawsome @AppleBunny @ClydeKitty @adiba @BeadGirl16 @adelaide0f @maggievsco Alright! This is more than enough people! 😂 Time to get started! A lot of you asked what "instruments" you need to get started, so here is the answer! I found that when I was beginning to crochet amigurumi, it was easier for me to start with a bigger hook (the instrument 🤪 ) then what I would use now, so if you are totally new, and you are looking to buy the needed materials, I'd say you need to get about a size 4.5 mm or 5.0 mm crochet hook, and some medium (size 4 yarn). (If you have some experience, you might want to go with a smaller hook. I would use a 3.0 or 3.5 for a thinner medium (4) yarn.) What I would suggest if you don't have anything, is to get a pack of 3 hooks, sizes 4.0 to 5.5 is what usually comes in them, I believe. However, my first project was made with size 5 yarn and a 4.5 hook (not the right size....) and it still turned out ok, so if you have some yarn and a hook already, and can't or don't want to get more, just go with that! 😄 If you don't understand the yarn size terms, I'll explain: There are 7 basic yarn sizes, and each yarn size has certain "gauges" of hook that it should be crocheted with. Size 4 yarn for example, can use a certain hook, and if it is a fuzzy, thick 4, then you will have smaller holes, but if it is a thinner 4, you will have slightly bigger holes, which just depends on what the pattern calls for. It goes that way for each size yarn. When you look at a skein of yarn, it will have the hooks size you need, and the yarn size in little "boxes" on the cover, along with the yardage and weight. In most amigurumi, you use a smaller hook so the stitches are much tighter, and the stuffing does not come out. It just makes it look better too. But, like I said, if you are a beginner, start bigger! It makes it easier in the long run. 😉 What I would suggest if you don't have anything, is to get a pack of 3 hooks, sizes 4.0 to 5.5 is what usually comes in them, I believe. However, my first project was made with size 5 yarn and a 4.5 hook (not the right size....) and it still turned out ok, so if you have some yarn and a hook already, and can't or don't want to get more, just go with that! 😄 {Also: as I just mentioned, you will need stuffing of some sort. I use poly-fill, but if you are desperate, you can comb some cotton balls into fluff, and use that! 😉} For clothing, you do pretty much the same. For what I will be teaching first for that, you will need some 5 (bulky) yarn, and anywhere between a 6.5 mm hook to a 9.0 mm hook. I'd suggest the 6.5. Make sure when you are making anything, that you have enough yarn. If you are going to get one skein, it's usually safe to just go on and get two. 😉 Also, if you think it is worth it (and I totally do!), you might want to look into something called "safety eyes". If not, just some black thread and an embroidery needle will always work. 😊 😉 That is it for supplies! If I make this much longer y'all might strangle me 😂 I'll write again tomorrow. 😉 ~FF |
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by fuzzyfox
I did forget to mention, that if you are interested in making the large, fuzzy bees and other animals like you see on tic tok, you will need a bigger yarn and hook. Blanket yarn is usually the yarn used for the bulky animals. The hook really depends on the yarn. Just check on the cover to see what size hook you need for that particular yarn. I hope I am not confusing 😂 🙈 ~FF again 😂 |
4 years, 4 months ago by ClydeKitty
I have a question what exactly will we be learning to make first?
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by donuts98
I know how to crochet but I would like to learn how to do the amigurumi ones.
4 years, 4 months ago by ClydeKitty
another question: what is amigurumi?