stretching for the splits
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Sun_String
so I've been stretching daily and I'm almost all the way downing my side splits on the right leg!! I'm so excited but I was wondering if anyone has any stretches that help (:
I also want to try to get my middle splits but I am waaaay far from that so help?
what other flexibility things should I try to learn next?
p.s. I am NOT naturally flexible at all but I've been practicing like an hour a day for the past 4 months to get better lol
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by PotatoPeel
Hello, my left leg split is flat but my right and my middle arent. A tip is to stretch your hips as well, because you can get injured if your splits aren't square. A good stretch for that is to sit down, bend one knee and that foot is on the floor, then take your other leg and bring it to you chest, but dont bring your knee to your chest, you have to bring you leg. I hope that makes sense. You can also do a lunge that is really low, but make sure your front knee isnt pass your foot. Then slide back and bring your front leg straight, and bring your fingertios to your foot. Also if you have a foam roller, (you can also use a cushion that is a bit high) do your splits on that first, so put the foam roller under you pelvis. Then you can take the foam roller out and slide into full splits. Wow that was a really long comment 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Sun_String
@PotatoPeel tysm! Yea I’ve been using a pillow too as well as some of those stretches but I’m definitely going to try some of the ones you recommended tonight thanks!!
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by danielle_3
anna mcnulty has a tutorial that came out recently on her stretching routine that i do daily and i now have all 3 splits it’s only 10 minutes long btw.
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by nev_m_07
Here’s stretches that I did that got me my splits in a day (no joke) lunge with elbows on the ground, half middle split (also called a frog stretch i think). Also, even if you don’t have your middle splits, I highly recommend doing an oversplit bc it will give you a deeper stretch and make it easier for you to go down on the floor.
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by Haka_yt
So I'm an all-star cheerleader and I have all of my splits down and oversplits on my right side. Some good stretches for side splits are the lunge stretch where you have one knee not he gound and one foot and push your hips forward keeping your top knee in line with your ankle, for like 30 seconds to a minute is how long we do these at practice, as well as just holding your splits, and for like the last 10 seconds you hold raise your arms above your head. For the middle splits, I would say the frog stretch, make sure to keep your hips in line with your knees and be on your elbows to push down, and holding your splits. I would say to hold these like twice a day for at least 30 seconds and they should help. To be honest, it really just takes dedication. I have stretched every day for like 2 and a half years, and only missed a few days, and they don't have to be long stretching sessions either, some days I've ended up stretching in the locker room at school before gym because I didn't have any other time to do it. Just stay dedicated and you got this!!!
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by Sun_String
thanks guys!
@Haka_yt omg thanks so much! I was hoping a cheerleader or gymnast would reply haha cause you actually know what your doing (: I will definitely try these out! my right side is almost to the ground but left is still being stubborn haha but I've been putting in 30-50 minutes of stretching a day so hopefully I'll get it soon! fingers crossed!
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by Haka_yt
Yeah good luck!!! You’ll have them in no time!! (: