Bracelet King
9 years, 9 months ago by mimzy00
I see so many people on here saying they're Christian and faithful to the Lord and whatnot. And these people are very proud. But am I the only one that's afraid that a religion would get in the way of friendship? Because some religions despise others, correct? It can get in the way of friendship. I've always thought keep a religion to one's self to avoid making atheist and scientific believers from feeling awkward. I've know people who've became friends but once they said their religion they just stopped talking. I know some of my current friends have a huge problems with people boasting about their mighty religion and beliefs. But am I the only one afraid of making a friendship and ruining it with religion??
Bracelet King
9 years, 9 months ago by Robin99
As a Christian, I find that most people are pretty accepting of my religion as long as I don't try to force my beliefs on them. Some of my closets friends aren't Christians and we know to respect each other's beliefs even though we don't agree with each other
9 years, 9 months ago by lianazz
"Some religions despise others" is a super common misconception and it makes me really sad. I don't know about other faiths, but I know that Christians are called to love one another regardless of any and all circumstances. For some reason, a lot of extremist Christians seem to forget this huge commandment and turn to hate instead. So now there's a big very invalid stereotype put on all of Christ's followers. 🙁 To answer your question, the only time I've seen it get in the way of friendships, personally, is the way people live their lives. For example, I try to live in a way that is pleasing to God (not partying, doing drugs, etc) but my nonchristian friends enjoy doing those things so we've drifted apart. It's totally normal to be afraid of losing people because of what you believe in, but if you're respectful toward others regardless of what they do or don't believe in, then it shouldn't cause any problems. And if it does, maybe that friendship wasn't a healthy one in the first place. 🙂
9 years, 3 months ago by lac430
Religion is a personal matter. If others ask about then I think that is the perfect time to tell them about it. If you try to force it then your going to cause awkward situations, arguments and even have people stop talking to you. I've had family members stop talking to me because I said that I was a wiccan. Some of the ones who stopped talking to me are ones I grew up with. Since then I haven't told anyone else about it.
Bracelet King
9 years, 2 months ago by Fliparz
@lac430 I'm sorry your family had a problem with you being wiccan. What exactly is wiccan? I tried looking it up online but didn't get a straight-answer. Is it like witchcraft?(Please excuse my ignorance)
Bracelet King
9 years, 2 months ago by Fliparz
I guess religion can ruin a friendship if they both preach their religion. But just don't talk about it or if your friend tries to spread their religion, just change the subject. You know what people say, don't talk about politics or religion.🙂
Bracelet King
9 years, 2 months ago by Lily99
Wow, interesting thread! Personally, I think it's easier to be close friends with someone who shares your religious/political beliefs. My town is mostly Christian, so people just assume everyone is Christian. I was raised Catholic, but no longer attend church or identify as Catholic. While I still identify as Christian, my faith's not really a key aspect of my life. This has made a friendship with a much more church-involved girl a bit difficult. I'm also very pro-LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) rights, which can make friendships with more conservative people, of any religion, tough. It can be hard not being able to talk about something you're very passionate about, due to differing views. I don't choose friends based on religion, but I prefer being around people who I know won't be bothered by my opinions.
Bracelet King
9 years, 2 months ago by GraysonJax
Being a Christian doesn't mean people can't be friends, we will not force are religion on you 🙂 people make mistakes and God let Adam and Eve make a choice so we should let everyone make a choice if they want to be a Christian or follow another religion.