overprotective parents? page 3
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by juliannagh
omg same🥺
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by juliannagh
i’m 14 can’t date don’t have snapchat and hardly get to do anything fun. they also don’t like that i don’t talk to them so they’re always getting mad at me
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by juliannagh
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by juliannagh
and the types of clothes i’m restricted to... smh 🤦♀️
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by juliannagh
honestly strict parents have lead me to be secretive and i lie to them a lot. i don’t think they sus me half the time lmao but i do a ton of things they don’t know about. i climb on my roof in the middle of the night to look at stars or talk out loud to myself (or my crush who lives two streets down but isn’t on the roof with me ofc) or just cry and if they knew i went up there they would probably take away my phone or smth. i talk to my guy friends which they would be super paranoid about if they knew and i sometimes change clothes when i get to school. i don’t understand why the don’t trust me so much or restrict me when i am the most responsible out of all my siblings. my brother is the one with the failing grades and bad reputation but yet again i get stuck with the same restrictions he does. so yea that’s pretty much my whole life story.
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by Shelly2121
my parents are slightly overprotective. theyre cautious about every site i visit and that makes watching youtube real weird
4 years, 2 months ago by FarmKnots
My parents aren’t half as bad as some of these that I’ve read. I’m 14 and I’m not allowed to have safari on my phone or Instagram unless they unlock it. I’m not allowed to watch YouTube but the problem is it’s my safe spot. At night I used to have a random phone I found and watch tik toks because I wanted to see what all the rave was about. They eventually found out and restricted my phone even more. After that I started going on YouTube on my computer. I would never watch anything bad, innocent craft and pet stuff. The problem was I did it at night because that was the only time I was not getting caught. It got to the point where I couldn’t sleep unless I watched a video. Then they found out about that and here I am. So so many restrictions. It’s hard for me to sleep at night and it’s embarrassing. I can’t search anything on safari. I have to ask permission to simply use my camera. They read my texts and look through my camera roll and recently deleted. The worst thing is I’ll sometimes take selfies or pictures of myself and they make me feel stupid about them. I know I’m not the most trustworthy, and I’m working on it. But I would NEVER be online at night if I had access during the day. If anyone gets what I mean I’d feel so much better
4 years, 2 months ago by MozzaStix
Not really that overprotective but I got Facebook in 9th grade while a majority of my classmates got them 2nd grade. I wasn’t allowed to watch spongebob when we were younger. I still don’t get why though. But now I’m allowed but I’m not that into cartoons anymore. Now they’re pretty chill though.
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by Not_User
My parents aren’t as strict as some of the people in the comments!! But they won’t let me have any form of social media (they don’t even know you can talk to people on this app 🤫🤫🤫), I can’t FaceTime my friends a lot which is VERY annoying during COVID, if I talk about a boy that is a friend (no no not a boyfriend - 2 words boy friend) they immediately start like questioning me
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by -avarxse-
Hmmmmmm let’s see... I have kids Netflix, don’t have a phone, have a “fAmIlY” phone when we go to our friends houses on our bikes (I can’t go to mine bc they live across a not even busy street) instead of just buying me one, I have to turn in my iPod at 9:00, bed at 9:30, get yelled it if I’m up past 9:31, my texts are read, even my ROBLOX messages are read, gets grounded for deleting texts, NO social media, ya they’re bad a lot of the time
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by -avarxse-
Oh yes, also have to approve purchases, and my parents literally SHIP me for the rest of my life with any single boy I mention, so I can’t even mention my 5+ guy friends
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Vivi07
I can’t watch anything above a UK 12 rating on Netflix or Amazon without them putting in a password which I’m NoT AllOweD tO kNow. They have put restrictions on my phone such as not being able to download an app without my parents having to put a password ID in my dad’s phone that I dOnt KnoW. I’m in bed before 9 every night unless its the holidays. I’m not allowed any social media... it took me 3 months to persuade them to even let me get WhAtSapP. It took me a long time to persuade them to let my use my phone upstairs and let me take it to bed (for my alarm on school days) with the compromise of me having my data off, airplane mode on, wifi off, phone on silent and all that. If I go out with my friends they will want to know exactly what time I will be back, how long I will be, where I go, whether I will buy anything, what I buy, where I buy it, who I go with, how many people we will be etc. I wasn’t allowed to go out by myself or with a friends until one month before my twelfth birthday. Before I got my card they always made me get receipts... I escaped that soon enough by saying that they’re bad for the environment. I recently got into skateboarding and I’m not allowed to go without a helmet, knee and elbow pads, wrist guards, and a coccyx protector thingy. I’m not really allowed to be on call much with my friends. If I do, they wanna know who I was calling, why, what we talked about etc... I’m not allowed to be on WhatsApp group chats (which I am anyway as i have reasons for these ones). I’m not really allowed to post status updates on WhatsApp. I can’t really tell them much about my friends cos my friends are always mad at each other and my parents DON’T GET IT when people argue. There’s more stuff but i cbb to type any more. SoRry fOR RanTiNG
Bracelet King
4 years ago by alison_f
My parents aren't really strict but they do make me go running every day 🙁
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Vivi07
@alison_f at least running is fun. I do like running (:
Bracelet King
4 years ago by JBanana
@nev_m_07 my parents are almost like yours but i can't have a cellphone and i can watch not kids shows but most of the time with them 😭
Bracelet King
4 years ago by 2006_Mandy
Now I realize how lucky I am after reading all of these posts... I'm not extremely happy but I know I am grateful (and hopefully I am no longer nearly failing as I'm in new courses, I don't know. My point is I am always willing to talk if anyone needs to. 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years ago by Elise64
@alison_f whaaaa??? Lol I HATE running I can hardly play tag with my friends for even 2 minutes! 😂
Bracelet King
4 years ago by danielle_3
i think that they just don't understand that it's much different for us at this age than it was for them. like they didn't have phones, social media, and like all the streaming services with all these different shows that are not appropriate in their opinion. i think that hey assume we're living the same life they did at out age. they could've also had strict parents growing up so maybe they just are used to that.
4 years ago by rayasun
Lol @Hazel23 you are talking to the queen of overprotective parents. My parents won’t let me watch ANYTHING rated above PG, and sometimes they won’t even let me watch some PG movies. If I hang out with friends I have to be home by 5:30. I’m not allowed to go to sleepovers. I can’t walk or go on bike rides or do anything outside by myself. My shorts have to be at least fingertip length and I’m not allowed to wear any shirts that show my shoulders or stomach. My parents just took my phone away for two months because I was “on it too much.” And oh yeah I bought my own phone because my parents wouldn’t buy one for me. The other day I wanted to hang with friends and my mom made me sign a contract saying I would do my chores before I left. No explicit music but they’re insane if they think I’m gonna follow that rule. A lot of the time I go over to my friends house if I want to watch a PG-13 movie and then I lie to my parents and tell them I watched some Disney movie. Umm not allowed to have white shoes or black nail polish. I bought my own AirPods but my dad hates when I use them because he thinks I disconnect from the world. My brother is 17 and his curfew is 11 PM. Not allowed to date until I’m 16 and even then I’m not allowed to have a serious boyfriend, I can only go on casual dates. Don’t you wish you had my life? 😂😂😂
4 years ago by rayasun
Oh and I can’t keep my phone in my room it has to stay on the “phone counter”