overprotective parents? page 2
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by marvelnerd
Ok, so my parents are strict on what I wear, and the type of music I listen to, oh wait let's not even mention the movies/shows I'm allowed to watch. So I can't wear dresses or skirts above the knee, nothing that shows any part of my stomach, and most ripped jeans. And they want us to only listen to Christian Music, but I kinda don't do that. Oh, nothing that is not pg other than shows they approve of and marvel Movies, although sometimes I don't stick to that one either. Oh yeah they also don't let us have phones, and we couldn't watch tv until the age of 5, but my younger siblings can. But they do let us get piercings, and dye out hair and experiment with different clothes( That match their standards) So they aren't super strict but at the same time they are. 😊
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by marvelnerd
oh, forgot to add they act super weird when we have friends that are boys and we are not allowed to date until we "get our PhD"
4 years, 3 months ago by Joselyn-C
Omg I know me to I’m not aloud to ride my bike anywhere except for around the block
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by nev_m_07
@Joselyn-C same. It’s soo annoying!
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by nev_m_07
@2006_Mandy yeah me too 😔
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Hazel23
Now my parents are saying that I might not even be allowed on youtube🤨
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Lizzie_Ann
i have so may restrictions on my phone, and my parents told me that they won’t take them off unless i buy the phone. I use apple phones so litteraly it’s going to take soooooo much money to buy a new phone. my parents just tell me it’s not the end of the world, and when i tell them everybody at school has social media they’re like “not everyone has it, (friends name) dosent have it.” And the friend dosent even want it 😩
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Elise64
@amazingme omg you CANT EVEN BE FRIENDS WITH A GUY OR SOMEONE IN THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY?!! That’s literally terrible! Like I think anyone should be able to hang out with whoever they want I understand someone not being allowed to have a boyfriend but literally they shouldn’t control who your friends are!
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Elise64
@BrookeM124 😏😏😏
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Elise64
@loopAloop anything shorter than ur knee?!! I HATE KNEE LONG SHORTS THATS SO STUPID 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Hazel23
@Elise64 yeah I don’t even own them.....
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Hazel23
BrookeM124 they read my texts and found out when there was nothing for a boy lol
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by BrookeM124
@Hazel23 My mom got so mad when she found out that I was texting/Facetiming a boy and she told me that I wasn't allowed to text any boys 😐 But I still do 🙈 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by loopAloop
@Elise64 I know right and there all made for old gramas so there not even slightly cute!
4 years, 3 months ago by lemonlime0
To all of you that posted things on here: Things will get better. I know I’m only a year or two older than most of you, but they do. My parents were strict but I never realized how lucky I am. You probably came here to relate to people and look for solutions. There really aren’t many direct ways I know that you can help yourself other than to be responsible. The best thing to do to please strict parents is to be the perfect child (or at least the favorite) don’t step out of line and try to go out of your way to please them, like cleaning the house when they are not home, or doing good things without being asked. If you want something like a phone, don’t ask them all the time. People use that tactic often, but it doesn’t work on strict parents. Do things that make them trust you. If they read your texts, let them, don’t do anything that would make them feel like you can’t be trusted. If you have nothing to hide or cover, they will start to trust you, slowly. Study, please study. Sacrifice your time now to studying and being responsible. If you completely respect them, all you have to do is do things that get subtly get them to respect you.

Things will get better.

Middle schoolers: having a phone or a snap score or whatever crap middle school morons care about now does not define your worth as a person or a friend. Please excuse my language but in middle school, pretty much everyone is a dumb-donkey (if you know what I mean) in high school, you can find friends who don’t care about dumb stuff like that. Also, don’t be ashamed to watch cartoons! Sometimes they are funny when you are older because you catch all the jokes that little kids don’t understand. Cartoons are great! I’m a sophomore in high school and I still watch cartoons. Nobody in high school is going to treat you weird because you still enjoy the loud house and Craig of the creek. If they do, than they don’t deserve to be friends with you.

I think I have one fellow high schooler in here: to her, I don’t know you but never forget that you are a wonderfully amazing person. You may be going through a hard time right now but please hang on. Don’t disregard anything I said to the middle schoolers because it applies to you as well. You can still pick yourself up from where you are.

Also remember that you can’t change your parents, they probably have around three times the life experience you do. Remember I don’t know any of your unique lives and situations, so it is perfectly okay to take this with a grain of salt! (Especially from a stranger on the internet)
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by amazingme
@Elise64 I've learned that the best way to avoid the whole situation with my friends is to talk about the ones they know, then slowly incorporate the others in. I don't mention that their LGBTQ+ or dating, and honestly, I don't even mention their names a lot. I let them check my text messages whenever they want, and basically listen to them on ever other occasion. They're starting to get lenient now and they trust me, so I'm not pushing them rn.
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Elise64
@Hazel23 wait how did they find out that you deleted texts? Did they see u doing it or is there a way through family sharing or something that they found out?
Bracelet King
4 years, 3 months ago by Godluvsu
My parents are over-protective. 13 and can't even watch most pg-13 movies. 😂 at 12? cant watch marvel. Oh well. AT least it shows they care(care wayy to much.) Even though its extremely annoying and also shows zero trust. and i have literally done nothing to break their trust, EVER!
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by donuts98
@lemonlime0 Thanks, I think you’re right, we just have to be patient and try our best (Even though it’s really hard now) 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by Puppy12345
Wow... I thought my parents were strict I am 11 and can ride my bike around town but I can't have social media but I don't want it anyways so I am fine with that.