for the girls page 9
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by chianned
first things before i even get to know them is either their eyes or their jawline (im weird if those r weird things idk tbh) when i get to know them the thing that stands out the most is their personality my type of guy i she's brave, taller then me (he dosnt have to be tall just taller then me) funny, adventurous, sweet, and creative like who wants to be dating some boring person oh and they cant be needy like i was dating this person he was sweet but he never gave me my own space like he would walk me to my classes, wait for me to get out of my classes, and every time i was free like at lunch he would walk me around but i wanted to be with my friends and that was everyday but he was nice
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by chianned
oh and i also notice their smile and the way they look at me
Bracelet King
4 years, 2 months ago by Not_User
His eyes *unless we meet through a screen or some place where I can’t see him in person* or his smile (omg I’m such a sucker for a cute smile)