Normal pattern: crochet cat stitch
Bracelet King
1 week, 6 days ago by goldflower
I thought it would be cute to make a normal pattern based off of the crochet cat stitch but I can't figure out if it would even be possible. If anyone wants to attempt this that would be great Something like this but again I think this exact design isn't possible. Any amount of strings is ok and I'd prefer a solid normal pattern but if it has to be shaped that's ok too. ------bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ------cbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ------ccbbbbbbbbbbb-bbbbbbbbbbbbb ------cccbbbbbbbbbb--bbbbbbbbbbbb -----ccccdbbbbbbbbb---bbbbbbbbbbb --cccccccddbbbbbbb----bbbbbbbbbbb ---cccccccccbbb-------bbbbbbbbbbb b---cccccccccbbb---------bbbbbbbb bb---ddcccccc-bbb---------bbbbbbb bbb--ddcccccc--bbbdd------cbbbbbb bbbbdddcccccc---bbdd------ccbbbbb bbbbbddccccc----dddd------cccbbbb bbbbbbdcc-------dddd-----ccccdbbb bbbbbbbccc---------d--cccccccddbb bbbbbbbbccc------------cccccccccb bbbbbbbbbcccdd------c---ccccccccc bbbbbbbbbbccdd------cc---ddcccccc bbbbbbbbbbbddd------ccc--ddcccccc bbbbbbbbbbbbdd-----ccbcddddcccccc bbbbbbbbbbbbbd--cccccccddddccccc- bbbbbbbbbbbbbb---ccbccccccdcc---- bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb---cccccccccccc--- bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb---ddcccccc-ccc-- bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb--ddcccccc--cccd bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbdddcccccc---ccd bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbddccccc----ddd bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbdcc-------ddd bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbccc--------- bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbccc-------- |
Bracelet King
1 week, 4 days ago by goldflower
Thanks for checking this out but I just made something that will work so I don't need help anymore
1 week, 4 days ago by halokiwi
Very cool idea. I wanted to put some thoughts into it, maybe I still will, but I'm excited to see what you came up with 😄
1 week, 4 days ago by halokiwi
Here's my attempt btw #185155
Bracelet King
1 week, 3 days ago by goldflower
@halokiwi Thank you so much! I love your version it makes me think of a houndstooth pattern but with cats. Catstooth