Bracelet King
3 weeks, 2 days ago by J3ssica
I LOVE #65007 but would love it more if it were a little shorter n in color. If anyone can do this for me, I would REALLY appreciate it.
Bracelet King
3 weeks, 2 days ago by Cirivere
One option is to stop at row 58-60 somewhere, plus fill in the colours by imaginationhere's some alternatives with colour: #125842 pretty colours, minimalistic, shading- no face though #39820 coloured, cuts of shorter than the one you linked I have submitted an alt colour for #39820 |
Bracelet King
3 weeks, 1 day ago by J3ssica
I'm aware I can use my imagination for the color. N I know I can cut the pattern short too. But... It's so good that I don't want to do that. I would REALLY appreciate a shorter version. My mom loves Cinderella n she beat cancer recently but has been feeling insecure since getting reconstruction. N she's still in a lot of pain too. I want to make it for her as a reminder that she is a beautiful princess. Lol Well... Technically a queen but... U know what I mean.
3 weeks ago by account482
Okayy I made something although the mouth and eyes are really not the best but I hope it helps! #184398