Cute couple
Bracelet King
1 month ago by J3ssica
Looking for someone to make #119478 in a larger size if possible. I'd love to make my uncle n his husband a beautiful wall hanging celebrating their union. They've been together for over 30 years and finally was able to wed in my hometown's Catholic church a couple of years ago. Their love is beautiful. Ty in advance.
Bracelet King
3 weeks, 6 days ago by xdarkfirex
What size would you want? Also, would you want it to have any more detail or no? I could do it pretty quickly if it’s the same but just bigger, but it would take longer to add more details
Bracelet King
3 weeks, 5 days ago by J3ssica
Like maybe between 50-60 base by 50-60 rows n if you can add eyes or facial features... That would be REALLY cool. Unless it's too difficult.
Bracelet King
3 weeks, 4 days ago by xdarkfirex
I had some extra time today so it should be up soon!
Bracelet King
3 weeks, 4 days ago by xdarkfirex
Here it is: #184156