Looking for Lettering!
2 months, 3 weeks ago by ericashell
Hi All! I’m looking to make a thick keychain for my mom for Christmas! She loves pink and her name is Caryn Wondering if someone can make me a pattern or guide me to a place I can figure out how to do the letters lengthwise. Thanks a ton!! |
Bracelet King
2 months, 3 weeks ago by pulserasAG
You can use a pattern that has the entire alphabet and only use the letters you need! ❤️
Bracelet King
2 months, 3 weeks ago by pulserasAG
some examples are #172772 and #178451 but there a ton of this patterns ❤️
3 weeks, 1 day ago by ElsaG
I made one of these before, what I did was take a piece of paper and drew a grid on the top I put how many boxes as I had base strings then vertically I put how many I needed. Then in those boxes color in the boxes with what the leading string would be. This way you can have you own guide of how to do it , this is a simple way (2 colors). But you can make it how ever this is just how I did it when I made one a long time ago for some e
3 weeks, 1 day ago by ElsaG
Someone *
Bracelet King
2 weeks, 6 days ago by Cirivere
https://www.braceletbook.com/patterns/?keywords=font you can find a tonne of fonts in the alpha bracelet patterns.As the other comment said, check the height of the letters + a border, say the letters are 8 boxes tall, and you want a border on both sides of 2 boxes, that's 8 + 2 + 2 = 12 strings. Then knot using the letters from the font pattern as a design, taking each letter of the name you want to make. if it is a shorter word and you want a bracelet- knot a length of plain knots first, so the name will be beautifully in the centre of the entire bracelet |
Bracelet King
2 weeks, 6 days ago by Cirivere
it would also maybe be cute to take little hearts or flowers and put those on the sides, EX:#121564 but replace the middle vines and flowers with letters #108499 but make it ?? cm, cutting off at one flower, then do the name, then follow the pattern of flowers again |