I wanna buy some bracelets
3 months, 3 weeks ago by Elwa
Hey y'all,I don't have much time on my hands right now and im on a tight deadline. I was wondering if anyone will make some bracelets for me. You can then send it to me and I will pay you. We can use eBay or Marketplace or another online store. I currently want 178306 and 177523 to be done. I need them to be 24cm/9.5in. I am willing to pay $3 CAD each. Reply if you are interested. I will need photos before I buy. |
Bracelet King
3 months, 3 weeks ago by Arkengheis
That is bordering on slavery... A 24 cm bracelet would take anybody at least 3h, and personally it would take me all day. And it would take more than one skein of thread. Here DMC is about 2€. So you'd be working for 0.3$/h 😬
Bracelet King
3 months, 3 weeks ago by Arkengheis
Actually I just realized one of the patterns is one I've knotted, and it took me at least 6 or 7 hours for 15 cm...
3 months, 3 weeks ago by halokiwi
I agree 3 CAD is way too little for a bracelet. You can barely cover the material cost with that. The cost of sending it (not sure, if you are willing to cover it yourself or if you are expecting the creator to cover it) would probably also exceed that. If you do want it for that price, you got to make it yourself. There is no way you can pay the labour that goes into it at such a low price. #178306 has only 8 strings, so it will be relatively fast to create. I would guess at least an hour, if not more. #177523 has 15 strings, so it will take longer. I approximate at least double the time because it is also a lot more complex. Braceletbook is not the place to do business transactions. I recommend that you check out offers on etsy. There you can find people who will tie custom bracelets for you. They will offer them at a more reasonable price, which will be a bit higher than the one you suggested. |